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  1. bussyDESTROYER

    forums that dont allow proxy

    100% glowie operated. beware boyos
  2. bussyDESTROYER

    official vintologi survey

    who doesnt?
  3. bussyDESTROYER

    i need to land a bullshit job

    yer im insentientmaxxing hard atm i need income. i cant live off loans forever
  4. bussyDESTROYER

    i need to get a comfy setup like this

    ill run qubes like the anonfag im
  5. bussyDESTROYER

    blending in with the normalfag tutorial

    seems legit
  6. bussyDESTROYER

    i need to land a bullshit job

    i just want a chill pretentious job where i get paid to do nothing. how do people even get these jobs i just cant phantom it...
  7. bussyDESTROYER

    damn i use thumbs up all the fkn time aight so now i know my success with normalfags will go up if i stop using thumbs up emoji. what a fkn clownworld ngl...
  8. bussyDESTROYER

    Democrats r nazi af

  9. bussyDESTROYER

    Democrats r nazi af

    they r just virtue signalling about all the sjw stuff. in reality they r all white supremacists
  10. bussyDESTROYER

    Youtube channels

    u need to watch casey neistat and alike to normalfagmaxx watching braindead shit like faze clan is also a good way to keep up the younnger insentient gaymer audience wether u like it or not, they set the trends. nothing u can do about it
  11. bussyDESTROYER

    i need to get a comfy setup like this

    my plan is to have one big curved expensive tv screen as my main monitor and a bunch of cheap small ones on the sides that display all the security cameras outside the house
  12. bussyDESTROYER

    blending in with the normalfag tutorial

    r u running gentoo or something? is it that unstable that u constantly have to edit config files?
  13. bussyDESTROYER

    never give in to faang coonsomerism

    lejit parents hamper ur prosperity as an autist so much. u have to leave that toxic environment asap
  14. bussyDESTROYER

    blending in with the normalfag tutorial

    what r u making with emacs? w/e u r making there probably exists an alternative
  15. bussyDESTROYER

    i need to get a comfy setup like this

    my setup will probably look more like this but thats good enough tbh
  16. bussyDESTROYER

    i need to get a comfy setup like this

    lol at some standard office soydev gaymer setup this is where it is at my goal is to get enough money for 1 bedroom apartment and build a comfy diy setup like the above
  17. bussyDESTROYER

    never give in to faang coonsomerism

    glowies will try to discourage u by making memes like these but u have to stay strong and resist. as an autist, privacy and anonymity is a must. never let glowies and normalfag tell u anything else
  18. bussyDESTROYER

    hot tranny pornstars thread

    Izzy Wilde
  19. bussyDESTROYER

    hot tranny pornstars thread

    Chanel Santini
  20. bussyDESTROYER

    Societal survival of the fittest what to think of this?