aight so now i know my success with normalfags will go up if i stop using thumbs up emoji. what a fkn clownworld ngl...
u need to watch casey neistat and alike to normalfagmaxx
watching braindead shit like faze clan is also a good way to keep up the younnger insentient gaymer audience
wether u like it or not, they set the trends. nothing u can do about it
my plan is to have one big curved expensive tv screen as my main monitor and a bunch of cheap small ones on the sides that display all the security cameras outside the house
lol at some standard office soydev gaymer setup
this is where it is at
my goal is to get enough money for 1 bedroom apartment and build a comfy diy setup like the above
glowies will try to discourage u by making memes like these
but u have to stay strong and resist. as an autist, privacy and anonymity is a must. never let glowies and normalfag tell u anything else