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  1. Kevin_Logan

    About pedophilia

    Indians also eat cow shit. Should we do it as well?
  2. Kevin_Logan

    what is the best gyarados build for gen 9?

    I have used thunder wave in gyarados before, but only in defensive sets. I good gyarados lead set that I created for gen 4 was this one: Gyarados @ Lum Berry Ability: Intimidate EVs: 124 HP / 252 Def / 132 Spe Impish Nature - Thunder Wave - Roar - Waterfall - Taunt
  3. Kevin_Logan

    should waifubots have detective skills?

    Why does a sexbot need "skill"?
  4. Kevin_Logan

    what is the best gyarados build for gen 9?

    Well, yes... thunder wave is kind pointless in a sweeper gyarados since is a waste of a turn. Its much better a substitute than a thunder wave, especially since thunder wave got nerfed in gen 6.
  5. Kevin_Logan

    Rate the Prime Minister of Finland

    Those fucking souless eyes
  6. Kevin_Logan

    which pc joystick do you recommend ?

    For what I heard its better have a adapter
  7. Kevin_Logan

    what is the best gyarados build for gen 9?

    In this case I guess that the usual "dragon dance" set is okay enough. You might wanna put his tera type ground to counter eletric types. Set his nature to jolly and make his ability "moxie" will probably be the better option. In the case of item I guess that sitrus berry is good enough.
  8. Kevin_Logan

    tekken became absolute shit

    The only tekken that I played was 5
  9. Kevin_Logan

    virgin forum

    They killed the forum again, jfl
  10. Kevin_Logan

    what is the best gyarados build for gen 9?

    Defensive or ofensive?