4 contestants refuse to throw their teams under the bus for 1 million $


As you might already be aware mr beast is doing a tv show and a common theme there is having someone else safricie themselves in some way for you to advance.

For the moment in question each team selected a leader who would be offered a large sum of money to eliminate their own time.

Later mrbeast revealed that the leaders they selected were immune so if someone were to safricie themselves they would be allowed to stay in the game.

The sum offered to them was then increased gradually to see if someone would crack. There was a cap of 1 million $ where at that point you could no longer delay pressing the button in order to earn more money.


Before watching the show i was thinking that maybe one of the participants were simply waiting for the amount to grow much bigger before pushing the button to maximize the amount of money they would earn but that simply wasn't the case, at least not at 1 million dollars were all 4 refused to throw their whole team (except themselves) under the bus.


At this stage you could no longer earn any more money but waiting longer to press the button but still all 4 stood their ground.

I was suspecting that one of them was going to crack at well over a million dollars (such as 1.5 million) but since it never went above 1 million we will simply never find out.


Why people refusing the money wasn't too surprising
people will not let other people down if they put their faith in them, especially not if they get selected as a leader and the entire world is watching.

A lot of people want to be heroic and show the world how great they are.

Of course here the teams did put effort into selecting someone they thought they could trust but people often get that stuff wrong judging by how politicians act.

It's also simply the case that most people do not want to screw over other people, while this is obviously true it's just one of the reasons at play here.


People want status and power more than money
While money is great i do think people generally want status and power more. Given that it doesn't make sense to let other people down if you are selected to become their leader.

You do not want ti signal to the world that you cannot be trusted with power if you want to attain it, instead you have to signal that you are a great person they can trust.


Many of the people mainly in it for money had already taken themselves out via bribes
The first bribe offered to everyone was a million $ in total for anyone willing to drop out, in total 52 people took that getting 19231$ each. That's significantly more than the average of 5274$ each for the remaining participants for the 5 million $ price pool (the actual average is higher due to other prices offered though).

later they were put in teams and offered up to 100000$ to eliminate themselves and all the other people in their newly formed teams (where anyone else in your team would get nothing and still be eliminated). That did take out most people primarily in it for the money.

If your main goal is winning the competition it might actually be better to keep your team alive since those people will be likely to help you out later when needed. This actually happened twice in episode 3 (at least) with one of them actually declining the offer for help.