A transgender approach from a dragmaxxer without Transgender Ideology, path for a future Dragmaxxing Manifesto?


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My Transgender Approach, my Rejection of Transgender Ideology

I consider myself a transgender woman (without HRT, social transition only), but I don’t give the word “transgender” the meaning it has in Transgender Ideology, which I reject. For me, a transgender person is someone who wishes to live socially as a member of the other sex (whether they currently do so or not).

What is “Transgender Ideology”? In official discourse, this ideology is supposed not to exist. Only far-right conspiracy theorists would speak of “Transgender Ideology”. Yet it is an essential component of Wokeism. We should be allowed to name the ideas associated with it, in order to discuss them and compare them with alternative ideas. The content of Transgender Ideology can be consulted on any information media on the subject published by transactivist associations. In many Western countries, it is currently taught in schools. This ideology stipulates that:

Transidentity does exist (transidentity: having a gender different from one’s biological sex; experiencing transidentity = being transgender),
Gender dysphoria is a symptom of transidentity (and cannot have another cause),
Self-determination (what a person says about their gender) is the (infallible) way of knowing whether a person is transgender or cisgender (non-transgender),
Being “in the wrong body” makes transgender people unhappy, and they should transition to feel better.

Personally, I don’t know if transidentity exists. I thought it did for a while when I transitioned socially (then I quickly “trans peaked”). Gender dysphoria can be explained in other ways. From my discussions with other people concerned, it became clear that the desire to transition could have a wide variety of reasons. In all likelihood, it was a choice. That’s why I’m bothered when I hear people say that “being transgender is not a choice”. It seems to me that it discredits homosexual people when they say the same thing about their sexual orientation. I don’t rule out the existence of transidentity, but this explanation is actually being used as an umbrella for the most diverse motivations. In any case, I believe that self-determination says nothing about its author, and that considering it as an infallible means of knowing one’s gender identity opens the door to serious abuse. There are alternative explanations for people who wish to live as members of the opposite sex.

Ray Blanchard believes that men who wish to live as women are divided into two groups: homosexual and non-homosexual men. The latter are motivated by a sexual fetish called “autogynephilia”, the fact that a man is sexually and/or romantically attracted to his own image as a woman. Blanchard’s highly controversial theory caused a furor among transactivists. Michael Bailey, who adheres to it, has been the subject of considerable persecution, particularly after the release of his book “The Man Who Would Be Queen” on the subject. Today, the theory is demonized and autogynephilia is taboo. In my experience, based on a large number of testimonials, it does exist, even if it can’t be generalized to all non-homosexual men who feel the need to live as a woman. I think it’s a big piece of the puzzle, not the whole puzzle.

Hyper-heterosexuality can also drive a man to live as a woman. It’s generally thought that a man characterized by very marked heterosexuality is necessarily very virile, but the result can be the opposite. I myself am a hyper-heterosexual biological male, and in my head I live in a world without men. I don’t like the style and appearance of men. I listen almost exclusively to female singers; male singers generally don’t suit my tastes. Historically, I admire women so much that I imitate them. When I was still living as a man, people often mistakenly thought I was homosexual, because of my style.

Dissatisfaction with what society expects of men can also drive a man to live as a woman. Men have a mediocre appearance, live in a “semi-Kabul” in the matter of clothes (dull, uninteresting clothes), nothing sexy is provided for them (appearing sexy in public feels incredible, but only women are allowed to do so), they are de facto forbidden to wear make-up and generally to do all the wonderful things women can do. What’s more, a form of feminism (which denigrates these things) tells them that not having access to these things would be a privilege.

Transmaxxing (or dragmaxxing when there is no medical transition) consists of a man transitioning to a woman as a way of achieving fulfillment in life. Because of evolution, because of the historically dangerous nature of reproduction for women and non-dangerous for men, men and women have not adopted the same sexual/love strategies. Women are by nature much more selective than men. As a result, some men are excluded from anything to do with love. We call these men “incels”. These men benefit from transitioning to women, I’ll come back to this point later. Similarly, fat fetishist men are considered as perverts, monsters, especially by the (fat or very fat) women they love. Except, of course, by those who are themselves fat fetishists, but the fat fetish community is 80% male, and the 20% of women, who are, as I’ve found since I started living as a woman, actually very successful in their neighborhood, don’t need to wait for a fat fetishist man who lives several hundred miles away. Fat fetishist men are therefore incels. What’s more, they may not want to damage a woman’s health by encouraging her to stay fat for their own pleasure. There’s only one body you can do whatever you want with: your own. So it’s in their best interest to be themselves their own ideal fat girlfriend, who fills them with happiness when they look in the mirror, while enjoying the pleasure of constantly being hit on and complimented by men – and therefore to dragmaxx, too.

When I transitioned socially, I didn’t know the concept of transmaxxing. But I was very impressed by what was happening to me in society. I was about 40 and 125 kg (I gained weight on purpose, due to fat fetishism), and men were turning on me, there was a lot of staring, compliments and flirting (I had a large number of partners, like in the “Carousel” described by masculinists, which only young, slim women are supposed to experience, according to the theory of the Red Pill movement). I hitchhiked one time and the first car stopped (a single man). Even women liked me more than before. Many told me that appearing as a woman suited me much better. What a contrast to what I’d experienced as a man, especially at school when everyone called me “trisomic”! I have an autism spectrum disorder, but that was no longer a problem as a woman.

For an incel, transitionning to a woman changes everything: he’ll go from “trisomic” to sex bomb. A woman can’t really be unattractive: men are few selective and have a strong fetish propensity, so all women are attractive to at least some men. As for fat fetishist men who have voluntarily gained weight: they are in addition feminized by their obesity, so dragmaxxing (without medical transition) typically already gives excellent results. Every man may have an autogynephilic side, which he can use if needed. I’m not particularly autogynephilic myself (especially compared to others). Yet I find it delicious to be in love with your own image, which has taken the form of the woman you’ve created yourself according to your own criteria.

I believe that transitioning as an adult because of autogynephilia and/or with a transmaxxing/dragmaxxing approach is acceptable, as long as you don’t conceal the reason why you’re doing it (for example, by making people believe you’re trans-identifying). Of course, one person’s freedom ends where another’s rights are violated, and it’s essential to respect certain common-sense rules:

Trans women must not go to women-only places,
Trans women must not participate in women’s sports,
Trans women must not benefit from measures designed to promote women or from advantages naturally provided to them by the market (car insurance prices, etc.),
Trans people must not transition administratively,
All transitions must be self-financed.

(Non-exhaustive list.)

It’s very important for anyone following any kind of transgender path not to fall into victimization. We are fortunate in the Western world to enjoy a generally high level of acceptance of transgender people. We need to be aware of this. It hasn’t always been this way, and this cannot be taken for granted. Non-approval of a transgender approach, disagreement with an assertion of a theory relating to a transgender approach (for example, the existence of transidentity, or the acceptability of autogynephilia), and misgendering in particular, do not constitute transphobia, should not be confused with hatred, are not within the remit of justice, and do not in themselves impede individual freedom. Following a transgender path doesn’t always make life easier in certain areas (professional, etc.), but as adults we need to be able to understand the consequences of our actions (not least by putting ourselves in other people’s shoes) and take responsibility for our choices. It’s up to us to make the most of the opportunities offered to us by our choices. If we fail to respect the framework of reasonable freedom, if we see in it only transphobia and hatred (as I unfortunately see all too often, with the false Left leading the way in this matter) and prefer to violate the freedom and rights of others in the name of a perverted vision of social justice, the current acceptance of transgender people is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term.

See https://anti-religion.net/trans_approach_transgender_ideology.htm


New member
I’m not sure that biological women are sexually aroused just by wearing their normal clothes. The Western world may be living its Lysenkoism period (researchers with dissident conclusions seem to experience a sort of persecution). But whether autogynephilia as a sexual fetish can conduce biological men without transgender identity to transition or not is not very important for us, because transmaxxing/dragmaxxing is about transitioning in order to improve your life, just because you want it, it doesn’t rely on the righteousness of a particular theory. Contrarily to Transgender Ideology: if transidentity doesn’t exist, people who were told that they were in the wrong body were deluded, whereas it changes nothing for transmaxxers/draggmaxxers.


I’m not sure that biological women are sexually aroused just by wearing their normal clothes.
Keep in mind tthat hormones have a big impact here.

In surveys trans females on HRT answer in a similar manner as cis females but it's different for people born male who have not started their transition yet. Even this blanchardian found AGP to be rather common in cis females:



https://archive.is/v9MI9 https://archive.is/09VKN

https://archive.is/JiAVq https://archive.is/XVt6o

The Western world may be living its Lysenkoism period (researchers with dissident conclusions seem to experience a sort of persecution).
Nobody has gotten into trouble for comparing trans and cis female sexuality as far as i know (blanchard and baley both refused to do that).

But whether autogynephilia as a sexual fetish can conduce biological men without transgender identity to transition or not is not very important for us, because transmaxxing/dragmaxxing is about transitioning in order to improve your life, just because you want it, it doesn’t rely on the righteousness of a particular theory. Contrarily to Transgender Ideology: if transidentity doesn’t exist, people who were told that they were in the wrong body were deluded, whereas it changes nothing for transmaxxers/draggmaxxers.
It's not a "fetish" in the first place. It's more like a sexual orientation.

Also keep in mind that you may want to claim that you identify as a female or that you were "born in the wrong body" even as a transmaxxer since people are more familiar with that narrative. As a transmaxxer you can choose whatever narrative that works best for you in your current situation.


New member
“People are more familiar with that narrative”, even woke Leftists react very negatively when I explain my trans approach, which doesn’t correspond to classical Transgender Ideology. But we should stay honest about our goals, it’s very important for me maybe because of my autism spectrum disorder and my education. If we lie, Conservatives will be right. I’m from the real far-Left, I believe that sexual fetishes/orientations (no difference for me) are OK as long as all is done with willing adults. Even woke Leftists are very conservative compared to me (but I’m heretic, so they call me “fascist”, “misogynist”, “transphobic”, etc.) I think that this transparency about its own goals is more important for dragmaxxers who just have a man’s body. We shouldn’t say that we’re real women just like the others if we don’t think that it’s the case, we shouldn’t go to women-only areas while having a man’s body and believing we are men. That’s why I spoke about a Dragmaxxing Manifesto: in this manifesto (contrarily to the “Transmaxxing Manifesto”), going to women-only areas for example would be considered as forbidden.


I believe that sexual fetishes/orientations (no difference for me) are OK as long as all is done with willing adults.
Honestly even that is cucking out way too much.

Teens should also have the right to enjoy sex, shouldn't be reserved to people over 18.
Yes I think transition should be allowed based on human rights principles of ownership and property, not sure is also your idea since you said you're far left.

According to me (I'm not far left, I'm pro human rights), you own your body, you do have a right to change it as you want, for any reason, and you don't have to give anyone any reason or ask permission or have someone to tell you how you should do it.

I found interesting your enumeration of elements of the trans ideology. But I was curious, if not this ideology they push which one instead? I was thinking a broader approach could have been transhumanism. What's your idea instead?


New member
I am from a “societal far-Left” which didn’t give up common sense, contrarily to the Democrats. I’m a Libertarian, not a Socialist, so 100% for capitalism, ownership and property. Woke Leftists say that I’m from the far-Right, because it doesn’t correspond to their dogmas. If I were from the Right (a Conservative), I would say: “In the Bible, wearing clothes of the other sex is described as an abomination, so transgenderism is a perversion for God.”

I think that adult people have the right to change their own body for any reason, but they shouldn’t force other people to pay for it (or to approve it). In Socialist France, there is only one health care insurance (from the State), and according to the current ideology, this insurance pays for HRT and transgender operations. That’s not good.

Instead of transgender ideology: a diversity of reasons why people want to live as members of the other gender, for example, in our case, transmaxxing/dragmaxxing: in particular incels and/or fat fetishists (more generally, “kinkcels”) have everything to gain from a male to female transition, even if they don’t think that they actually have transidentity (then the real reason shouldn’t be concealed and it implies some duties, like not going to women-only areas).


Basically there are 2 problems currently with medical transition.

0. Massive anti-trans movement (has become worse over time).

1. Fertility.

Dragmaxxing is perhaps more in line with current political ideology as long as you accept your status as a second class citizen "male".