Abortion, not Auction?


It seems like Liu's been making little steps toward taking the childrapepill.

Edit: I meant to say Auction, not Abortion.

As the World's Smartest Leader, I argue with a lot of dumb people including professors. Now that I am advocating for #AuctionNotAbortion, stupid motherfuckers came out the woodwork saying this is slavery, so here I am trying to dispel that myth.

1. A newborn baby ain't gonna magically gonna pick cotton even if you whip it.
2. The adoptive parents are the ones being working like slaves to keep the baby warm and fed, unless they rich and hire a nanny.
3. The first custody of the newborn is the adoptive parents at the hospital where the auction took place and hospital staff trains new legal guardian how to take care of a newborn. If the adoptive parents are to resell children for sexual exploitation, they fall under the same laws that protect regular children.
4. Dumb ass statement - "You can't put a value to human life." You tell that shit to the insurance company trying to pay for your claim if you walk across the fucking street and get hit by a fucking car.
5. Dumb ass statement - "You can't sell human, it is wrong." That is stupid assumption. Every human life has a value and it is not equal, Hunter Biden's life is no better value than a crack whore and certainly isn't worth half of a pure breed Chihuahua. It is the value of a newborn life that is saved and not be discarded as trash.


Staff member
The best solution might be C-section and not let the biological mother bond with the child, it would be similar to abortion but without wasting viable babies.

Someone that pays a lot of money for a child will be likely to take good care of that child.

We could match the child with someone genetically close, it would be somewhat like having your own biological child.