About pedophilia


This is a topic i have avoided for the most part. I don't want to rush into any conclusion here at least not if it's less negative about pedophilia than it should be.

It's also not that fun of a topic to cover really and most people just avoid thinking about this for rather obvious reasons.

But there is also a lot of people with pedophilic disorder and not properly dealing with that problem can have really bad consequences. Young children often cannot physically handle being raped very well so there can be very bad physical damage in addition to the psychological consequences.


Pedophilic disorder vs normal male sexuality
The normal male sex-drive is centered around impregnating females. Males are normally attracted to females that show signs of fertility much more so than any attraction towards females that show clear signs of infertility.

People with severe pedophilic disorder are instead primarily attracted to prepubescent children to the point where they are a danger to themselves or others. They may rape children causing severe physical damage only to later end up in jail.

It is worth noting that even males with normal sexuality may still sexually abuse children for other reasons such as wanting to have full control over others or due to sadism. Some male may also resort to pedophilic sex due to not having other options for sex similar to how some otherwise heterosexual males resort to gay sex while in prison.

Example of female attractive to males with normal sexuality:

She has very nice breasts making her very appealing for sex and impregnation.

pre-teen girl model:


Very few females are fertile at 10 but almost all of them are fertile at 15 so peak attractiveness should be at 15 to 17.

It is worth noting that there are 2 evolutionary reasons for males finding children appealing, that however does not have to be sexual, it can simply be about we finding them beautiful.

0. Taking care of your own children or children closely related to you should increase the reproductive success of your children and this has been favored by evolution (people often care a lot for their children).

1. A child that is currently infertile is very likely to become fertile in the future.


How to we best deal with males who have pedophilic disorder?
I do think it's beneficial for society to offer those males a legal outlets for their sexuality that does not result in any harm towards children.

Today with technology we can generate erotic material for pedophiles without using anyone under the age of 18

0. You can make VR porn for pedophiles or porn games for them
1. You can use ai generated child-pornography.
2. You can hentai for pedos to watch.
3. Make real porn using actresses that look like prepubescent children after editing.

We can also sex-dolls for pedophiles so they have sex with that instead of raping 7 year olds.

This however is only meant towards pedophiles who are actually following the law instead of trying to have sex with young children or watch porn featuring people under 18.

But even with these accommodation being a pedophile would still be really bad. It would be great if we could actually eliminate this disorder instead of trying to come up ways to deal with it. I wouldn't hope for too much in terms of curing people who already have pedophilic disorder but maybe it will become less prevelant over time if it's selected against (such as due to pedophiles ending up in jail or getting chemically castrated).


The chemical castration option
One way to make pedophiles less likely to pursue illegal activities is by simply castrating them chemically.


The problem with merely reducing testosteron is that it's bad for the health long term, you could argue that we shouldn't care about that if the pedophile raped young children but surely there must be a better option available?

By adding estrogen we can prevent those health issues and also make them more empathetic to hopefully make them care more about children. Main problem with adding estrogen however is that it will likely result in high sex-drive eventually given the following results for trans females on HRT:


It is definitely worth doing a randomized controlled trial on HRT to see if it's effective in the case of males with pedophilic disorder, doesn't have to be voluntary if they are convicted of a for society very problematic crime.


Pedophilia and raising children
Pedophiles create a lot of problems when it comes to raising children in making activities that would otherwise be fine (such as having the child be naked) highly problematic since a pedophiles could end up going far into the abuse territory.

It's now a bad idea to let your children be naked in public since someone might take a photo of that and it can very easily spread on the internet.

Where do we even draw a line for what a pedophile that also has children should be allowed to do?


What if a child wants to engage in say sexual play?
The answer is simple, they can do that stuff with other children of similar age.

Even if we could come up with situations that wouldn't be harmful for the child in theory in practice it's too dangerous since a pedophile would likely escalate something harmless into something very much harmful. People with pedophilic disorder should be extra careful around children since they might end up abusing them if they are tempted.

Besides the likely harm pedophilic sex has it's also very much off-putting for most of us similar to how we find zoophilia disgusting.


Utilitarian arguments for pedophilic sex and their problems
You could of course come up with contrived scenarious where pedophilc sex seems to make sense from a utlitarian perspective.

0. Using pedophiles for cheap child discardance (having them take over the responsibility for free).
1. Using a few children to satisify a lot of pedophiles (by having them constantly raped or whatever).
2. Rewarding elite males with access to pedophilic sex (as a reward for their contributions to society).

Even if say 1 would result in higher average quality of life for the children and pedophiles directly involved due to a lot of pedophiles having fun for every suffering child (which itself is actually rather questionable given the alternatives that doesn't involve child abuse) there is still the problems of it normalising pedophilic sex and a lot of other people finding it very much disturbing.

With elite males we probably want them to actually reproduce for the most part (rather than having sex with infertile children) and having elite males engage in pedophilic sex would create significant anti-elite sentiment which would be very bad for society.

1 and especially 0 has the problem if having children get traumatized which would create a lot of problems for the future, you do not want to allow that to take place within your country since it would be bad for you.

Note that if you find any case where encouraging pedophilia makes sense it's probably a rather nasty information hazard and you should just shut up about it.

4. What if you have to choose between a Swedish child being raped and 100 nuclear bombs detonate around india?

The answer is obvious



Well-known member
the evolutionary reasoning behind pedophilia is imprinting and pair bonding.

it's much less likely with a rebellious teen cunt.

pedophilia is a spectrum, and should be discussed as such, for example, what's the harm in licking loli feet?
religious Indians even do it as part of the culture.

it's a great option for orphans.

what should be banned is pederasties, and the satanic ritual of circumcision, which involve rabis sucking on mutilated baby dicks.


Well-known member
I would argue girls get traumatized not due to rape, but due to artificial societal norms, a poison dripped into their heads. with the goal of population decrease, and maintaining a reserve of beta providers for post 30 yo women to marry.


Pedophilic disorder goes against what we actually want females to look like
We should not normalize attraction towards flatchested females. If you don't like breasts as a male you are gay at best but you could also simply be a pedophile. Sure some males might go for a flat female because he cannot find anything better but then maybe other females are rejecting him for good reasons and he shouldn't reproduce in the first place?

And no i do not think we should ever try to normalise not having breasts as an adult human female, it very much isn't normal and should never be viewed as normal. Breasts are important for providing nurishment towards children in addition to being very nice for sexual activities.