Countries to flee to


Leaving your country is a drastic and sometimes neccessary step to take. The fact that you leave does not mean you give up on the country you leave behind, now with internet being politically active does not require you to live in the country you are trying to change, living far away is actually safer since the power structure may target dissidents in various ways.

You dont want to be forced to take harmful psychiatric drugs (community treatment order or psych ward torture) or be jailed becuase you fucked a 13 year old girl.

Age of Consent = 14
language = Estonian
imprisonment rate * 100000 = 187
murder rate * 10000000 = 319

Age of Consent = 15
Language = Icelandic
imprisonment rate * 100000 = 37
murder rate * 1000000 = 30

Age of Consent = 13*
language = Spanish
murder rate * 10000000 = 594

* fucking anyone under 18 can still be illegal depending on circumstances

Age of consent = 14
Language = German
Imprisonment rate * 100000 = 94
murder rate * 10000000 = 118

Age of consent = 15
language = Swedish
imprisonment rate * 100000 = 43
murder rate * 10000000 = 114

Psychiatry laws are bad but mentally ill people are still ignored due to lack of resources (including people that want to be taken in).

The swedish culture is rather bad but it may be changing to the better.

The swedish public sector is dysfunctional in general and thus having people close to you that you can rely on is important, the dysfunction does also have significant upsides, you are less likely to get convicted after breaking the law (copyright, Age of Consent, hate-speech, etc).


Moving within the united states
The worst laws tend to be implemented by states and not the federal government.

I will now go over the states with no laws for forced drugging and, this is useful for avoiding brain-damage and other horrible iatrogenic effects. It's expensive to operate mental hospitals and thus you are generally safer if they actually have to take you in to chemically and physically torture you.

Age of consent = 16 (bad)
imprisonment rate = 150
Homocide rate = 200
violent crime rate = 3381

Age of Concent = 16 (bad)
imprisonment rate = 338
Homocide rate = 230
Violent crime rate = 2074

Age of Consent = 16 (bad)
improsonment rate = 584
Homocide rate = 620
violent crime rate = 5411

Age of consent = 16 (bad)
improsonment rate = 343
murder rate = 770
violent crime rate = 8850

Age of Consent = 16 (bad)
improsonment rate = 407
murder rate = 860
violent crime rate = 4687

age of consent = 18
murder rate = 740
It's important that the AoC be at least a few years younger than your optimal AoA, in case there are early bloomers.
The younger the better obviously but I mean out of the available choices, it’s relatively on the lower end. Spain used to have 13 as the aoc but that changed to 16 iirc.


How to flee
If you are hit by a community treatment order or are stuck in some other bad situation you might have to resort to simply fleeing because fighting isn't realistic. In Sweden some courts for forced treatment trails side with psychiatrists 100% of the time meaning you have no real chance of winning in court against these quacks.

If you are going to essentially leave everything behind including your cellphone, just removing the SIM card isn't enough to remain safe

Do not talk about this to anyone who can find out your real identity prior to fleeing and do not contact anyone about what happened to you.

Just getting away can be tricky and the price for failure is high. Once you have modified your appearance it will be easier, next step is getting a fake identity.

Of course it will be far easier if you have someone from the outside helping you out but finding someone willing to do that will be difficult.


Surviving once you have fled
A tent can be used for shelter.

There are several ways to get food including
  • Finding edible food that was thrown away
  • Soup kitchens
  • Using money you saved from earlier
  • Using money you made somehow
  • Begging for food directly (this is risky, you want to avoid attention).
If you are female you will probably be able to rely on males for resources and things will be easier for you, if you however are male then you will probably be on your own.

Cash and other valuables can be stored in the ground (under dirt).

You can store valuables in your rectum via a condom.


Well-known member
Aoc dont mean much when you are an incel.
So to expat what do you need to do?
What are the procedure to get citicenship
Transfer your money
Buy a house
Get a job or secure income
Social security
Studying a new language can take years

But the us is collapsing


Well-known member
Remain in Europe. I can go visit Ticino, they speak my same language and they know my kind because a lot of sexual tourist buy their services.

It’s useless to be a sexpat if you live in Europe.


How bad are taxes in Sweden?
The income tax in sweden is still very high, especially if you have a high income (over 100000$/year).

Black = left after taxes yellor = VAT blue = income tax orange = tax paid by your employer

To prevent people from going around this by having their own company they added special rules for companies controlled by 4 parties or less (if you are related it's counted as one). This means that the amount of money you can take out from an "aktiebolag" (limited liability & shares) is limited to 50% of what was paid in salaries if you want to take out more than 171000 sek.

In exchange however the tax on dividends is lowered to 20%, you do however also pay a tax when you make profits so the total is 37.12% until 2020 where it will be lowered to a total of 36.8%

If your company is successful to the degree where it's beneficial for you to have employers that means that you will only pay a total of 36.8% in tax for your profits, for some reason you are also obligated to be paid a salary but that can be kept below the cutoff (509 300 sek).

If you are the only employee however the max income you can earl (after tax prior vat) without being his by insane tax-rate is just 50484 sek/month. You still end up having to pay 41.3 % in tax earning you 68904$ a year after tax.

Of course then when you finally spend your hard earned money you pay tax again (25% VAT) so only 80% of what you paid actually go to the product, the rest go to the government.

Of course when you have a business you also have abilities to deduct things you pay for that are not only used for the company, they are not really willing (or even able) to crank down effectively on that. You can buy a 4000$ computer for the company and then use it mostly to play videogames when you have spare-time (assuming you have any time for that).

Of course you need to make sure you get everything right or you will be hit by a surprise bill from "skatteverket" for the tax you have to also pay and then you also need to pay a penalty of an added 40% which will be very expensive. This has happened to people who tried to do everything right but then the court ruled against them (tax-laws for companies are very complicated).

It's of course possible to move profits from your company to a company you have registered in some other country (like Estonia) and thus pay far less income tax in Sweden, your Swedish company can buy something from your Estonian company for a very high or sell to the Estonian company for very cheap, that way your Swedish company becomes unprofitable (or at least far less profitable) on paper and thus you need to pay far less in taxes.


Taxes in estonia
The income tax is just a flat 20%

Employment income for residents is also subject to unemployment insurance premiums at rate of 1.6 percent and mandatory funded pension contributions 2 percent. Your employee also to play an additional 33.8% on top of your salary.

If you have your own company you only need to pay taxes on profits when you withdraw money as dividents/salary and, you then have to pay tax twice (20% each time). Unlike Sweden there isn't any complicated rules limiting how much money you can withdraw while avoiding an insane tax-hit.

When you buy a product 20% VAT is added.


Is Estonia the best country in the world?
It's not just that taxes are low, it's also that the government is reliable and laws are among the best.

There is however one significant issue, the birthrate is only 1.6 children/female, this is not sustainable.

There is tension between ethnic Russians and estonians

Their school system is the best in europe if we are going to go on the pisa report



Estonies have had bad experiece with having a lot of russians living in their country not even trying to integrate. EKRE wants to severely restrict immigration from outside europe and instead try to increase the fertility rate.

It was claimed that they were science clange deniers/sceptics but that seems to be nonsense

Their program for supporting estonian families is a bit strange, they may have copied a bit from the third riech. The also have anti-gay policies for no good reason:

We help young families get home. Children are our future, we find an opportunity to provide housing for families with children, we strengthen traditional marriage and family values.

We pay 25% of the home loan of a married young family or the costs of building a home with the birth of each child, taking into account the average home loan amount.

We define marriage in the Constitution as a union between a man and a woman.

We stand up for traditional family values, repeal the Cohabitation Act and do not allow same-sex couples to adopt children.

The kindergarten must remain voluntary for the child.

We reduce the child support income by a quarter for each child until he or she reaches the age of 18.

We value raising children, taking into account the length of service of raising children from the second child onwards.


On the topic of America, what is your thoughts of the freedom culture in America?
It's a mass-delusion, they tell themselves "we are the land of the free" but other than gun-rights they are really not that great in terms of giving people freedoms. Unitid states has the higher number of prisoners in the world (both per capita and in absolute numbers).

Land of the fee

Home of the slave

They are not that great for business either even after 4 years of Trump, Estonia is still more business friendly and you can legally have sex with 14-year-old girls there too.

One thing unites states does well is having a strong military, they pay their soldiers good wages allowing them to attract good competent people, a lot of european countries instead rely on the conscription insanity.


Oh, I see, how is it where you live?
There are many issues with the Swedish society.

We face political limbo with parties trying to push in different directions, none of them of course offer any real solutions. There is a general issue in Sweden of just fussing societal issues under the rug pretending everything is fine, this was the case with immigration until it got so bad (and Sweden democrats got too many votes) that they finally started acting.

Sweden also handles covid-19 badly with Anders Tegness pursuing a herd immunity strategy (and lying about it), they also lied about masks not helping in an attempt to make sure the healthcare professionals got enough (they still didn't) becuase they were not smart enough to stockpile, they are still denying the efficacy of masks because they are unwilling to admit they lied.


New member
There are many issues with the Swedish society.

We face political limbo with parties trying to push in different directions, none of them of course offer any real solutions. There is a general issue in Sweden of just fussing societal issues under the rug pretending everything is fine, this was the case with immigration until it got so bad (and Sweden democrats got too many votes) that they finally started acting.

Sweden also handles covid-19 badly with Anders Tegness pursuing a herd immunity strategy (and lying about it), they also lied about masks not helping in an attempt to make sure the healthcare professionals got enough (they still didn't) becuase they were not smart enough to stockpile, they are still denying the efficacy of masks because they are unwilling to admit they lied.
Interesting read, do you happen to live in the cities that had a lot of immigrants such as Malmö, Helsingborg, Gothenbourg, Lund, Växsjö or others? I hear in my country of Kazakhstan that they got a lot.


Interesting read, do you happen to live in the cities that had a lot of immigrants such as Malmö, Helsingborg, Gothenbourg, Lund, Växsjö or others? I hear in my country of Kazakhstan that they got a lot.
I do live in a part of a smaller town that have some, it's not really impacting my life in any way.

The reason immigrants in Sweden got disliked was becuase they ended up being mostly a burden living on welfare instead of working, this (unsurprisingly) pissed a lot of people off. It's not about "race" (whatever that is).


Leftwinger praises Estonia
I find this a bit interesting, it's not really a country that have implemented the policies he is promoting.

Leftwingers may not like to admit it but trying to squeeze more and more money out of the most successful isn't going to work out too well, you need to let people be very successful to cultivate a good culture and attract valuable people to your society.


I don't understand why I would want to leave.
I have a spacious house with my wife, and am going to retire soon.
Then your best option is probably to stay in your current country.

I'm also not sure why the age of consent matters? My wife is 61!
It matters the most to young and attractive people.

In general starting a new life in a new country is mostly for young people i guess, some older folks do ritere in another country but i have not really researched which countries that are suitable for that.


There is a lot of anti-CCP propaganda out there, do not fall for that.

Age of Consent = 14
imprisonment rate = 120
murder rate = 100



Living in china
In china a lot of websites (mostly trash) is blocked but you can get around that using a VPN. Using a VPN will also allow you to properly hide your identity online and thus you will not have to face consequences for your actions. Being openly negative about china/CCP can end badly for you if you are within their reach

Food safety isn't that good

working in china



many supposedly "liberal" countries are transphobic and not liberal.
If you move to another country it's important to properly research it and not buy into how political media like to portray it.

One of the reasons why United States is relatively good to trans people (at least in most blue states) is largely due to the fact the healthcare system is not completely government controlled and thus private actors are able to provide important health-care to trans people.

Something we also need to oppose is the notion that people under 18 shouldn't have any rights and instead be the property of the state/parents. In reality people under 18 are very much capable of making decisions and many are far smarter than the average adult.

btw: Sweden has a system where people can be locked up in institutions until 21 even though they did not break any law, they call it "socially destructive behavior" which is doings legal things authorities do not like.

Sweden used to prevent trans-females from banking sperm prior to SRS in order to prevent them from reproduce.

"karolinska Instituted" recently stopping providing HRT to new trans people below 18 after SVT (government media) had talked about supposed health risks such as "blood clots" even though the risks from transfeminine HRT are less than taking birth control as cis female (which they didn't talk about at all).

The also mentioned "infertility" even though sperm can be now legally be banked even if you transition.


Why you may want to live in a more liberal country
If a country is liberal then you will have an opportunity to yourself become powerful there allowing your group to become the ruling elite of said country putting an end to their liberalism.

This can be the case even in opressive countries due to said country not opressing people in a way that prevent another group from gaining power. For example if you are older than 20 in Sweden the government will probably not do anything to you even if you engage in "socially destructive behaviour" since LVU cannot be used against people once they turn 21 and the psychiatric system is overloaded so they probably will not do anything either.


Israel has some ethnonationalist tendencies but that does not maan it's a good country for jews to live in. 'Despite' forcing jews to participate in military service for years (both male and female) israel controlled terrotiries have schrunken to less than half it's size since the 1967 victory.


It's insanity to give up so much land for peace after winning a war, it's different if you are in a weak position but israel crushed their enemies in just 6 days. Unfortunately for the Jews however it gets worse.

Israel has allowed religious nuts to gain influense at the expense of their people, they have one jewish group where the male get paid for doing nothing of value. Worse is the fact that they allow genital mutilation of children (like USA).

Age of consent is set to 16 which is too high.


Hamas can win
While they cannot currently score a military victory fighting alone against israel they may end up winning eventually due to the fact that israel isn't willing to respond with genocidal warfare. Israel is under constant pressure to reduce civilian deaths making it politically too costly for them to just bomb gaza indiscriminately.

Despite how soft israel currently is they still have a lot of countries pushing them to be even more generous towards the palestinians. Many lefties currently push for a one state solution allowing the arabs to vote hamas into power democratically.

Israel simply value life too much to be able to effectively wage war. Israel is stuck with a semi-functional democracy with various parties/groups fighting for their own special interests.

Now after the recent ceasefire hamas will against start rebuilding their capabilities, they will build better rockets and more of them, they will build better drones, etc.



Why you want to stay out of the US
The political situation in the united states does seem to be very unstable and difficult to predict. It's not clear what's going to happen or what the winners will be, usage of the legal system against political opponents of the state is to be expected, we can also expect weaponization of things like psychiatry and CPS.

Media in the US seem extremely polarized and partisan. We had media constantly praising Trump and Media constantly bashing him often with nonsense. My view on Trump is that he was similar to the Roman emperor Commodus, things worked out a lot better than you would expect given the character flaws of the leader.

Looking at the current political situation in the US we the more radical left and the radical right going increasingly far to exercise their control. One big problem with the American Right is them pushing for fundamentalist christianity

Liberals and the left instead rely increasingly on corporate censorship such as facebook censoring conservatives and rightwingers.

If we look at the actual governance blue states have done we see that it's really not that great so far
  1. Horrendous handling of the coronavirus pandemic, people were subjected to more draconian rules than the average chinese while epically failing to actually stop the spread. People were told to use worthless cloth masks that do not even offer 10% protection.
  2. Sex work is criminalized in most areas including California
  3. Bad laws with regard to Teen sex in most/all states, high AoC (16 to 18) with very limited exceptions, this increases the risk of young girls ended up together with unsuitable males since the ones with decent legal options generally go for that instead.
  4. Very high numbers of prisoners/capita.
  5. Blue states tend to be higher in Taxes and Regulations, this may or may not be a problem for you.
  6. high murder rate.
  7. broken healthcare system.
  8. Bad laws regarding people viewed as mentally ill (often subjected to harmful involuntary treatments).
And this also applies a lot also to red states with the difference being that they have lower taxes and less regulations. Red states also fucked up with regard to covid in terms of preventing the spread but people there had less restrictions so herd immunity was reached faster.

One big issue with Red states is that they are often hostile to trans people and sometimes also LGBT people in general. Trump was better in that regard until conservatives pushed him in the wrong direction.

While United states is often painted as business friendly in general it really isn't particularly great even compared to Sweden besides bailouts and contracts mostly awarded to large corporations.

Given that the status quo clearly isn't working it's not surprising that people increasingly turn to radicals, this is similar to Germany before the nazis grabbed power.

What's going on here is political warfare and this will naturally involve things like trying to target children to indocrinate with your ideology, only fools abstain from targeting children given the opportunity. The same people who target children themselves for indoctrination will obviously complain when others try that strategy. This cultural and political warfare will become worse and worse until one side get's enough to basically crush the opposition and this can get really ugly/bloody.

Rightwingers in the US are heavily armed (thanks to the second amendment) but i am not sure how many would actually be willing to pull the trigger, i do not actually think they would resist much if an actual authoritarian government took power. The whole idea of armed resistance against tyranny is dumb, it's basically suicide, it's better just to flee and wait for their system to collapse.

Libertarians and similar sometimes present themselves as some third alternative but the reality is that it's not a stable system in the first place. The government being weak would just allow other factors to gain power instead (CCP, large corporations, russia, etc). Things like genital mutilation of children shouldn't be allowed, parents shouldn't own their children as property to do as they please with.