Returning to polygamy
Without enforced monogamy the most successful/attractive males will have multiple wives, this will lead to a lot harder competition for females and a less stable society which is a good thing. A less stable society will be needed for racial improvements and hence stability isn't desirable. With shortage of females the men will be needed to take larger risks and the stupid cowards will be eliminated from the gene pool. Polygamy allows most males to leave the society while maintaining population growth.
The disadvantage with polygamy is that it decreases the evolutionary pressure on females due to the shortage of them, there exist no humane solutions for this but one inhumane solution is to draft stupid stupid/ugly females to dangerous wars, this is the real advantage with female draft.
Without polygamy, it will only be possible for a man to impregnate a female once a year which isn't desirable. The best example of Polygamy is Charles Lindbergh. Polygamy will also make it possible for a female to find begin a relationship with a more attractive male(all females will benefit from it due to less completion for good males).
Males living in a polygamous society will often have to leave the society in order to find even one partner, the result will be a gene-flow away from the polygamous society into other societies. The less monogamous a society iss the greater the gene-flow will be to other societies that willingly or unwillingly (war and rape) end up with some of the male surplus created.
It is a matter of preference if you prefer to have a monogamous relationship or several partners. The emotional benefit for the male with more than one wife is that it will be emotionally easier for him if a wife divorce him(more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce) since he will be less emotionally attached to each woman. The females will get the emotional benefit of being with a very good man and a lot of females prefer sharing a good man over being alone with an unattractive man.
Polygamy is a good option for gynephilic females since it does allow them to engage in sex with other wives of his without having sex outside the marriage, this might be beneficial even if you are strictly gynephilic as a lesbian, you and your lesbian partner can both get pregnant by the same male, this is a valuable in a society hostile towards lesbians.
Supporting polygamy is a sensible thing to do because men already like having many partners, it enhances personal freedom, helps to prevent or minimize adultery, is an integral part of some culture, was practiced by great men of Christianity and Islam and other religions, helps to decrease the number of single women in society, helps men with leadership ability, it indicates that men are humanitarian, and it is a normal human practice.
The media wants us to believe that humans are naturally monogamous. We are not. Men have always been intended to be polygamist, while women are what their men make them, which is monogamous. The basic concept of marriage is that the man invests in the family in return for the sexual fidelity of his wife. This way, the man can invest in kids who he knows are his. It is well-known that women prefer men who are successful with other women. The evolutionary benefits are obvious. A man who has the opportunity to spread his genes to many women will probably produce sons with the same opportunity, thereby also spreading the mother's genes. This would indicate that women would actually prefer to marry men who can have sex with other women.
So why do western women insist on the opposite? western women do not want a good man. They are taught that they should dominate and control their men, a position which women were never intended to fill. If the husband agrees and commits to sexual fidelity, then he has shown that he is weak and has failed the test. By committing to sexual fidelity, he is showing that he has no backbone and will give in to his wife on all issues. If his wife believes her husband's commitment, she will view him as a doormat and will soon find him boring and lose interest in having sex with him. If she doesn't believe his commitment, she will consider him a lying bastard and the marriage will be full of drama until it finally falls apart. Either way, the husbands loses. By refusing to commit to sexual fidelity, the husband passes the shit test. The wife will then feel that she still needs to compete with other women to hold on to her husband, so she will continue to be sexually attracted to him.
The demand for females will always be much greater than the supply in a typical society even if polygamy isn’t common, this often leads to gynocentrism/feminism when females are allowed to choice their husbands. Males in a country turning into substitutes such as porn, gay sex and prostitutes does not resolve the issue since females have the opportunity to mate with people outside the country, especially attractive females which we want to keep in the gene pool.
A good male will by definition not accept the current horrible marriage deal where the female gets all the power and the male will be punished hard during a breakup, often marriages are sexless and only a way for females to get economic security, these psychopath females are suitable for mating. There is nothing wrong with cuckolding pathetic males
Serial monogamy
Once the male have had all the children she wanted he simly moves on to a new female and makes her pregnant too, this is already taking place resulting in a a big portion of the male population being forced into childlessness. This allow for the preservation of both sexual and social monogamy while these weeding out undesirable males from the gene pool.
One clever strategy for a female is to use one as provider and another man as fucker/sperm donor, she will then get the best of both world. With the current laws the paternity will go to the husband and not the biological father, he will most likely end up paying child support for a child that isn't his.
Cheating is natural and it allows for quicker genetic improvements of the population without abandoning social monogamy. Social monogamy combined with sexual polygamy results in the child both having a good genes and a father figure that has a lot of time to spend with children he foolishly thinks is his, most males can be shamed into not demanding any paternity test.