Debunking cuckservatism


When you think about it cuckservatives really doesn't offer anything of value to the population. Instead cuckservatives focused on opposing new policies pushed by the left and liberals while gradually accepting policies already implemented.

Do they advocate for territorial expansionism?

Will they let you have a 13 yo girlfriend?

Do they advocate for policies that would raise the fertility rate to above replacement?

The answer to all this questions is a clear NO, they do not, so why should anyone support them?

Will they keep you safe by successfully combating violent crimes?


Attacking abortion and LGBT rights while failing to actually raise the fertility-rate
Especially american conservatives constantly attack trans people (especially trans female) for no good reason while cis females prioritize their careers over making babies.

Both hungary and poland have tried raising the fertility-rate with rather aggressive policies meant to be pro-natal but so far that has failed because females are not going to make more babies because you pay them to do so in a modern economy where they don't really need that money in the first place.

Of course anti-abortion legislation is often more motivated by christianity than to actually raise the fertility rate.


No territorial expansion
Cuckservative countries like the US consistently fail to expand their borders even when they have good opportunity to do so, instead the US often engaged in nation-building where they would waste resources in other countries while neglecting their own country.

The american public really hasn't benefitted from the wars the US engaged in since WWII.

The US actually had the chance to gain world dominance at the end of the second world war but politicians opted not to pursue that instead allowing the soviet union to develop very powerful nuclear weapons (which they could have easily prevented).


Failing to keep people safe
Cuckservatives tend to be overly defensive of the police and legal system as it failed to actually keep people safe. As we see in the united states creating a police-state and giving out harsh sentences isn't going to make crime go away, at least not unless you execute it well.

Sweden has much more lenient sentences and also a much lower murder-rate. Why is that?

There are multiple potential explanations for this failure

0. Failing to provide people with a sense of community with other citizens.
1. Failing to enact proper gun-control.
2. Not providing people with a good education.
3. Not giving the poor enough welfare causing them to resort to crimes.
4. Racial differences (Sweden also has many immigrants though).
5. Problematic pro-crime culture developing.

Having a bigger government that take a bigger role in peoples lives (before they reach the point where they resort to crimes) is one approach in reducing the incidence of criminality. If sending people to jail is your only method of social control you are going to have to resort to that is the only tool of your disposal. For example you might want to use compulsory schooling to push people away from crime. You might want to send staff to observe people who are in danger to themselves or others.

Cuckservatives also failed at protecting people against diseases like AIDS and COVID-19 in large part due to their belief in limited government rather than doing what it takes to stop the spread. Them not doing more to stop the aids epedemic might also be due to them hating LGBT people.


Defending the broken constitution
Cuckservatism in general is about opposing change even if it would be for the better. It's about defending the broken status-quo. Sometimes this is for the better (such as opposing some new destructive idea) but it can also prevent society from changing to the better.

The current system of government for the United states is clearly dysfunctional. One big issue is that there are too many separations of power that makes it very difficult to get things done. In addition to the divisions of power in the federal government there are also all the state governments and their internal separations of power.

In addition to making it very difficult to effectively governing you also end up with various bodies which are incentivies to pursue their own special-interest rather than looking out for the country as a whole. Because of the separations of power it's very difficult to effectively intervene if some local official isn't doing his job.

If you instead focus the power to a single body (such as a senate with 9 seat) it governance can instead be highly effective and that's also better in avoiding government overreach since there is only one body who has to restrain themselves rather than many authorities all having to respect peoples rights for people to keep these.

The US constitution very much failed at protecting even basic rights like the right to refuse a medical treatment, if you do not have that rights then you do not really have any rights at all since authorities will be able to use the treat of medical torture to exercise control over people in general.


The second amendment
A lot of americans like to think that they need these guns so they will be able to fight against tyranny. While this is emotionally appealing to many people taking up arms against your own government tends to be suicidal and you cannot rely on people acting against their own health like that.

One issue with giving people access to weapons is that it increases the potential damage that can be inflicted upon you. You do not want people who are willing to harm to you access these guns. You want people you dislike to be disarmed so they cannot resist as they are sent to the arena to be eaten by lions.

You do not want the power-disbritution to be egalitarian, you want to have power concentrated allowing for effective-decision making. Arming mostly the elite is better in that sense since it prevents rebellions from being effective, you do not want people to rebel against you when you have power.


About "the free market of ideas"
When was the last time you saw someone post some great idea for how to actually improve society on social media?

Did anyone on facebook share a post about what the most effective system of governance is?

Did someone on twitter trend by posting an article about the evidence regarding some medical treatment?

People are not smarter in groups, they are dumber in groups, these is no shortage of people making bad decisions due to group-think.


America might be fucked
It does seem like the future is in europe, christianity is less prominant here and the political system is less broken. It's still democratic but it functions very well for being democratic. This while the US have republicans and democrats fighting against each other while both being outright terrible.

AnanAndro wrote:

I do not have an answer. I can only say taht the media created a division, some sort of puppet show, there are millions of normies that watch joe roagan show where he debates meaningless topics or CNN emotional manipulation and they get an idea that it's all about "left vs right". The info derived from this massmedia puppet show are then discussed tirelessly, endlessly, it never ends it never stops it's a constant stream of news and "topic of the day" or "happening of the day", it's going on since some time.

cuckservatives somehow have a great deal of influence, they fund nick cuckentes, they fund joe roagan, they have entire universities at their disposal, they have ties with government at the highest level, nets of lawyers and social groups, their organization is so big it's not going to fade away. Probably in america, the conservatives will soon start to appeal to latinos and blacks, and immigrants of past generations that have a prior claim to the land and want to discriminate against other immigrants that are perceived of "lesser value". So basically the conservatives will be the party of latinos, divided in racial lines. This is going to happen in the next 5 or 10 years, it is simply inevitable.

The massmedia will spam discussions on irrelevant topics such as "the tranny" or "the leftist did X or Y" to keep people trapped in their bullshit view of politics keep watching joe roagan that discusses the issue of the month and so on.

I think to solve this situation one should simply notice where all the people of value are going, because if all the trash is going in america, that nation will become a trash shithole very soon. I am sure people of value are moving somewhere, I don't know where.


Do not let cuckservatives gaslight you about UBI
Cuckservatives often claim that implementing UBI would be disastrous as they fail to get rid of welfare programs that drain the budget.

UBI is a much better solution than the current welfare system since then the poor would not be trapped into various welfare programs. People with little/no income would be able to try workout without having to worry about losing out on some welfare benefits. People would be able to try running their own business or take a break to do some hobby project.

Technically the solution is having a fixed taxation level at maybe 40% in total (including all taxes) and instead of current welfare programs (medicare, medicaid, social security, etc) you give everyone (including the rich) a fixed amount.

People would still be encouraged to work since they would be able to keep 60% for themselves to buy things they want. People may work a little bit less but society would keep functioning just fine.

Current welfare system:


The termination of Roe v Wade ended in disappointment
I was hoping for some despair among the left but we haven't actually seen much of that, there are too many ways to go around state-laws restricting abortions. The left-liberal establishment has of course complained about financially well-off people being able to travel to have an abortion while the poor supposedely will not be able to do that, this while the left-liberal establishment does everything they can to enable abortion tourism.

We need a strict federal ban in addition to banning contraceptives. We need to be brutal to put feminists in their place.

Many states will implement rape exceptions so a women can just claim "i was raped" to have an abortion (which will be impossible to verify in most cases).

We need forced breeding, banning abortions isn't enough.

We have seen various hysterical claims "now women will die" but so far we have not seen much of that. Some hospitals did change their practices out of paranoia (at least temporarily) but there is no evidence they would be in any legal danger for terminating a pregnancy when medically necessary.

The media will hyperfocus on the around 1 to 4% of pregnancy terminations that are due to rape, incest or legitimate medical reason. The left seem confident that they will prevail due to their media dominance allowing them to get away with blatant propaganda.

Most republican states will not be willing to seriously go after the women seeking illegal abortions.

I wrote this reply earlier to a deleted reddit comment (pro abortion):

You are talking nonsense

Terminating the pregnancy can be justified if the life of the mother is in jeopardy. If there is a legitimate medical reason to end the pregnancy then the choice can be left up to the mother.

Humans are valuable to us because we are human ourselves. The origin for compassion is evolution(see: hamiltons rule).

As far as i know 0 states have banned terminating the pregnancy if it would significantly increase the chance of the mother surviving.

But in most cases where the life of the mother is actually in danger a premature delivery can be made and the doctors can still try saving the child.


The original post had some issues so i am editing it.

Conservatives are generally support extreme gynocentrism that goes far beyond what can be biologically justified. This is clearly seen in the example of Ukraine - women were allowed to evacuate, men were forced to fight. Someone will say that it is because men cannot get pregnant ... and I will say that it is a pointless argument, because never after the war in any country has anyone required women to bear children or return to their homeland, full of war devastation.

It is worth noting that the preference for girls/women is relatively recent, in the past there were actually a preference for males because they were a lot more useful for soldiers and to do work. We can also see that the constant catering to females isn't exactly helpful for the birth-rate (which is a total disaster in western countries.

A single female can theoretically give birth to 20 children so the number of wombs are not actually the limiting factor her, the limiting factors are resources and females being unwilling to get pregnant (because we gave them too much freedoms/rights).


We no longer live in the Stone Age, and our scientists are close to developing artificial womb technology. Hence, it makes no sense to consider mine or yours as a life of less value than that of any woman. Times have changed, so if there are to be equal rights, there should also be equal obligations. If someone wants to live in a traditional relationship or fight a war - it's your choice, I don't mind but don't expect everyone to do the same.

2. WAGE-cuckery
Conservatives generally push people into dead-end low-wage jobs. While it is true that welfare can be a trap for people dead-end low-wage jobs are an even worse trap. Working on MacDonald, isn't going to help you get a job you actually want. If you instead get money as a poor guy (such as inheritance) you can use that money to further yourself such as building your own business (assuming you are capable enough to do that). Having a basic safety net actually makes entrepreneurship easier since then people have less to lose by pursuing their dreams (of course current welfare system discourages that and conservatives do nothing about that).

Chad has sex, the beta male has the so-called dead bed - even if he proves that the child is not his, he has to pay alimony. When women are financially dependent on men, this is the worst possible situation for inferior men. It would be much better for them to masturbate, go to a prostitute or fuck some sex doll. There is no real feeling or desire in a relationship like this - so it's worth nothing. The man only loses on it. He keeps telling himself otherwise to protect his sense of masculinity.


Andrew DiKaiomata from Paul Elam's A Voice for Men wrote a lengthy post about how he thought tradcons were white knights, saying:

"This last one is probably the biggest point to show how feminism overlaps with traditional conservatism. It screams both at the same time. “Save the women!,” “Fight for women!."


MRA's tend to criticize TradCons as to how they deal with criticism by shaming men, which bears striking resemblance to feminists. Just like feminists, they aim their insults almost exclusively at weak men and/or incels. Feminists will insult a man for being incel (aka not being able to sexually interest a woman enough for her to be around him) and "creepy" (i.e. ugly or unassertive). Tradcons will insult men who do not assert dominance (as "betas"), marcels, i.e. married men who fail to sexually satisfy their female partners, resulting in infidelity (as "cucks") alluding a cuckoldry where the man is so weak that he admits her wife the freedom to see other men. Traditional men tend to despise men who admit this freedom fearing once such behavior becomes normal, it would make it harder to mateguard their woman. Tradcons may also use the "cuck" and "beta" to insult white knights and other types of male feminist who display overly submissive and desperate behavior towards women.

A small but growing number of MGTOWs and MRAs have been complaining that their spaces have been overrun by trad-cons like Janet Bloomfield or "enabling" tradcons, like Karen Straughan does (allegedly), and that trad-cons are worse than feminists (which they also dislike) because they think trad-cons generally believe that men should exchange work for sex, and other 'anti-male' gender roles that put men in a slave-like position.


Modern conservatism = feminism
The only real exception is with regard to abortion but that is largely for religious reasons rather than actually raising the fertility rates (which they will fail to do due to embrace of feminism is general). Just look at how many female politicians conservatives get bihind. Look how they promote insanity like "woman sports" and support childless career females with tax-cuts.

Modern conservatives constantly promote incompetent females to leadership positions they are not qualified for, they might not openly advocate for diversity hiring but they still do that all the time while pretending to be in favour of meritocracy.

Conservatives view young men as a resource, something for the military and boomer businesses to consume and toss out like trash, and they present this treatment as tradition and something that every young man should be grateful for. They provide no way out of this hell except getting lucky enough to climb a corporate ladder or start the correct business at the right time. Progressives at least offer a way out via transgenderism making it the superior option for low-status young males.

TERFs have always been ideologically compatible with modern conservativism. Both have a very negative view on young men and our lives value. Both see us as nothing more than brutes to be used for labor or for war. It's kind of surprising it took this long for conservative maggots to join hands with their lesbian comrades.

TERF ideology is the natural comsequence of feminism since any sensible criteria such as "ability to give birth" will exclude a lot of people who are born female. A lot of TERFs are useless old hags who logically should't be given any privileges. They want special treatment because of their XX chromosomes. They were treated with extreme care, and all for what ? they dont even make kids anymore


Well-known member
The second amendment
A lot of americans like to think that they need these guns so they will be able to fight against tyranny. While this is emotionally appealing to many people taking up arms against your own government tends to be suicidal and you cannot rely on people acting against their own health like that.

One issue with giving people access to weapons is that it increases the potential damage that can be inflicted upon you. You do not want people who are willing to harm to you access these guns. You want people you dislike to be disarmed so they cannot resist as they are sent to the arena to be eaten by lions.

You do not want the power-disbritution to be egalitarian, you want to have power concentrated allowing for effective-decision making. Arming mostly the elite is better in that sense since it prevents rebellions from being effective, you do not want people to rebel against you when you have power.
This makes sense. I've been thinking about it more and realizing that it makes sense for the better-trained to have the stronger weapons. Similar to how we entrust trained professionals to be teachers instead of all parents. The problem is now the policing system in America leaves a lot to be desired, but having all citizens being able to access all types of weaponry isn't the answer to that either. California has also demonstrated that gun control policies can have a lot of benefits.


Why relying on the second amendment for defending your rights is a very bad idea
Of course you want your political faction to be as armed as possible but you do not want people who hate you to be armed at all, you want them in re-education camps.

Having power over the state is much more valuable than being in control of some small militia, the power of the state is orders of magnitude greater.

Being armed will also not protect you from losing rights or even worse being genocided, states frequently attack people who are armed by very heavy weapons sometimes even attacking other states.

Still being armed as a group some add a weak deterrence against other people attacking you and it will lead to other people for better or worse taking you more seriously. It can also be effective in decreasing the risk of being targeted by non-state violence.
We do of course want to disarm our political opponents to prevent them from committing terrorism against it. Even if just 0.1% are willing to pull the trigger to kill people (resulting in them likely dying or ending up in jail) that's still enough to cause significant deaths and terror, we do not want that.

People should be able to go outside without having to worry about getting shot.


Why we should send transphobes and other bigots to re-education camps
People like nazis are a danger to society and also themselves. We shouldn't just sit by and do nothing as they are spreading propaganda and advocating for hate against trans people, Jews, etc.

Cult-members tend to stick to their echo-chamber making it impossible to reach them via voluntary means. We need to break up harmful cults by force and put effort into undoing the indoctrination they have been subjected to, this will allow them to live better lives and society will also be better off.

There is no reason to allow people to harm themselves and society.

By putting effort into achieving social harmony we will end up with a stronger and more united society allowing us to expand our borders and eventually take control over the entirety of earth.

We need authoritarianism.



If we advocate for this openly people will oppose us more
Conservatives already believe we want to do that so actually advocating for it isn't going to change much in terms of their behavior, what it will do is getting people on our side to make the decision needed to advance humanity forward.
This violates the constitution
The constitution is an outdated piece of paper we should ignore.
This violates human rights
If we need to violate human rights to achieve a better and a much longer lasting society then we should do so.
Laws can be changed to make it illegal to participate in cults that are harmful for society, laws can be changed to make the spreading of harmful misinformation illegal. Laws can be changed to make society just rather than doing nothing as bigots are spewing harmful propaganda to a wide audience.


Religious insanity
US conservatives tend to be christian and promote said religious insanity fanatically.

One common argument for christianity is things like abortion being widespread in secular societies but there is a big problem here. Religion is extremely prominent in the US but still loads of abortion are being performed, why is that?


The issue is that christianity simply wasn't made for modern societies, it became popular during a time-period where people were utterly ignorant about almost everything (at least those that bought into it) and it's very obvious that the bible cannot be taken literary due to it clearly being wrong.

What ended up happening is that gradually as science progressed people took the bible less and less literary but if you are picking what you like and ignoring the rest you are not actually using the bible as an authority in the first place, you are using something else as authority and then you just refer to the bible due to tradition or wanting to have something to believe in.

Leftwing ideology is to a large extent a sexular version of christianity that to a large extent follows from the new testament while the slightly less leftwing conservatives instead focus more on the old testament and take christianity more literary.


Well-known member
my theory is that conservatism comes from leftists splitting up in half.

the past leftism was called "christianity", after the christians held power for a while, they split up into leftism...

rothbard "the progressive era" traces back the origins of the first progressives that now we know as "the leftists", and they were from that older leftism position called "christianity"

since the split up caused one further evolution of leftism, nowadays the leftists known as "christians" are considered the new "right wing".

Right wing on the opposite side of leftism is about seeing the man as rising beast. While both leftism and cuckoldservatism instead see the man as corrupted or fallen. In the case of leftism, man is fallen. In the case of conservatism man is inherently flawed and corrupted, hence why hey want to conserve whatever institution they have...