The vintologi power law
The amount of social control in a society has an equilibrium point. If you restrict the power of the government you end up with lower-level totalitarian control instead
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By weakening the central government you may end up with organized crime, parents having totalitarian control over their kids, sects,
psychiatry, lower government authorities, etc.
Ordinary "checks and balances" only change who has the power, by making the supreme court more powerful you make other branches of the government less powerful. By making it easier to impeach the president you simply empower congress at the expense of the president.
If we allow citizens to instantly remove the rulers from power via a vote we just end up with more mob rule, technical implementations for this are to allow the citizens to call snap elections or by allowing citizens to change their vote at any time and not having periodic elections.
Technological advancements allows very destructive weapons to be made and this makes it unfeasible for single individuals to just rely on self-defense. People will try to acquire powerful weapons to control others and if you do not control others then others will use said freedoms to gain power over you instead.
Growing the power of one government goes and in hand with taking power away from other actors.
If we go too far when it comes to controlling people (such as sending 50% of the population to jail) it will hurt the economy and make the government less popular. Weaker economy and less technological advancement means it will become more difficult for the government to effectively control people.
As technology keeps progressing the equilibrium point for the amount of social control is likely to move towards more social control and the governance will also need to be more centralized. This also applies to the economy, the more advanced technology the government has of its disposal the easier it will be for it to effectively control the economy.
If the government control in one area is weak the government will have to compensate by more control elsewhere. The government may for example take more direct control over media/education which when implemented well will drastically reduce the need to constantly police people.
If people very early in life learn norms learn morality and social norms that are against criminality. there will be less of a need to actually punish people since most people will willingly behave decently anyway. Sweden got away with having very lax law against crimes for decades
73 in large part thanks to the culture there discouraging people from resulting to criminality
Military dictatorships need to use more direct violence since they have not yet succeeded in implemented more sophisticated methods of control. Even if the new dictators are sophisticated it will still take time for more sophisticated methods of control to yield results. They might have to send a lot of people to re-education camps for their own good.