Pure elite rule example with 63 senators (sub-optimal)
Note that this is just one example of how the ideal system might look like for some scenario. The actual ideal system will depend on the situation in the area that needs to be governed.
Citizen classes consist of a letter (A to F) and a number. The latter tells the citizen category while the number tells how many higher citizenship that exist of said category.
A The ruling elite
B successors
C citizens and legal residents
D people under custody
E free people with limited/no rights.
F people targeted by the police/military (such as people in criminal gangs).
63 senators will divide themselves into 7 smaller courts with 9 seats each.
seat0 seat1 seat2 seat3 seat4 seat5 seat6 seat7 seat8
court0 A0 A7 A14 A21 A28 A35 A42 A49 A56
court1 A1 A8 A15 A22 A29 A36 A43 A50 A57
court2 A2 A9 A16 A23 A30 A37 A44 A51 A58
court3 A3 A10 A17 A24 A31 A38 A45 A52 A59
court4 A4 A11 A18 A25 A32 A39 A46 A53 A60
court5 A5 A12 A19 A26 A33 A40 A47 A54 A61
court6 A6 A13 A20 A27 A34 A41 A48 A55 A62
Note that more than one senate court can try the same case, if they tnen do not arrive at the same conclusion a full senate vote will be held to determine the outcome.
Below that there are 9 senate courts 7 seats each where each senator can appeal the decision to the 9-seat senate oourt they belong to.
seat0 seat1 seat2 seat3 seat4 seat5 seat6
court7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
court8 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13
court9 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20
court10 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27
court11 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34
court12 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41
court13 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47 A48
court14 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55
court15 A56 A57 A58 A59 A60 A61 A62
Here again more than one court can try the same case but here the order actually matters since the court highest on the list will prevail if it no appeal is granted.
If only one senator want's to serve directly during the trail said senator will be the judge with successors to 6 other senators being jury members. You can for example have something like the following (or just let each senator decide who is going to participate by a case by case basis).
You can also use a matrix such as the following to determine which successor will serve at which court
0 1 3 2 6 5 4
1 0 2 6 4 3 5
2 3 0 1 5 4 6
3 4 5 0 1 6 2
4 6 1 5 0 2 3
5 2 6 4 3 0 1
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Which would give:
seat0 seat1 seat2 seat3 seat4 seat5 seat6
court16 A0 B1 B66 B128 B195 B257 B319
court17 A1 B0 B65 B132 B193 B255 B320
court18 A2 B3 B63 B127 B194 B256 B321
court19 A3 B4 B68 B126 B190 B258 B317
court20 A4 B6 B64 B131 B189 B254 B318
court21 A5 B2 B69 B130 B192 B252 B316
court22 A6 B5 B67 B129 B191 B253 B315
court23 A7 B8 B73 B135 B202 B264 B326
court24 A8 B7 B72 B139 B200 B262 B327
court25 A9 B10 B70 B134 B201 B263 B328
court26 A10 B11 B75 B133 B197 B265 B324
court27 A11 B13 B71 B138 B196 B261 B325
court28 A12 B9 B76 B137 B199 B259 B323
court29 A13 B12 B74 B136 B198 B260 B322
court30 A14 B15 B80 B142 B209 B271 B333
court31 A15 B14 B79 B146 B207 B269 B334
court32 A16 B17 B77 B141 B208 B270 B335
court33 A17 B18 B82 B140 B204 B272 B331
court34 A18 B20 B78 B145 B203 B268 B332
court35 A19 B16 B83 B144 B206 B266 B330
court36 A20 B19 B81 B143 B205 B267 B329
court37 A21 B22 B87 B149 B216 B278 B340
court38 A22 B21 B86 B153 B214 B276 B341
court39 A23 B24 B84 B148 B215 B277 B342
court40 A24 B25 B89 B147 B211 B279 B338
court41 A25 B27 B85 B152 B210 B275 B339
court42 A26 B23 B90 B151 B213 B273 B337
court43 A27 B26 B88 B150 B212 B274 B336
court44 A28 B29 B94 B156 B223 B285 B347
court45 A29 B28 B93 B160 B221 B283 B348
court46 A30 B31 B91 B155 B222 B284 B349
court47 A31 B32 B96 B154 B218 B286 B345
court48 A32 B34 B92 B159 B217 B282 B346
court49 A33 B30 B97 B158 B220 B280 B344
court50 A34 B33 B95 B157 B219 B281 B343
court51 A35 B36 B101 B163 B230 B292 B354
court52 A36 B35 B100 B167 B228 B290 B355
court53 A37 B38 B98 B162 B229 B291 B356
court54 A38 B39 B103 B161 B225 B293 B352
court55 A39 B41 B99 B166 B224 B289 B353
court56 A40 B37 B104 B165 B227 B287 B351
court57 A41 B40 B102 B164 B226 B288 B350
court58 A42 B43 B108 B170 B237 B299 B361
court59 A43 B42 B107 B174 B235 B297 B362
court60 A44 B45 B105 B169 B236 B298 B363
court61 A45 B46 B110 B168 B232 B300 B359
court62 A46 B48 B106 B173 B231 B296 B360
court63 A47 B44 B111 B172 B234 B294 B358
court64 A48 B47 B109 B171 B233 B295 B357
court65 A49 B50 B115 B177 B244 B306 B368
court66 A50 B49 B114 B181 B242 B304 B369
court67 A51 B52 B112 B176 B243 B305 B370
court68 A52 B53 B117 B175 B239 B307 B366
court69 A53 B55 B113 B180 B238 B303 B367
court70 A54 B51 B118 B179 B241 B301 B365
court71 A55 B54 B116 B178 B240 B302 B364
court72 A56 B57 B122 B184 B251 B313 B375
court73 A57 B56 B121 B188 B249 B311 B376
court74 A58 B59 B119 B183 B250 B312 B377
court75 A59 B60 B124 B182 B246 B314 B373
court76 A60 B62 B120 B187 B245 B310 B374
court77 A61 B58 B125 B186 B248 B308 B372
court78 A62 B61 B123 B185 B247 B309 B371
The Successors to A0 are B0, B63, B126, B189, B252, B315, B378, B441, B504, B567, B630, B693.
The Successors to A1 are B1, B64, B127, B190, B253, B316, B379, B442, B505, B568, B63§, B693.
Holding multiple B-citizenships
It's possible for a single individual to be a successor to more than one senator but you can then still only take one senate seat with the other seat, thus there are theoretical scenarios where a B-citizen will have more than one empty senate seat to choice from, then the seats not taken will be offered to the second successors instead.
You can still vote to change the b-citizens if a senate seat is empty but then for the vote to pass you need to have it pass with a big enough margin such that it would have passed if all those empthy seats would have been populated with people voting no.
An A-citizen can also hold one or more B-citizenships but then in order to actually replace a senator they will need to abandon their current senator seat.
C0 citizens
Only C0 citizens are eligible for the highest levels of service such as being appointer as a successor/servant to a senator.
In total 9999 people or less will have C0 or higher.
People with C0 or higher can be selected to vote on important matters but this will only be votes that are not urgent. In cases where a quick decision is needed only A-citizens will vote since only A citizens will be expected to sleep on different times to ensure that a majority will always be awake to be able to instantly make a decision.
Most/all people promoted to C0 will have had a C1 citizenship before that.
Can appeal decisions in courts that have less than 5 members with C0/higher.
C1 citizens
Up to 999999 people can have a C1 citizenship or higher.
There will be some referendums where people with C1 or higher will be allowed to participate.
Some positions of authority will require C1 or higher (such as to be an imperial judge).
Can appeal decisions in courts that have less than 5 members with C1/higher.
C2 citizens
Approved by court (5+ or C1/higher) for possessing heavy weapons.
There will be some referendums where people with C2 or higher will be allowed to participate.
C3 citizens
Approved for possessing light weapons.
There will be some referendums where people with C3 or higher will be allowed to participate.
C4 citizens
Given by default to people where both parents are C4 or higher. It's also much easier to acquire than C3 or higher, especially if one of the parents have C4 citizenship.
There will be some referendums where people with C4 or higher will be allowed to participate.
C5 residents
When there are multiple countries left this will be used to denote people merely being allowed within the country, later it will allow access inside cities and other areas important to secure. Does not need to pay a fee to maintain those rights.
C6 residents
Temporary allowed within the country (when there are more than one) or areas important to secure (such as cities).
Humans under custody of others
D 'citizenship' means that you are under guardianship of someone else.
D0: very high-value child/teen under guardianship/custody of C0/higher. Will instead be given C2 citizenship at 16
D1: high-value child/teen under guardianship/custody of C1/higher. Will instead be given C3 citizenship at 16.
D2: high-value individual reduced to property of C0 or higher for an indefinite period of time.
D3: valuable individual reduced to property of C1 or higher for an indefinite period of time.
D4: individual (such as a child) where C4 or higher have custody. Will instead be given C4 citizenship at 16.
D5: slave/child you are not allowed to injure (minor punishments allowed).
D6: slave not allowed to be killed or seriously injure (loss of limb, brain-damage, sterilized, etc).
D7: slave you are not allowed to kill or give serious brain-damage.
D8: slave with no rights.
D0 and D1 individuals who cannot meet the standard at 16 will have their citizenship downgraded. The D0 and D1 'citizenships' are exclusive to people younger than 16. A lot of resources will be invested into training D0 and D1 teens/children while they are young and can learn easily.
By default biological children of C0/higher will get D0 'citizenships' but D0 citizenships, teends/children under 16 who are not children to C0/higher can still be given D0 citizenship via court approval by request of C0/higher.
By default biological children of C1/higher will get D1 'citizenships' but D1 citizenships, teends/children under 16 who are not children to C1/higher can still be given D1 citizenship via court approval by request of C1/higher.
People with D2 or D3 citizenship can be freed by the people who own them as custody at any time to be given C4 citizenship. Freeing them to get higher than C4 does however require court or senate approval.
People can be under the custody of more than one individual, for D0 'citizens' all individuals who share custody needs to be C0 or higher.
Free people with less/no rights
People with reduced legal protections are given E 'citizenships' while military targets (people we are trying to get rid off or capture) are given F 'citizenship.