Mirrors edge
This is a great first person adventure game.
By default you will suffer from constant lag. To get rid of that you need to to to
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\EA Games\Mirror's Edge\TdGame\Config
There you will find a TdEngine.ini file.
Open it in a text editor like Notepad. There you will find a line that says:
Here, change
FALSE, and save the file!
If you want to have physx enabled you need to install the
physx legacy driver (otherwise the game will crash)
What i have noticed when playing it however is that it isn't as fun as it should be. I see several explanations for this
0. for most of the game the checkpoints are way to frequent making dying void of any serious consequence, this takes the excitement out of the game.
1. The platforming is too easy (it's a lot harder if you try to do it quick of course).
2. In a lot of cases the player will be chased by people with guns instead of being given time to explore.
3. Lack of things like sneak attacks or killing enemies with sniper rifle.
4. The game is very centred around precision with regard to button pressing rather than precision with regard to mouse-movements. For example when you walk on a beam you use keyboard buttons to maintain balance rather than using the much more precise mouse.
What i missed from the game was having a really long section where you weren't being chased by anyone and also would go all the way back if you died. Instead the game compensates for easy platforming by adding people trying to kill you in a lot of occasions.
Controls: 86%
gameplay: 86%
visuals & audio: 92%
overall: 88%
While the graphics isn't technically impressive (by default) the game still look great visually and it performs very well on weak hardware. I will look into if it's possible to mod it to get raytracing working
One annoying aspect of the game is that you can get stuck forcing you to reload the level, this is kinda unpredictable.