Healthy Habits to Prevent Heart Failure

Although heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, it isn't inevitable. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce the chances of getting heart disease and all other life-threatening complications associated with it. Heart disease is mainly the result of plaque deposition on the artery wall, making them narrower and harder and reducing the flow of blood to the heart muscle, leading to heart disease.

Following are some risk factors that can contribute to heart disease:
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Increased age
  • Family history of the disease
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Having an unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
Ways To Prevent Heart Disease
Although medicines like olmigo are quite effective in preventing heart disease, a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in maintaining the health of your heart, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
Following are some heart-healthy lifestyle changes that aid in reducing the chances of getting heart disease:

Managing Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is one of the serious threats to your heart and a leading cause behind an unhealthy heart. High blood pressure can restrict the blood flow to the heart by damaging the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart leading to heart disease.
Although medicine like olmigo is an effective medicine to treat high blood pressure, it is important to keep an eye on your blood pressure. Olmigo is a prescribed medicine for lowering high blood pressure and treating heart attacks. Regular check-ups are essential to keep your blood pressure in control thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Lower Down Your Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol is one of the most potent causes of heart disease. This is because cholesterol gets deposited on the artery's walls supplying oxygenated blood to the heart, thus making them narrower and stiffer. This restricts the blood supply to the heart leading to coronary artery disease and heart attack.
Keep a check on your cholesterol levels too. Adults are more likely to have high cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease, eventually resulting in a heart attack or stroke that can be lethal. Usually, cholesterol is measured at least once every four to six years. But the problem can affect people of any age group; hence the early screening of cholesterol levels is required for reducing the risk of heart disease and complications associated with it.

Control Your Blood Sugar Levels
High blood sugar levels leading to diabetes are major risk factors for heart disease. Excess sugar in your blood can damage the blood vessels and the nerves of your heart which restrict blood circulation leading to heart disease and other health complications. So it is quite necessary to get tested for diabetes and manage your blood sugar levels.

Manage Stress
Stress affects your mental well-being and is also related to your heart health in many ways. Unmanaged stress could be a reason behind your heart disease. It can lead to high blood pressure and increase your risk of heart attack or stroke as well as other heart disease.
Managing stress effectively with physical activity, relaxation exercises or meditation will keep your heart, body, and soul healthy.

Take A Sound Sleep
A lack of sleep can harm your health. For example, a person deprived of sleep can develop high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes, which can eventually lead to heart disease. So make good sleep a priority in your life. A sound sleep will keep your mind and body healthy and decrease the risk of various health complications.
If you have difficulty sleeping, contact your doctor. He will either prescribe you some medications or suggest a few things that will aid you in better sleep based on your situation.

Quit Smoking
Cigarette smoking increases your chances of getting any heart disease. This is because nicotine and other harmful chemicals present in the cigarette get deposited on the walls of the arteries supplying blood to the heart in the form of plaque. This in turn makes the arteries harder and narrower than usual and restricts the flow of the blood to the heart leading to heart disease.
Smoking may also increase your blood pressure, the leading risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Although high blood pressure can be treated with medications like olmigo, quitting smoking will decrease your chances of developing high blood pressure and heart disease. If you are facing difficulty in quitting smoking, ask for help from your doctor. He will suggest to you the best possible and effective ways to quit smoking.

Manage Healthy Body Weight
Obesity or a higher BMI increases your chances of getting heart disease. Being overweight makes you prone to various health complications, some of which can be life-threatening. For example, excess body weight is linked to high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and diabetes, the most common heart disease risk factors.
Shedding excess pounds will reduce the chances of developing these risk factors and improve blood circulation, thus keeping your heart healthy.

Have A Healthy Diet
A healthy and balanced diet helps in shedding extra body weight and reduces the chances of the risk factors of heart disease like high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Include vegetables and fruits, legumes, lean proteins, low-fat or fat-free dairy foods, whole grains, and healthy fats, such as olive oil.
Limit the consumption of excess salt and sugar in your meal, processed food items, alcohol, saturated and trans fat.

Stay Active
Exercise improves blood flow and keeps your heart and other body organs healthy. Exercising daily helps in reducing extra body weight, thus decreasing the chances of heart disease. It also reduces your chances of high cholesterol and high blood pressure thus preventing heart disease.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake
Excess alcohol intake can increase your blood pressure. It can also lead to weight gain. Both these increase your chances of getting heart disease.

Besides lifestyle changes, medication like olmigo is quite helpful. Olmigo is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. Thus by lowering the blood pressure, olmigo can prevent future heart attacks and stroke. Olmigo is also effective in maintaining kidney function in patients with diabetes.

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Heart disease results from a sedentary lifestyle and various health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and managing the risk factors will help in lowering the risk of heart disease.


This was moved to the "low quality" section due to you not backing up your claims with scientific evidence. Where is the evidence that the medication you are advertising works?

It's not enough that the medication lowers blood-pressure. You need to demonstrate that it's actually good for you, you want the placebo group to do worse in a proper Randomized Controlled Trial.

The notion that high colesteral would be the issue is being contested by a lot of people, there is also different forms of cholesterol.
It is unclear whether associations between total cholesterol (TC) levels and all-cause mortality and the optimal TC ranges for lowest mortality vary by sex and age.