

The system of having mostly 2 destrinct sexes is resulting in a lot of societal tension and unhappyness, people are bitter due to being confined by the sex they were born into, some people try to medically change their sex but even then you will never be able to escape the reproductive role. Instead today medical transition will make you infertile if you take it too far and you end up having to rely on freezed sperm/eggs.

So what if we could modify humanity so people will both be able to get pregnant and impregnate?

With genetic engineering it would be possible to turn humans into hermaphrodites.


Self impregnation
Why have someone else impregnate you (that have different genes) if you can impregnate yourself?

This means that there would be evolutionary pressure towards avoiding having someone else impregnate you unless you get something else in return. One potential solution is have mutual impregnation but then there would be a big incentive to cheat and not be impregnated yourself.

This would slow down evolution drastically since there would be less DNA shuffling.

One way to reduce this is to castrate the child and the parent in the case of self-impregnation to prevent further inbreeding.


Hermophrodite sex
Sex with non-hermoprodites would be possible. Hermoprodites will have XZ chromosomes, their sperm will carry Z chromosome, their eggs will carry X chromosome. This if a hermoprodite impregnate a non-hermoprodite the offspring will be a hermoprodite (XZ), if a hermoprodite is impregnated by a non-hermoprodite the result will usually be male or female (XY or XX).

The picture above is from an intersex female, actual hermoprodite genitals would be a bit different.



Should we keep the scrotum?
The reason why testies are not confined safely inside the body is in order to keep an ideal temperature for sperm production, is this really necessary? Maybe we could find a better design (genetic engineering).

One potential option is to instead put the testies inside the labia majora.


Rape and forced marriages
An evolutionary incentive for rape would remain since you can only get get pregnant once a year while you can impregnate other people on a weekly/daily basis, in addition you will no longer be able to get pregnant once you become too old (typically 40 to 50) and after that impregnating others will be your only option. We might see old people forcefully impregnating the young (abusing their power).

We could also see people using other means to be able to impregnate others such as by being better looking, having more status, providing resources, etc.


Pregnancy and breast growth
Currently a lot of breast growth will occur at puberty. Pregnancy will add some more size (at least temporarily).


But do we really need people to grow breasts prior to impregnation? one option is to instead have breast growth only after impregnation resulting in people being more like current males if they are not impregnated or given estradiol.

One advantage of having everyone be like current females plus penis and the ability to impregnate is that it would make people more equal reducing social tensions. Otherwise we would not really get away from the current system where we have pretty much 2 different social classes based on sex.


Hermaphrodites will all have XZ chromosomes.

The Z chromosome completely replaces the Y chromosome and enable both modes of reproduction.

When sperm is made all sperm will contain Z chromosome so any resulting baby will be a hermaphrodite. This is the case even if the one being impregnated is an genetically unmodified XX female.

If a hermophrodite is impregnated it will be the same as when an XX female is impregnated.


Physical abilities
Even today with technology male strength is still useful to a significant extent. We do not however need separate sexes for that. There are multiple solutions for this

0. Allowing people to naturally build significant muscle strength from weightlifting
1. Natural genetic variation resulting in some people naturally being stronger/taller.
2. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids


The Androphilia problem
A general issue with trying to eliminate males is that current females are to a very large extent androphilic which create a demand for males that do not really have any good purpose besides sexually satisfying these females.

This makes it harder for Hermprodites to impregnate XX females since most of them would probably prefer XY males over hermoprodites. Hermoprodites might end up having to resort to rape to make XX females pregnant to a significant extent.


The "Natural FtM" option
If everyone start female with no ability to make sperm then self-impregnation would not be possible (or very difficult). People would only be female when they are young and attractive. Over time your clit would grow until it become a penis. It's unclear if the best approach is having people develop external testicles or if it better to keep that internal.

Living as a boy: 0 to 11
Start of female fertility: 13 ± 2
Clit start growing: 23
somewhat functional clit/penis: 27
end of female fertility: 35 ± 5
fully functional penis: 38 ± 5
start of male fertility: 40 ´± 5

The actual solution for this is to have all people be born with testicles, vagina and ovaries. While the body itself has the capability to make both sperm, egg and support a pregnancy only one reproductive mode is possible at one time due to different reproductive modes require-ring different hormones.

Infertile: 20%
sperm production: 55%
female fertility: 25%


What if someone only want's to live as a male?
It would be possible for people to skip the female phase by injecting testosterone, then they would instead become male right away allowing them to impregnate females early on.

These young males would likely be appreciated by a lot of the young people who become female.

There would be an equilibrium point where it would become destrimental for the overwhelming majority to become male right away (skipping the female puberty) and the older individuals (who would be almost all male) probably wouldn't like that so they might force all the young to go through the female puberty anyway so they can impregnate all the young girls themselves.


Only allowing elite males children to skip the female puberty
The societal elite would likely be interested in having some of their children skip living as female and instead undergo the male puberty right away. These male teenagers would of course share spaces like shower with females and of course these males would have freedom to enjoy themselves with all the girls sexually.

These elite males would be greatly positioned towards becoming members of the ruling elite if they are not already a such member.

It would be patriarchal but not based on what chromosomes you have, it would be based largely on what parents you have. The low-class children would be forced to become submissive girls.


Having some people become infertile women instead
There would be a lot more fertile males than fertile females and this would encourage pushing/forcing other males to remain as female (becoming infertile) so they can impregnate young girls instead.

There would also be some people who just don't want any more children (at least for now) and then decide to delay becoming a man. This wouldn't be as favorable as current MtF transition since


Being successful would now pay off greatly in terms of reproduction since most people would be able to impregnate a lot of females eventually when successful. Thus there would be a strong evolutionary pressure towards risk-taking.

Even when subjected to estrogen and low testosterone (female state) most people would still display masculine behaviour traits. People would start out like males trapped in female bodies.

It is worth noting that even today a lot of females are highly willing to take big risk for little/no potential payoff in terms of survival and reproduction, this is likely a bi-product of male evolution where the same trait evolved in both sexes when it was only really beneficial in one.




Everyone should get to experience the joys of girlhood early in life
Something that has caused me a great deal of frustration is seeing all the potential benefits you can get from medical transition while at the same time not being able to recommend it to most people. not even myself.
Why cannot everyone become cute dick-girls?
Here are some of the issues with having more people transition

0. Current medical transition options does not allow to change your reproductive role to that of the other sex, instead you become temporarily or permanently infertile.
1. Having more people transition would create a bigger supply of females devaluing them on the dating market. Part of the reason why being a girl is exciting is having all these males desperately desire you. You eventually reach an equilibrium where transitioning is no longer worth it for most people.
2. Current medical transition options are ineffective at reversing masculinization that has already occurred, thus a lot of people find themselves stuck in male bodies they dislike with little hope of ever escaping that, sure they can go on HRT but that doesn't really solve their issue, at best it's a bandage.
3. There is a lot of people who are hostile against medical transition for various reasons trying to make life difficult for them.
4. A lot of males (maybe a majority) wouldn't voluntarily change their sex to female even if it required no effort and was a full sex-change (including for reproduction), let me know if you find a decent poll regarding this.
5. A lot of males will still be needed for things like wars, construction work, etc.

So do we have to accept the current status quo where people are either born as a female with no penis, born as a male unable to fully transition to female or intersex?
What we need to do is change human biology to abolish or phaze out the current 2 sexes and make new better humans with XZ-chromosomes.


child: 0 to 10
start of female puberty: 11 ± 2
end of female fertility: 35 ± 5
start of male puberty: 35 ± 5
start of male fertility: 36 ± 5

This approach solves all the problems.

0 is solved by having people normally be born with the reproductive organs for both sexes and have them develop fully later (first the female ones, later the male ones). Another potential solution is developing medicine further to the point where we can give someone born male vagina, ovaries and womb that works and that can actually support child-birth.

1 is solved by the fact that there would still be more males than females at any given moment unless males are subjected to very high mortality rate (such as due to war).

2 is solved by having people undergo female puberty early before having undergone enough male puberty to cause significant masculinization. Currently this is medically possible but hard to push through politically due to democracy. It's actually possible to bank sperm early in puberty but that isn't enough to make most people realize that people born male should be able to transition before 18.

3 is solved by having everyone go through female puberty, then there is no out-group, no majority to impose themselves on the minority. Otherwise even under authoritarianism there will be a lot of social tension due to people being uncomfortable with the trans thing. The current left-'liberal' trans narrative at least seems to be unpopular in many ways, unclear if the transmaxxing narrative is going to get more acceptance.

4 is solved by having people naturally go through female puberty by default or by forcefully transitioning a lot of people. The natural route is probably better.

5 could be solved by further automation and conquering enough all territory on earth (to eliminate competition) or by having people transition back to male later.

Yes that is right, we can solve all this problem giving everyone born the joy of becoming a cute dick-girl allowing them to experience great life as a female especially when it comes to sex. People will be taken care of when they are young and most valuable for society while the older people (males) will expand the borders of our great empire.
By evolving humanity we can allow people to live much greater lives and potentially colonize other planets. We need to make further progress.



Temporarily gaining male fertility
It would be possible for a young female couple to have a biological child together, one of them would simply need to go on testosterone for 70 to 90 days so he/she is able to impregnate his/her girlfriend.

Currently testosterone (and low E) is required to make sperm while strogen and not too high T is required to get pregnant and give birth. While this is currently an issue for people looking to transition it's actually a good thing if we change humans into hermaphrodites since it would prevent self-impregnation.

It is worth noting that going on testosterone to make a female pregnant like that would result in permanent masculinization. Thus it's not really ideal to go back and forth between the different hormones in order to reproduce.


The full hermophrodism option
What if we modify human biology so people can both be impregnated and get pregnant at the same time?

The first issue is figuring out a good way to prevent people from accidentally impregnating themselves. If this cannot be resolved then this whole thing pretty much falls apart since you probably do not want to live in a society where you have to worry about getting castrated and having your child castrated because you accidentally made yourself pregnant.

We need a mechanism where the body can differentiate between your own sperm and sperm from others and then make it so you cannot get pregnant by your own sperm. It's unclear if this can even be done.

Or we can simply embrace self-impregnation as an opportunity and use it to our advantage instead of trying to supress it, this can actually be a good thing in some situations such as when trying to populate new planets or if we get close to extinction.

Another issue is that it's less exciting to live in a society without genders. It's more fun if there is both males and females with different characteristics. This can of course be resolved by having people turn into males as they age (once their female reproductive age has gender) which would increase the value of young hermophrodites (who can actually be impregnated).