Inceltears are fraudulent


Active member
I know this is well trodden road in incel websites but the entire concept of inceltears is fraudulent because they fail to realize that majority of the incel websites are, in their own words, 15, or 16 year old edgy teenagers and aren't even virgins. They just want a website more edgy and less mainstream than 4chan. Second of all, they act like every "misogynist" is some incel, which is stupid because plenty of these MGTOW and MRA idiots hate on incels for being beta males and still hate women, even if they had sex, I pointed this out to the ignorant idiots on reddit, but they always ignore the truth. They just want an excuse to bash on incels, they let off succesful men like Alec Baldwin when they kill or abuse women, because they are successful or goodlooking. But hate on incels just for being creepy when there's no evidence that all incels hate women.
I spole the truth in the comments but they ignore it. "MGTOW not incel. Incels don't have to be "mysognist" and you liberal weirdos think every woman hater is incel, meanwhile most of the woman haters hate incels for being "beta" too. The only definition of incel is a man of atleast 25 years old or older who never had sex for free. Got nothing to do with hating women. "


Active member
The r/incelexit sub is fraudulent too. As I tried to post my opinion to them and they rejected it just because my account is new, but why should that matter? It was well written and formatted imo, I think they use that excuse so incels who aren't on reddit are not allowed to defend ourselves. This was my post.

Reddit and normies in general have the wrong view of incels, but I guess that is the fault of the fraudulent mainstream incel websites like
The incel community is more accurately described by the TFL community on youtube, as they are lonely men that acknowledge how hard it is for a not neurotypical or successful man in modern society and talk about only wanting just one good woman in their life. What the TFL community is NOT about and what incels are completely wrong about.
  1. Chads taking all the women. In reality 99% of men that get sex aren't chad and many women admit they aren't attracted to tall good looking white men aka Chad. Infact I bet many incels are actually look more like Chads.
  2. All incels want to go on serial killer sprees and hate women. This is not true in TFL community, although many are angry, for good reason, the hatred is not solely on woman or advocating violence, but with how bad modern society treats out of the ordinary men and how these men can get a better life in society, or alternatively that an incel man who struggles should drop out of society, get on welfareand lay low, which happens in non incel communities too.
  3. incels praise Elliot Rodgers and other mass shooters. This doesn't happen in the TFL community as much as the incel community. I also used to identify with Elliot Rodgers but realized he wasn't an incel, just a spoiled entitled ethnic idiot who felt entitled to blonde haired blue eyes Stacies, while he didn't even try to find any other demographic of women. There really is no evidence he was even incel, he could have turned down decent looking Asian or Latina woman left and right in california because he was obsessed with blondes, and we wouldn't know. A real incel/TFLer doesn't simply want "Stacy", they just want any woman that they are compatible with. The obsession with Stacy (especially the non white men have) on incel communities isn't logical and doesn't apply to TFL communities. A homeless man doesn't turn down McDonalds and say he wants to dine at the fanciest French resturant while claiming he's starving, yet incels claim to feel this way as they only want "top-tier" women, while ignoring women that are more in their league. TFL community doesn't do this at all. But incels who do this are mostly not virgins at all and just have high standards for no reason. To be fair SOME incels do dislike Elliot Rodgers for this reason, but only a smal amount, the majority support his worldview. TFLers do not.
Sorry for overly long post just wanted to vent that in my own view, the incel communnity is mainly made up of fraudulent edgy teenage boys, who aren't even virgins. Some of the incels I talked to on discord admitted as much and said they weren't virgins they just enjoyed shitposting and trolling on incel communities.