Is PS4/xbone actually holding back gaming?


Sony initially claimed that they "believed in generations" and claimed that only making the game for the next gen would allow them to take the full usage of these new systems.

The thing with games is that developers have a lot of options available to them to port a game for a weaker system. Just look at all the games that got ported to the switch even though it wasn't originally made to be able to run at that hardware.

People who are still using a PS4 or xbone are probably fine with a game struggling to reach 30fps, these are not the type of people who buy a 3090 so they can get over 100fps in control with raytracing on (with DLSS). At a lower framerate there isn't the same need for a good CPU.

Furthermore the PS4 and xbone CPU has 8 'cores' (with each pair of cores sharing a lot of resources) so it can actually deliver decent performance when all the cores are fully used, the main issue has been that a lot of games are heavily single-threaded taking only good advantage of maybe 2 cores.

The main issue with the old consoles might actually be the slow storage (especially for people who haven't installed an SSD yet). But that does not mean porting will be impossible, you can just add loading screens or simply not fully load assets.

You can also modify the game (such as reducing the crowd-density in cities) to make it run better on weak CPUs.


Cyberpunk 2077
The development of cyberpunk 2077 started well before the existence of next-gen consoles and initially it wasn't even properly released for next-gen systems (it was initially running in a boosted backwards compatibility mode).

The game does use multiple CPU threads really well which is very much needed. My r5 3600 struggled to hold 60fps nearly bottlenecking an overclocked 3090 (it will bottleneck if settings are reduced in an attempt to get higher fps) and i got around 80% CPU usage.

The actual gameplay in cyberpunk 2077 isn't particularly impressive, GTA5 has more advanced gameplay and it's significantly less demanding on the CPU, the obvious explanation is that cyberpunk is simply poorly optimized resulting in terrible PS4 performance



Well-known member
cyberpunk was a woke feminist glitchy disaster
the whole point of a gta like game is shooting n*ggers foids and j*ws.

from your thread I assume you study gamedev yourself
I am thinking about studying it myself due to the lack a based fun games. don't know if I should go for unreal engine or unity
probably UE because it uses c++ and not the shitty c#

I don't see the appeal of ps4 games, because they are not about the gameplay,
there are too many damn cut scenes, story lines and customization to the point it feels like a job


cyberpunk was a woke feminist glitchy disaster
the whole point of a gta like game is shooting n*ggers foids and j*ws.
The graphics isn't even that special. It's just inefficiently coded, you can make a more impressive game run much better on the last gen.

I don't see the appeal of ps4 games, because they are not about the gameplay, there are too many damn cut scenes, story lines and customization to the point it feels like a job
They are not particularly good generally. They are/were overhyped by sony fanboys using them to justify buying a lame console (such as PS4 pro).


Well-known member
First person adcenture game were you explore another planet, do o platforming, sneak up to enemies, use a sniper, etc.
First person adventure game were you explore another planet, do o platforming, sneak up to lolis, use tentacle rape, etc


We are now seeing the result of having games be made only for the next generation and it isn't exactly great. We are seeing titles limited to an consistently awful 30fps which is basically unplayable (60fps is bad enough).

These games are not even that great in terms of gameplay, if they had coded them better they would have fun on last-gen, it wouldn't have performed well but the people who want good performance has almost all upgraded by now anyway so it really doesn't matter much at this point.