The colors are potted in the same order as normal snooker if the number of balls left of these colors are equal, otherwise you will just pot the most numerous color. Thus you will play yellow to green to brown to blue to pink and then yellow again and continue like that until all balls are potted or your opponent concedes (unless you pot more than one which can change the order you pot in).
Instead of having each color have a fixed value the value of each ball will be equal to the number of balls potted in that pot unless a color is cleared. Clearing a color means potting all remaining balls of that color and that will double the amounts of points awarded for the pot.
So if you pot the final 2 blue you will get double the points for clearing a color and which will give you a total of 8 points (4 points per ball). If you pot 3 yellow balls when there was 5 on the table you will get 9 points (3 points per ball).
But if you pot any ball of another color than you were supposed to pot these points will instead get rewarded to your opponent. The balls illegally potted will then be put back on the table.
Foul and severe foul
At least one ball must be potted or touch the cushion (unless there are less than 6 of the object ball), otherwise the opponent will be awarded one point (ordinary foul). Potting a ball (or several) you were not supposed to pot is also an ordinary foul which will give your opponent at least one point.
Accidentally touching a ball is an ordinary foul if it doesn't affect the outcome of the shot, otherwise it's a severe foul.
Consequences of severe foul
If you commit a severe foul your opponent will be allowed to force you to place again or move one ball at the table to a new location, said new location cannot be too close to the long side (unless it's the cue-ball being moved) and it cannot be the too close to some other ball.
Failing to hit the object ball first will be a foul and a miss or severe foul, the players can be allowed more than one chance such as having severe foul after missing 3 times in a row and allowed the balls to be put back twice to the same location.
When there is only 1 color left
For the first foul a player makes there will be "ball in hand" allowing the player to put the cueball anywhere on the table and play from there or force the opponent to play again from the current position (if the cueball wasn't potted) but if a player has made a foul before all balls will be moved off the table and considered potted by the opponent.
Pink and yellow ball decider
If both player has the same number of points when all balls has been potted the turn will shift to the other player and two balls of two colors will be put back on the table. This allows you to snooker the opponent after potting the final ball.
The pink ball will be placed at the starting location of the brown ball furthest to the right.
The yellow ball will be placed at the starting location of the brown ball furthest to the left.
Single frame format
The winner of the last frame will break the next frame unless it's a frame to win the match in which case your opponent will break, the amount of frames will be extended (such as by 4) if it ends in a draw (such as 8 vs 8) where the player to break will be the first one to be one frame short of winning (such as winning 8 frames out of 16).
Double frame format
The points of the first frame will carry over to the next, each player will break once in total for these 2 joint frames.