kilning instead of trooning


Well-known member
there has been a lot of talks on gendersex changes in recent years.

but I have maintained that trooning is a cope, because the tech isn't there yet.
if you get a sex change you are simply mutilating your body, and become
a disgusting satanic abomination.

a better way would be trading bodies between men and women.
it would be an interesting discussion about the trade mechanics and bargaining
a bodies trade value.

but as for the method of kilning:
the body replacement could be done by swapping only the life experience
memories between the 2 bodies.

I assume that the brain is built on skills, which are separated from memories.
each body would get a memory wipe, than loaded with experience of life
of the other person. thus you get a trade.

you will have new knacks and skills of the new body, but memories of you as the other sex.

the method will probably be used for bad intents by the elites who will cheat death,
but that's also for another thread.

I'd like vini to do these topics, would be a good read.


You could view body swapping as cope too since then you will not actually spread your original genetics (at least not with your new body).

You would need to be able to do a brain transplant for that which currently cannot be performed.

But whether or not trans tech is good enough depends on what you are trying to achieve. It's currently decent at letting people visually pass as the other sex (especailly for early MtF transition) and HRT does change the body in deeper ways as well for better or worse.

To be honest main current problem is temporary infertility from HRT alone (unclear if it can cause permanent infertility) so if anything the issue with HRT is that it's too potent.


I'm not talking about brain swap, I said:

1 wipe memory clear
2 upload memories only as in let the swapped brain experience the other brain memories
very fast. only main memories.
That probably wouldn't carry over the actual consciousness and it's also completely unfeasible to begin with.


wipping the memory exists, its called shock therapy.

the 2nd part would just need funding.
You can manipulate memory to some extent yes but shock-therapy causes brain-damage so it's very far from ideal.

It does seem like creating a false memory is possible. I once remembered having watched an anime that hadn't even aired yet (it was manga only).