Maybe it's just as well that we moved away from manosphere sites, to sites with more comprehensive philosophies


Staff member
I used sites like to spread my message and becuase i got some high quality responses while posting there, same with earlier. I was able to spread my message faf more efficiently when i finally caved and started using reddit (which i hate).

Now these sites are dead and i didn't get the same at, it's just filled with low iq users now so there isn't much point in posting there besides spreading the pinkpill

Most of the manosphere has always been problematic, the only good MGTOW promoter i have come across is Victor Knight.


Active member
@Leucosticte Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Almost only people that are failures in life are interested in openly discussing rape, pedophilia, zoophilia, etc. An exception being that there is serious successful people that support National Socialism, but not the others. You would do better with a Nazi forum without the degen shit.
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Staff member
Vintologi is far superior to any form of national socialism.

It might be for the better that i have to censor myself and other when it comes to some topics.
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Well-known member
@Leucosticte Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Almost only people that are failures in life are interested in openly discussing rape, pedophilia, zoophilia, etc.
That just goes to show, people are interested in those topics all along, so as soon as the fetters are released by their having nothing left to lose if they get persecuted, that's when they talk about that stuff.


Staff member
Stuff like sex with young girls and rape are indeed very interesting topics.

But people might be afraid of posting her due to fears of getting doxxed, i have taken steps to minimize that risk such as not having any other admin or mod that can see ip information but people may still doxx themselves in other ways.

Vergil got rekt by using the same username on many sites.


Well-known member
Stuff like sex with young girls and rape are indeed very interesting topics.

But people might be afraid of posting her due to fears of getting doxxed, i have taken steps to minimize that risk such as not having any other admin or mod that can see ip information but people may still doxx themselves in other ways.

Vergil got rekt by using the same username on many sites.
His IP leaking = he got rekt?

So people know what city he lives in and what his cable company is. Big deal.

Or they know what cell phone provider he has.


Active member
That just goes to show, people are interested in those topics all along, so as soon as the fetters are released by their having nothing left to lose if they get persecuted, that's when they talk about that stuff.
I know. Many (probably most) people have some “kink” that is seen as disgusting by society at large. That includes many successful people. Society requires one to some degree to put a mask of respectability by some arbitrary standards.

Anyway, the point is that if you have a forum about pedophilia and rape your user base will be entirely or almost entirely losers that can not be trusted with anything.


Well-known member
I know. Many (probably most) people have some “kink” that is seen as disgusting by society at large. That includes many successful people. Society requires one to some degree to put a mask of respectability by some arbitrary standards.

Anyway, the point is that if you have a forum about pedophilia and rape your user base will be entirely or almost entirely losers that can not be trusted with anything.
Are you successful, or are you some kind of neet, MGTOW, incel, youngcel, etc.? Or married to a landwhale? It's getting to a point where most white intellectuals are not in a very decent situation. It seems like it's mostly the blue-collar whites who get the hot babes; maybe it was always that way, who knows. Actually, if anything, the situation might be worsening, now that in the #MeToo era, even the bosses can't bang and/or marry their secretaries. He can get MeTooed just for making the proposition.

Anyway, there are plenty of guys who are like, "Pedophilia and rape are disgusting" and they're still losers. Some of the worst losers are moralfags, because being a moralfag is all they have left, as a way to feel superior to others. Or they just don't have the balls to talk about anything controversial, because they're worried about getting a bad reputation on sites like (which is mostly a site for uninteresting losers at this point; if you're going to be a loser, at least be interesting).

We know that huge swathes of the male population are pedo and/or willing to rape chicks if they can get away with it, which means there's a huge number of men in denial about this stuff due to social coercion or their own moralfaggotry. A lot of men going around saying "You're a fuckin' pervert" have maybe jacked off to the same stuff but they feel superior because they're not open about it.
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Staff member
In some cases ip adresses can be linked to a single individual, it will depend on where you live.

And you may have given out other info about yourself.

But i have never gotten into trouble due to what i have written online even though i havnt properly protected my identity, i do however need to self-censor a bit which is frustrating.
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Well-known member
In some cases ip adresses can be linked to a single individual, it will depend on where you live.

And you may have given out other info about yourself.
Well, maybe people should just quit doxxing others and then it wouldn't be an issue. E.g., maybe Zesto should cut that out, although I'm not sure he's actually succeeded in finding out anyone's true info.


Staff member
The transgender movement are very unwilling to compromise and they had 100 times more political success than the entire manosphere, its ironic that people taking estrogen are less cucked than every single MRA.

Just take a look at jessica yaniv, i like her.



Active member
@Admin What worked for transgender people may not not work for pedophiles. Trans people are seen as weird by society. They do not go to prison for being openly trans. Pedophiles go to prison if they have sex with people below the age of consent and are open about it.


Staff member
Being gay was illegal in the past and people went to jail for it.

The current AoC laws are even worse than the laws previously making homosexuality illegal, there is really no logical way to justify that, not even close.

Sure we can argue over details (setting it to 11, 12 or 13) or what the rules for child marriages should be but that's a separate debate, the #1 priority should be to lower the AoC to at most 13

@upyr maybe one issue is that there are just to few people willing to take the heat when it comes to advocating for teen sex, pen & teller did it with bullshit tv series but i wonder if it helped much.


Active member
Sure we can argue over details (setting it to 11, 12 or 13)
In several countries in Europe AOC is 14 years. In Mexico it varies by state down to 12 years.

or what the rules for child marriages should be but that's a separate debate, the #1 priority should be to lower the AoC to at most 13
I am of the opinion that literal children (younger than 12 years old) should not marry. They should be studying. Marriage would be a distraction.

Who are you, upyr?
MTF transsexual. I do not want to disclose my real-life identity.
I'm not asking for your real identity, I'm just interested in how you found this site. Did you post at any of mine or Nathan's sites before?


Staff member
In several countries in Europe AOC is 14 years. In Mexico it varies by state down to 12 years.
Yes but its 16 to 18 in the US which is really bad, could it have somethingto do with christian moral dogma when it comes to sex?
I am of the opinion that literal children (younger than 12 years old) should not marry. They should be studying. Marriage would be a distraction.
I do not remember learning much of value before 12 in school and you can learn after being married.

The main advantage with child-marriages is that it reduces the parental burden and it may also be a decent solution if the parents die or for some other reason cannot raise her well, i think it would be better than foster care.


Active member
Yes but its 16 to 18 in the US which is really bad, could it have somethingto do with christian moral dogma when it comes to sex?
Probably more with Protestant culture specifically than with Christianity (broadly understood). Note how predominantly Catholic Central Europe has lower ages of consent than USA:

I do not remember learning much of value before 12 in school and you can learn after being married.
It is possible. Marriage is still a distraction. There is less time for a girl to study if she has to attend her husband. If she has children she will have to care for them for a lot of time overlapping with university. Child marriage makes more people. Humanity does not need more people. It needs more high quality people. Child marriage trades quality for quantity, the opposite. Child marriage is also bad for hebephiles and ephebophiles: Pregnancy gives an influx of hormones that develop a young woman as if she was older, losing the appeal to those that like young women.

The main advantage with child-marriages is that it reduces the parental burden and it may also be a decent solution if the parents die or for some other reason cannot raise her well, i think it would be better than foster care.
It is more likely that the parents will have interest in raising a kid well than a husband. The parents feel that it is their responsibility because they brought him/her to the world. The husband is interested in her for a sexual reason and to have a housewife (basically a live-in wife+prostitute).


Active member
Well, maybe people should just quit doxxing others and then it wouldn't be an issue. E.g., maybe Zesto should cut that out, although I'm not sure he's actually succeeded in finding out anyone's true info.
That's what the victims wish people would believe.