Psychiatry horror stories


A psychiatrist can do what no police officer can do, what no judge can do, what no forensic laboratory can do, which is to detain someone under the mental health act with no evidence whatsoever. Just one word is enough, or a sentence taken out of context. The psychiatrist can imprison a person on the basis of one interview and force feed him mind altering medication. The drugs themselves are dangerous and can easily destabilize a normal person, so in effect the psychiatrist is creating his own clientele.

The effect of locking a person up with other drug-damaged inmates is traumatic and adds to the destabilizing effect of the drugs. “See, we told you he was mad” the Psychiatrist can crow after having mangled a human in his or her perverted care.

The fact that there isn't any reliable way to diagnose mental illness give a lot of power to these quacks to just make things up and there will not be any real accountability, since you are viewed as mentally ill any complaints you have about mistreatment can be discarded as delusions you had.


Therapy is a danger to your personal health and safety
The following was posted on an incel forum

A good friend of mine was severely depressed and was told to go get mental health counseling, arguably the stupidest piece of advice that could ever be offered to anyone. He booked an appointment with a well-known therapist. After a number of sessions, during which he foolishly revealed that he was thinking of killing himself, the therapist decided to contact police. The police came to his house and kicked in his front door. They arrested him and dragged him to a hospital emergency unit, where he was strapped down to a gurney. The shrink on duty recommended that he be transferred to a psych ward for further evaluation. He was placed in a straitjacket and locked up in a state mental hospital, surrounded by violent, drooling retards who would howl like animals all night long. The examining shrink diagnosed him as schizophrenic and recommended immediate forced injections of Haldol and Thorazine.

The more my friend complained about his treatment and the wrongfulness of the diagnosis, the more the shrinks came to believe that he lacked insight into his supposed "illness." In response, they merely increased his dosage of Thorazine. To stop his whining, he would be tossed completely naked into solitary confinement, where he was forced to defecate and urinate in a cardboard box on the floor. He would have to spend hours forced to smell his own shit and piss. When the shrink came to visit him, he would be placed in a full body restraint and held down by a dozen security guards. At this point, he was pumped so full of drugs he could barely walk or talk.

He spent almost a decade of his life having to endure this brutal treatment because some idiot said "Just talk to someone bro." Now he has difficulty brushing his teeth and putting his clothes on in the morning.

The entire "mental health" industry (therapists, nurses, shrinks etc.) is dominated by sadistic control freaks who inflict terrible emotional, physical, and sexual abuse on their helpless victims, but get away with it because of their professional status and the fact their "patients" or "clients" are drawn from the lowest rungs of society. This is what makes the profession so attractive to those who can only achieve sexual arousal by watching others suffer.

My friend would tell me about typical therapy sessions. The shrink would force him into a room and spend an hour insulting and laughing at him. The shrink would call him a loser; he would tell him that he would never amount to anything; he would mockingly ask him why he was never able to hold a job; he would tell him that he would never find a girlfriend because he was worthless; he would even call him uneducated and stupid because he flunked out of college, pointing out that he was better than the victim by virtue of his position as head shrink.

This shrink was absolutely vicious, deriving an intensely erotic pleasure from watching his victim suffer. His name-calling and abuse would sometimes reduce my friend, a grown man, to tears. This so-called therapy continued along these lines for days, weeks, even months.

My friend, tired of the constant emotional and physical abuse, told the shrink to go fuck himself during a therapy session. The shrink pressed an SOS button on his necklace to alert security. 12 guards burst into the room, seized the victim and placed him in restraints. His pants were pulled down and he was given an injection of Haldol. Other drugs were administered. My friend passed out. He was then stripped naked and placed in solitary confinement.


u/NinjaInfoCards420 wrote:

I think it probably could have happened. I've been hospitalised for letting something like that slip and the places I went treated their patients like they were subhuman. Though my experience pales in comparison to his (they took my glasses, threatened to not even let me wear a hospital gown to cover myself in a CO ED WARD, forced me to take meds that I was medically proven to be allergic to, took me off my thyroid meds and would not allow me to use my inhaler when I had a severe asthma attack), it's not too hard for me to believe something like this us possible. I had a friend at my college who was placed in solitary goddamn confinement in a psych ward for having a panic attack on campus after someone tried to hit her with a car. She was not given anything to wear, not even a gown. The only thing I have trouble believing is how long he was kept there. I was in there nearly 2 weeks despite being cooperative, and my friend was there for a whole ass month. These places are typically short term but I have heard of some of the shittiest ones keeping people for up to 12 months.


This could have ended very badly

u/FinallyAnts wrote:

I made it.

I posted a while back a guide to "get out of a psych ward in a couple days" total bullshit. I didn't understand how controlling they really are. I deleted the post as some comments suggested because I was recently forced meds for civil disobedience on a juvenile unit. I just got out today, I was able to cheek Abilify and trick staff into believing I liked psychiatry after doing Abilify. I went in because I was at the end of my rope with addiction to THC and I felt I would hurt myself that night if left alone. After telling my parents they heavy pressured me (I'm 17 m) to go in. I listed medication as a trigger on my forums but they totally ignored it. I refused meds and saved antimed talk for when meds were pushed. Staff rolled their eyes at, scoffed at, sighed at, and ignored my science backed opinions on medications. I had an incident where I was caught breaking a rule and they were going to punish me. I feared forced meds so I banged on an exit door and almost opened one with a magnetic lock before they hauled me upstairs. I begged the whole time please don't medicate me. They recommended a Benadryl but I don't know if they meant Vistiral because they use the names interchangeably like a bunch of dunces. I said I couldn't have DPH the active ingredient in Benadryl. I didn't tell them why, they would lable me schizo, my HPPD makes me hear voices off of one Benadryl. A nurse came up to me and said it's a pill or a needle. I begged them not to and began to meditate to calm myself. They told me I was going to be given Zyprexa whether I like it or not. I looked the nurse straight in the eye and told him he was worse than a street drug dealer. That got him for a second I could see a flicker of thought in his eyes before the plastic stare of a mental health worker returned. I said pill before the needle was out. I put the little Zyprexa in my hand and looked at it. I said, "I am so against this." Before putting it in my mouth and chewing with my mouth open as directed. I was dry crying I was so upset. They took me to my room and I awaited it's affects.. I knew it was working when I felt a bottleneck on my cognition. Squares and triangles scrolled across the walls from the drug interacting with my HPPD. Some type of nurse came in and told me my doc said I'm not leaving without meds (Abilify). They didn't check my mouth like retards and I'm free I survived. I cried with joy last night when I realised that I no longer had to feel anxious about my pill spitting being found out. It was like I was holding my breath for so long and just got that breath of fresh air. I knew the drugs better than the doctors. I said I would have no SSRI meds and they told me abilify wasn't an SSRI. It is. I made them bring me the book they had of drug info and mechanisms and saw the 5HT-2A antagonism which is a red flag for a psychnaut. Cheeking is the way out of Psych wards with your personality. Whatever God may be out there help those poor kids stuck in that unit being sedated and inhibriated in their developmental stages. I journaled extensively and may post more going on's. Fuck psychiatry and up Peter Breggin.

OverthrowGreedyPigs wrote:
I was able to cheek Abilify and trick staff into believing I liked psychiatry
We hear this a lot- you have to accept their ideology.
Psychiatry is pushing a sick ideology- it's basically:
  • "blame yourself and don't actually solve your real life problems, just take our drugs to remove your emotions".
And that ideology is almost always political since it's all about blaming the powerless/suffering individual instead of blaming the powerful who cause most of our suffering.

It's like, we heard (for decades) about all the "government brainwashing" in Russia, NK, etc. But violent social control isn't just there. America just hides it with medical language (eg calling these face-punchers "doctors" and "nurses.")

And yet it actually works. Most people don't even question it when people are violently abducted, & returned violently drugged into a zombie-like state.

(Who's silent/submissive, and doesn't question power anymore.)

Sometimes they're vanished and never seen again. (By violent "doctors" who assume the problem is inferior genes.) Yet most people don't question it at all.

Humanity is not intelligent- speaking generally humanity is just moronic chimps using fancy language to hide incredible stupidity.

They're demeanor totally changes when you accept their doctrine. For which they supply no evidence. They have no study to cite, no blatant truths. No scan or physical evaluation can show real signs of these imbalances that would be so obvious. You cannot have a bullet in the head without an entry wound. An imbalance of 5HT at 5HT-2A would fuck with alot of biological processes.

I won this because I knew my enemy and I knew myself, I cannot say the same for the other patients. When you take help from your enemy, expect sabatoge.

This is an enemy that will try to make you forget yourself and your enemy so you succumb in every battle. Cognition is a symptom of disease to a psychiatrist. The cure is drug induced stupidity. Cognition is a symptom of feral humanity. There is no need for intelligence in our society beyond those on the top of the pyramid. A smart human, is a dangerous human to society.

MorbidlyObeseYoda Land of the free my fat green ass. Fuck psychiatry and fuck the United States.

Whatthedarknessdoes So basically you did everything wrong in the psych ward.

FinallyAnts Basically.

Do not fight them before getting out numnut!!
Don't even fight when you are a minor.

Yeah I learned that the hard way. Ooof. Feign compliance is the way.

My first comment on this story
The issue is that when you oppose this quackery people will have a knee-jerk reaction and think you are crazy even though what you believe is backed up by science. Psychiatry is essentially a state-religion and it's a very dangerous cult.

Your brain being damaged by your THC addiction is bad enough.

Psychiatry compares well with a cult, the holy book being that DSM-5. I'm especially lucky I didn't get my pill cheeking found out since my mom asked them if they were "making sure I was taking them." Staff there was so naive and egotistical they couldn't believe that I was wriggling out of their web of lies. It certainly helped that there were alot of fights between patients which proved wonderful distractions.

I've heard alot of terrible anecdotes about these places and their staff. I'm very lucky the therapist I have obviously doesn't want me admitted or he would have done something when I told him in the fall I knew how to make bombs in there as a bluff to make him not put me in there. I stopped seeing him so he didn't send me in but I think I'll be seeing him again. Obviously I'll avoid the pink slippable statements.

What the Zyprexa did fucking sucks man it's made me consider eating more LSD to see if it fixes it has fixed brain fog for me before when I briefly abused DPH. Then again I need to wait at least a month to touch that stuff after coming into contact with Abilify.

My reply
Your own mother is a danger for your personal well-being, you cannot be honest with her either.
But dont ruin this by voluntarily taking harmful substances, your brain needs to heal for all this and this will take time.

from FinallyAnts via /r/Antipsychiatry

Honestly, I'm not going to do it since a trip right now would most likely be traumatic and my HPPD is intense enough. Sad part was the HPPD was beginning to somewhat fade before the zyprexa and staying away from serotonin influencing meds was an important part of my drug recovery since my receptors have been so manipulated by LSD.

The reading and writing impairing aspect is beginning to lift after around a week post zyprexa. American society is very difficult to endure without substance induced impairment for me so I'm very glad I've been able to stay sober this long.

I've stopped being honest with my parents. Capitalism has ruined the therapetic capabilities of family by convincing them that a specialist that really knows less than family does is wiser.


Rape isn't that bad in comparison
At least you are legally allowed to fight back if someone tries to rape you and it will usually be over rather quickly, it can end badly sometimes (STD, having to abort a child, etc) so it will depend on the scenario.



Life destroyed by electroconvulsive therapy

With ECT you are playing russian rolette with your brain, surely there must be a better way to threat depression than giving people grand mal seizures?

She later lost her ability to type (took years to recover) after having ECT, the goal was to cure her severe OCD and she decided it was worth a try.

Every single that called in had a bad experience with it included the women that claimed it cured her depression (gave her brain damage).


Well-known member
The guy told that his doctors were like drug dealers. Wrong example, drug dealers are good people compared to such criminals.


A better example are the guards in nazi concentration camps.

You are better of going to scientology, sure they might indoctrinate you into their cult and this will lead to economic ruin your brain will be harmed less.

I dont think council for evidence-based psychiatry has anything to do with scientology, there are plenty of secular organisations opposing this quackery


Staff member
thewindschange wrote:

Here's one of my bullshit hospitalization stories.

My Dad and I were talking about something, the memory is too hazy to remember exactly what but it was nothing too serious, but as he was walking away I said the meme "I'll cut you" that was popular around this time in a jokingly sinister manner. Well my parents apparently took this as a serious threat, probably because of my diagnosis of Schizophrenia and their ignorance, and when I woke up in the morning the police were at my bedroom door ready to take me to the hospital.

I was transported to the hospital and dragged through the hospital in handcuffs. I'm sure you can imagine some of the looks I received for this from the people in the hospital. It was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life.

I refused medication and explained to the Doctor how bullshit this hospitalization was and the events surrounding it. I had gone off of my medication because I had read a study about how the anti-psychotic they had prescribed, Zyprexa, shrinks your frontal lobe and I was scared shitless this was going to make me become an anti-social person and that it was directly damaging my personality. The Doctor was having none of it and didn't listen to me at all. He took me before the consent and capacity board(of which he was a member at the time) and I lost and was forced into taking treatment.

I was in the hospital for almost a month because of this, for saying a meme, and no amount of explaining the situation could resolve it peacefully. I mostly think these Doctor's just do it to cover themselves legally at this point.

Tl:Dr - Said a popular meme, went through hell for close to a month for it.


Plenty of people are critical of psychiatry but they simply fail to go all the way. Even my own mother recently mentioned that people may stop taking their medications after de-institutionalization (something she has been critical about) as if that would be a bad thing.
"Drugs help some people"

Unless you are going to die soon i dont see how it would be beneficial. Short term benefit is just that, short term. Fentanyl addicts are also helped short term by taking it (usually).
Short term usage can be justified
A single dosage can give a bad reactions or make someone addicted, its really not suitable for people that are currently vulnerable. A lot of people lack the discipline to properly taper off.

Often what was supposed to be a temporary treatment becomes permanent. It can escalate into a rather nasty addiction easily, jordan peterson almost died.

I have not yet seen any evidence supporting short term usage of any psychoactive substance (long term).
I need this drug
Fantanyl addicts think the same thing. The drug will interfere with your ability to judge the effects.
I got better using this drug
Thats what you tell yourself. You got better despite taking a harmful drug and you were just lucky it didn't end badly for you.

He is a good example of failure to see the obvious, he still claimed "it's ok to use anti depressants" which is less rational than "it's ok to shoot up heroin if you are feeling down". No it's clearly not ok to use psychiatric drugs such as SSRI:s, it's 100% not ok to take drugs that are this dangerous and harmful, even short term usage is harm to justify.


He was tortured for a month and will now try to sue the psychiatrist
He found out the hard way that the rights he though he had simply dont exist he thinks he will be able to get money as compensation (good luck with that)

u/Kind_Extreme wrote:

I will spare you the details and the rant. Basically I was 5150’d and heavily drugged. Psychiatrist was very abusive. We are talking very high doses of Zyprexa, Haldol, Seroquil, Lithium, and Depakote. All at the same time. Psychiatrist refused to discharge me and wanted to hold me in that Hell for 6 months, and give me a conservatorship.

I got rescued by my health insurance company, who recognized this “treatment” was unnecessary and refused to continue paying for the hospitalization. So she had to let me go.

I got 5150’d (taken to mental hospital) and heavily drugged with very dangerous antipsychotics. I committed no crime, and my rights were gravely violated. I was held there for a month. I am going to file a lawsuit. What kind of lawyer do I need?

State is California.

I will spare you the details and the rant. Basically I was 5150’d and heavily drugged. Psychiatrist was very abusive. We are talking very high doses of Zyprexa, Haldol, Seroquil, Lithium, and Depakote. All at the same time. Psychiatrist refused to discharge me and wanted to hold me in that Hell for 6 months, and give me a conservatorship.

I got rescued by my health insurance company, who recognized this “treatment” was unnecessary and refused to continue paying for the hospitalization. So she had to let me go.

I was abused, my rights were violated, I wasn’t the same after this horrific experience, and people have sued over much smaller issues. I only want an answer as to the kind of lawyer I need to seek. I am going after the psychiatrist.

Damages: Rights violated Severe psychological damage PTSD Brain damage from drugs Emotional damage from drugs


Braindamage from antipsychotics
It's a general theme with psychiatry that they just make you worse long term

psychiatryshoulddie wrote:

I took small doses of antipsychotics for 5 years. It was to help me sleep after taking stimulants. I didn't really have withdrawal from antipsychotics other than sleeping for 10 hours a night every night for 2 weeks. I was so tired.

But now I have brain damage. Cognitive, neurological, physical damage, etc... That never goes away.
When I was on antipsychotics, I had serious problems with my memory and reasoning. This came back when I stopped the drug but not quite 100%. The neurological and cardiovascular damage however stay until I die.
I'm not sure I understand the feeling that you have but good luck.

dustin4you wrote:

I have neurological, cardiovascular, and vascular issues as well from long-term usage of meds. Those quacks thought I was schizophrenic because I believed in god and I had reactions to the meds that caused me to seizures and the psychiatrists said that was normal. When I was stuck in the psychiatric hospital.

I have not recovered from the damage and still cannot walk much because of serious damage. I definitely am not normal even now.

rifax99: i'm not the same after my treatmens,i have your same feeling about heavy drug


The following horror story was written by bobayoga and illustrates how nobody is safe from these quacks

I Hate Psychiatry with a Passion. It Has Ruined my Life
When I was 18, I wasn't coping well with transition from high school to college. Pretty normal reaction. I was feeling down all the time so I tried weed. I never really liked it but it became the only thing I would do when I was home.

When I was 18, I wasn't coping well with transition from high school to college. Pretty normal reaction. I was feeling down all the time so I tried weed. I never really liked it but it became the only thing I would do when I was home.

At some point I completely freaked out, total mental breakdown. I am fairly certain it was because of the weed. I was smoking all day everyday at that point. I yelled at my parents behind my locked bedroom door like a maniac. My sister called the cops on me.

I was put in a mental institution. I was there for 1 month. They gave me all sorts of cocktails of pills. Effexor was the worst, but there were countless others. At some point I had to take 6 different pills a day.

This has screwed my brain beyond repair. I lost my imagination, meaning I can't picture images in 3D in my brain anymore. Can you imagine the nightmare? My mood is always either completely apathetic or suicidal.

When I was a teen, I was always the life of the party, funny, witty, I didn't even have to try, it all came naturally. But since I took those dreadful pills, I'm just always quiet, no words ever come to my mind when I'm trying to have a conversation, I'm not funny, I'm out of it.

It's been ten years and I still haven't recovered. In the mean time I've tried going to all sorts of different psychiatrists, psychologists. But they're all crooks. All of them.

They have this sheet with like 12 questions that they want to ask you. So generic. Questions like "do you sometimes feel super ecstatic like beyond control?" And if you answer yes to that, that's enough for them to label you as bipolar.

I was just a scared kid when I was 18, I needed direction, advice, guidance. Not fucking 6 different pills to take every single day. But psychiatrists never tell anyone that they're fine Never! Have you ever met someone who's been to a psychiatrist and came back like oh no he said I'm just going through a tough patch? No It never happens. They always find something to diagnose. Depression and bipolar are the easiest for them.

How is that fair? Since it's been ten years I have little faith that I'll ever go back to my joyful teenage self.

How can a medical professional be satisfied diagnosing someone after only asking 7-8 questions? And it's not just one of them, all of them I've been to, they're all the same.

How can the medical community legitimize a practice that has as much validity as homeopathy?

I hate psychiatry so much. I am convinced that in a few decades, we will look at psychiatry the same way we look at phrenology today.

Fuck psychiatrists, fuck psychiatry, fuck them all to hell. Ruined my life beyond repair. I can get better, but I can never get to my full potential.

Thanks for reading this rant if you made it this far. I appreciate any messages/replies.
Take care

At some point I completely freaked out, total mental breakdown. I am fairly certain it was because of the weed. I was smoking all day everyday at that point. I yelled at my parents behind my locked bedroom door like a maniac. My sister called the cops on me.
I was put in a mental institution. I was there for 1 month. They gave me all sorts of cocktails of pills. Effexor was the worst, but there were countless others. At some point I had to take 6 different pills a day.

This has screwed my brain beyond repair. I lost my imagination, meaning I can't picture images in 3D in my brain anymore. Can you imagine the nightmare? My mood is always either completely apathetic or suicidal.

When I was a teen, I was always the life of the party, funny, witty, I didn't even have to try, it all came naturally. But since I took those dreadful pills, I'm just always quiet, no words ever come to my mind when I'm trying to have a conversation, I'm not funny, I'm out of it.
It's been ten years and I still haven't recovered. In the mean time I've tried going to all sorts of different psychiatrists, psychologists. But they're all crooks. All of them.

They have this sheet with like 12 questions that they want to ask you. So generic. Questions like "do you sometimes feel super ecstatic like beyond control?" And if you answer yes to that, that's enough for them to label you as bipolar.

I was just a scared kid when I was 18, I needed direction, advice, guidance. Not fucking 6 different pills to take every single day. But psychiatrists never tell anyone that they're fine. Never! Have you ever met someone who's been to a psychiatrist and came back like oh no he said I'm just going through a tough patch? No It never happens. They always find something to diagnose. Depression and bipolar are the easiest for them.

How is that fair? Since it's been ten years I have little faith that I'll ever go back to my joyful teenage self.

How can a medical professional be satisfied diagnosing someone after only asking 7-8 questions? And it's not just one of them, all of them I've been to, they're all the same.

How can the medical community legitimize a practice that has as much validity as homeopathy?

I hate psychiatry so much. I am convinced that in a few decades, we will look at psychiatry the same way we look at phrenology today.

Fuck psychiatrists, fuck psychiatry, fuck them all to hell. Ruined my life beyond repair. I can get better, but I can never get to my full potential.

Thanks for reading this rant if you made it this far. I appreciate any messages/replies.
Take care

Virtual-Knight wrote:

I find this terrifying. A psychiatrist destroyed my life when I was only 7, too but with minimal involvement. I was never locked up like you were. He had my grandparents force me to take ritalin. That was all it took. It made important parts of me die. My only crime was asking to be transferred to my original school while my mother was still living there. Six years I was forced to take it. I BEGGED my grandparents to let me stop swallowing that poison. They didn't care how much pain the drug was putting me in. They were happier with the way it made me. So sick, I was almost paralyzed, so freightened of I never knew what, I couldn't think for myself, so painful to breathe, I was barely able to talk. After I was finally allowed to stop, I regained some of my physical energy over the course of the next few years, but not all of it. As for my personality, I never got back the parts of me that the ritalin killed. For the rest of my life, I have to live as a hollow husk. A living corpse. Just to punish me for asking to be allowed to go back home.

bobayoga replied:

I absolutely understand. And the worst part is, those quacks are gonna go along working their 100k+ jobs. Not giving one shit about the pain they've caused. They're gonna convince themselves that we were messed up to begin with, and the pills were only there to help. We're the only ones to blame

steph_5631 wrote:

I could have wrote this myself. I finally a year and a half ago escaped psychiatrists and got my meds down from 6 to 1 over the past few years. Despite doctors saying I need them. And im doing so much better. After one of my medications playing a role in a miscarriage because doctors failed to tell me I shouldn't get pregnant on it. These are washed out people who care about making a buck from there phara companies and really dont care about the person on the other end. Im so thankful im only 26 and even though 16 years old my life was controled to psychatrists hosptials and mental illness. Im started to free myself.


Well-known member
Psychiatrists are untouchable people. Among the anti-psychiatrists there are many bullshitters psychotherapists, other anti-psychiatrists are psychiatrists themselves, meaning that they have learned why people are misdiagnosed and given bad drugs to them.

If you are sane and you go talk to a psychiatrist he will ruin your life, I would say that it is your fault because you should not go talk to a psychiatrist on the first place, but many Americans are pieces of shit hypochondriac demented attention seeking whores who want a diagnostic label.

American men are blaming the doctors because they do what they are payed for. That’s because American people in general have the bad habit of abusing drugs when they don’t need them, they also find stupid excuses to seek diagnostic labels, because such diagnoses provide the Americans a sense of identity (I am not joking).

American men are to blame, I would never go talk to a psych-something guy. If I am mentally sane I need no drugs.

The problem these American morons are facing is called bad diagnosis, they have encountered cases where the doctors gave the wrong pills. Yes such things can happen, so what? Do we have to blame the entire psychiatry discipline?


Active member
Psychiatrists are untouchable people. Among the anti-psychiatrists there are many bullshitters psychotherapists, other anti-psychiatrists are psychiatrists themselves, meaning that they have learned why people are misdiagnosed and given bad drugs to them.

If you are sane and you go talk to a psychiatrist he will ruin your life, I would say that it is your fault because you should not go talk to a psychiatrist on the first place, but many Americans are pieces of shit hypochondriac demented attention seeking whores who want a diagnostic label.

American men are blaming the doctors because they do what they are payed for. That’s because American people in general have the bad habit of abusing drugs when they don’t need them, they also find stupid excuses to seek diagnostic labels, because such diagnoses provide the Americans a sense of identity (I am not joking).

American men are to blame, I would never go talk to a psych-something guy. If I am mentally sane I need no drugs.

The problem these American morons are facing is called bad diagnosis, they have encountered cases where the doctors gave the wrong pills. Yes such things can happen, so what? Do we have to blame the entire psychiatry discipline?
None of the pills work medium or long term and most are devastatingly habit forming, where the withdrawal can be crippling for many years, making the point of taking the drug moot.

Many psychiatric patients are drugged 100% against their will

eg in a psychiatric hospital

or are blackmailed/threatened/coerced into taking them

eg gaslighting someone into believing they are extremely depressed or psychotic, and then forcing yourself into the patients care and expressing to the psychiatrist and depedent extreme dissaproval when drugs are not prescribed, crying etc, making a show, until the patient and doctor gives in


people complain a lot about psychiatry but no one ever does something about psychiatry
There are people who try to do things but it's too weak.

The strongest actor is scientology via "CCHR" but people tend to ignore them because they are a cult, they also tell themselves everyone else opposing the psych quackery is a part of the Scientology conspiracy

It's likely that the second amendment would be useful against psych coercion if people were crazy enough to actually pull the trigger. A lot of citizens are in favour of coercive psychiatry since they are cowards afraid of other people.


Active member
There are people who try to do things but it's too weak.

The strongest actor is scientology via "CCHR" but people tend to ignore them because they are a cult, they also tell themselves everyone else opposing the psych quackery is a part of the Scientology conspiracy
CCHR has made some dope videos.

Partly why people are afraid of psychiatry is that resistance to it is promoted by psychiatrists as admission of mental illness.

As soon as criticism of psychiatr goes away, psychiatry comes creeping back like a cockroach. And by criticism of psychiatry, I don't mean pushing for patient suicide rights, psychiatry is only against that because they want control of the patient, it has nothing to do with his life or death.

I would love to publish the horror stories of psychiatric patients that I run into on my websites, but nothing effects me on an emotional level like this topic, and it is not possible for me.
Last edited:


Life destroyed by SSRI
Parents will often coercive their children into taking brain-impairing psychoactive substances thinking they know better than their child despite never having done any research of their own, instead of listening to their child they continue with their authoritarian parenting style where they keep pushing their child to blindly follow authority figures like psychiatrists.

scrumperumper wrote:

I am fortunate enough to have never been institutionalized or forced on medications, but I was coerced by a doctor after my first visit with her. I told her going in that I was not willing to go on any medications. She said I understand but you pretty much need them. I was also being pressured by my mother who told me I was broken for being depressed so I caved in and was put on Prozac. Worst mistake of my entire life.

The only thing that doctor ever did for me was ruin my life and hand me worksheets about positive thinking. Every time I came back in to see her, she seemed to have forgotten what we talked about the week before. That was my first clue that this was all bullshit. Then my dose got doubled after two weeks of “not feeling the effects” and I began to lose weight rapidly. Over the course of about two months I dropped from 120 lbs to under 100. Being 96 lbs when you’re 5’7 is terrifying. Beyond the weight loss I was experiencing other terrifying side effects. Racing heart, constant tremors and shaking and twitching, nightmares when I managed to fall asleep, cold sweats, problems breathing and eating, constant drowsiness, diarrhea, and my periods stopped for almost a year. These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head 4 years later. Mind you this is all taking place at the same time with increasing severity each day.

The mental side effects started to hit a little bit after the physical ones. I stopped being able to make memories. I barely remember a lot of things that happened during this time which makes me feel disgusting. It felt like I was watching someone else live their life through a tv screen, but I was outside the house peering into their living room window to watch it (if that makes any sense at all). I was so disjointed from who I was, what I was doing, and what I was thinking. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion and all the sounds were muffled. I don’t think I felt a single emotion besides deep and constant despair. I don’t want to talk too much about it but I went through my lowest points during this time.

I ended up forcing myself to taper off on my own. During this time I would feel sick with flu or food poisoning symptoms despite eating nothing but oatmeal every day. I would be writhing on the bathroom floor for hours unable to do anything. Fortunately I gained weight back and most of my physical symptoms disappeared within a few months but the mental damage is permanent. I ended up dropping out of school because I just couldn’t do anything anymore. All the progress I had made by myself with no doctors or drugs to manage my emotions was completely wiped away. I went to this doctor for help and it ended up completely ruining my life. I only took those pills for a few months but the effects have lingered years beyond the last dose. I can’t put it into words too well but my mind just feels like it was scrambled and bruised and I don’t know how to fix it.


Active member
Life destroyed by SSRI
Parents will often coercive their children into taking brain-impairing psychoactive substances thinking they know better than their child despite never having done any research of their own, instead of listening to their child they continue with their authoritarian parenting style where they keep pushing their child to blindly follow authority figures like psychiatrists.

scrumperumper wrote:

I am fortunate enough to have never been institutionalized or forced on medications, but I was coerced by a doctor after my first visit with her. I told her going in that I was not willing to go on any medications. She said I understand but you pretty much need them. I was also being pressured by my mother who told me I was broken for being depressed so I caved in and was put on Prozac. Worst mistake of my entire life.

The only thing that doctor ever did for me was ruin my life and hand me worksheets about positive thinking. Every time I came back in to see her, she seemed to have forgotten what we talked about the week before. That was my first clue that this was all bullshit. Then my dose got doubled after two weeks of “not feeling the effects” and I began to lose weight rapidly. Over the course of about two months I dropped from 120 lbs to under 100. Being 96 lbs when you’re 5’7 is terrifying. Beyond the weight loss I was experiencing other terrifying side effects. Racing heart, constant tremors and shaking and twitching, nightmares when I managed to fall asleep, cold sweats, problems breathing and eating, constant drowsiness, diarrhea, and my periods stopped for almost a year. These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head 4 years later. Mind you this is all taking place at the same time with increasing severity each day.

The mental side effects started to hit a little bit after the physical ones. I stopped being able to make memories. I barely remember a lot of things that happened during this time which makes me feel disgusting. It felt like I was watching someone else live their life through a tv screen, but I was outside the house peering into their living room window to watch it (if that makes any sense at all). I was so disjointed from who I was, what I was doing, and what I was thinking. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion and all the sounds were muffled. I don’t think I felt a single emotion besides deep and constant despair. I don’t want to talk too much about it but I went through my lowest points during this time.

I ended up forcing myself to taper off on my own. During this time I would feel sick with flu or food poisoning symptoms despite eating nothing but oatmeal every day. I would be writhing on the bathroom floor for hours unable to do anything. Fortunately I gained weight back and most of my physical symptoms disappeared within a few months but the mental damage is permanent. I ended up dropping out of school because I just couldn’t do anything anymore. All the progress I had made by myself with no doctors or drugs to manage my emotions was completely wiped away. I went to this doctor for help and it ended up completely ruining my life. I only took those pills for a few months but the effects have lingered years beyond the last dose. I can’t put it into words too well but my mind just feels like it was scrambled and bruised and I don’t know how to fix it.

oh wow my life story


permanent sexual dysfunctioned from SNRI

u/DespondentPSSD wrote:

How do you guys cope?
I honestly don't know what is compelling to write me this post, nothing but suicide fuel. As a result of the administration of venlafaxine(effexor) I have been rendered permanently sexually dysfunctional. My glans are numb, I feel no attraction to anyone or anything and I haven't had an orgasm in god knows how long. I might as well be a eunuch at this point. I have been living this hell for 5 years running. Why am I still alive? Honestly I couldn't tell you, the question runs through my head everyday. I wish I had the gumption to end my pitiful existence, yet I persist. This dysfunction does not simply end at the sexual category, I have lost the ability to focus my mind's eye, emotional numbing persists and I have no motivation to improve my pathetic existence. What I am experiencing is written off as a manifestation of depression, a meaningless catch all term for the supposed ills of the mind. I was never depressed, I simply did not know my place in the world and I was lead to believe that these pills would alleviate me of my emotional transgressions. Five years on, haven't touched a pill since May of 2019, merely existing, dead end job, abstention from relationships, friendship or otherwise because the emotional labour involved in explaining what has happened to me is ever so burdensome. I wish I had the will to end my pathetic existence, but here I am, persisting in this denigrating, humiliating form. My only release is illicit drugs and alcohol, I have no hobbies, no meaningful avenues to express myself. I am, but a walking corpse, compelled to walk the earth to spare the thoughts and feeling of his parents and those who still consider themselves my friends.

Sorry for the rather aggressive form this post took, but honestly I can't take it anymore. I would otherwise continue to suffer in silence, but being inebriated allows me to at least express myself in ways I otherwise wouldn't. At least I have retained the ability to cry, for that I am ever grateful.


Psychiatry and the BITE model
The BITE model can be used to determine to which degree something is a dangerous cult

u/snowycato wrote:

So I was in a mental 'hospital' recently and it reminded me a lot of the BITE model (it basically determines if something is a cult). This is my analysis for the first part: Behavior Control

This is from what is in my state, considered one of the better/kinder places to go. (As was confirmed by some of the patients I was with who had previously been in other places)

Behavior Control
  • Promote dependence and obedience
    • The more you disobey, the longer you are forced to stay and the worse you are treated
    • They put you on drugs that are addicting, which makes it hard to get off of them even after you leave.
  • Modify behavior with rewards and punishments
    • See above.
    • There was an open area with some seats where patients could hang out. If anyone "majorly" disobeyed, it would be taken away and you had to stay in your room.
    • Stuff and opportunities can be taken away
    • If you disobey too much they will tranquilize you and then up your meds.
      • (Didn't happen while I was there, but apparently it did happen with a patient that was transferred shortly before I arrived)
    • You were punished if you touched another person at all
      • This was supposedly meant to protect those who didn't like being touched (like me), but it also applied to when both parties agreed.
      • No high-fiving. No doing eachother's hair. No sitting together.
    • etc.
  • Dictate where and with whom you live
    • Rooms and roommates are assigned
    • You can't fucking leave
  • Restrict or control sexuality
    • No sex.
  • Control clothing and hairstyle
    • No clothing with strings
    • No makeup
    • No jewelry
    • No elaborate hairstyles
      • You have to get permission to even use your own hair products rather than the ones they provide for you (which are not great to say the least). This also applies to all toiletries.
    • If your clothing had messages or ideas they didn't agree with on it, it would be taken away
    • etc.
  • Regulate what and how much you eat and drink
    • There are limits on what and how much you can request for your meals
    • There are limits on how little you can eat
    • They control what times you eat
    • You can't take any food or drink back to your room
    • etc.
  • Deprive you of seven to nine hours of sleep
    • Ok, admittedly, this one doesn't technically apply (we got more than enough time to sleep, but its hard to sleep when people are opening your door every ten minutes and trying to see your face every ten minutes
      • Sleeping positions were regulated. They woke me up for sleeping the wrong way on multiple ocasions. At other times, I would get a flashlight to the face just as I was about to drift off.
  • Exploit you financially
    • You pay to be forced to be there (or your insurance does)
    • You can't work while you're there
  • Restrict leisure time and activities
    • You have to be doing certain (pointless) group activities at certain times.
      • You aren't allowed to daydream while these activities are going on
    • Media you can consume is limited
      • They decide whether or not you're allowed to read certain books (they have to be fiction and nothing to long or 'dark') (there are also many that are just flat out banned) (also no hard covers). (They literally took a book on european history away from me)
      • No internet without being monitored. Even then: no using your email or social media accounts
      • No computer or other electronic use without being monitored.
    • Activities you can do are restricted in general
  • Require you to seek permission for major decisions
    • yes
    • Also, for minor decisions
      • (including things like tampon size)
      • etc.
Information Control
  • Deliberately withhold and distort information
    • Wouldn't give you much information about the meds they were putting you on (and sometimes what they would tell you about them was a lie that could be uncovered with a single google search)
      • This was especially prevalent with the possible side effects.
      • They told me the medication they were putting me on had no side effects. At all.
    • You weren't allowed to research certain topics
    • Asking about how well therapies worked long term got you branded a skeptic, which was apparently bad and meant you were still sick
  • Forbid you from speaking with ex-members and critics
    • We were told not to meet up with eachother after we leave
    • We were instructed on how to lie about ever being there
  • Discourage access to non-cult sources of information
    • Couldn't go on the internet without being monitored
      • They wouldn't let you go to certain sites (including all social media) or let you look up certain things
    • Books needed to be 'ok'ed before you could read them.
  • Divide information into Insider vs. Outsider doctrine
    • ...
      • Not really, but honestly its the psychiatry system. the world loves and agrees with it.
    • Like I said, we weren't allowed to go to certian sites or look up certain topics, so that probably counts.
  • Generate and use propaganda extensively
    • All the media they gave us or forced us to watch or read was tailored to their rhetoric. (It was defenitly propaganda)
    • Just to be clear, this is how all the media they gave us falls under some of the major techniques of propaganda.
      • Glittering Generalities: LOTS of simple slogans and catchfrazes
      • Testimonial Device: they made us watch a lot of these
      • Plain Folks: All the doctors and nurses dumbed down their language while speaking to us. (Very noticeably). All the media they gave us or made us read/watch had very childish wording and graphics
      • Card Stacking: only gave us media that agreed with them.
  • Use information gained in confession sessions against you
    • You were required to report thoughts, feelings, and activities to nurses.
    • Anything you said or did could be used as reason to keep you there longer.
      • You would be told when you got to go home a few days before the scheduled release date. Even after you were given a date, it would be pushed as a result of you having any wrong thoughts or emotions, even if it was on the day you were meant to leave.
  • Gaslight to make you doubt your own memory
    • They'd say you thought, said, or felt things that you never thought said or felt.
    • They'd say the things you care about aren't important (apparently, that's a warning sign of gaslighting)
    • They'd tell you that having any emotion is ok. Then they would punish you for having any emotion other than being happy or completely neutral.
    • They wouldn't always follow your order for meals, but would say that they did. They'd say its exactly how you ordered it
      • They'd either leave out key items or give you a bunch of food you didn't order. It went both ways.
      • One time they gave me less than half of what I ordered (which was already a little bit less than most of the others). Another time they more than doubled my meal with snack food
    • They just lied a lot in general.
  • Require you to report thoughts, feelings, & activities to superiors
    • You were required to report thoughts, feelings, and activities to nurses.
  • Encourage you to spy and report on others’ “misconduct”
    • There wasn't a need for this. Whenever you were with any other patients, there was a nurse in the room to watch you
Thought Control
  • Instill Black vs. White, Us vs. Them, & Good vs. Evil thinking
    • Designated thoughts as good or bad
      • They specifically told me that wanting more time to read was bad.
      • They told me that thinking the activities were cheezy was bad.
      • They told me that not wanting to fail my classes was bad.
  • Change your identity, possibly even your name
    • Only used your first name
    • Repeatedly called a transgender dude by his dead name
    • Didn't allow you to dress as you normally would, which many consider to be important yo your identity
      • You were allowed to wear your own clothes, but there were a lot of restrictions (whether or not the clothing had a good message, no hoodies (strings), no shoes, no jewelry (mixture of strings and sharp things)
      • You weren't allowed to do your hair as you normally would (you weren't allowed to have certain hair products or accessories (such as bobby pins, ribbons, or anything other than a hair tie)
  • Use loaded language and cliches to stop complex thought
  • Induce hypnotic or trance states to indoctrinate
    • They put people on drugs that some reported made them feel like zombies
      • Gave me constant lightheadedness
  • Teach thought-stopping techniques to prevent critical thoughts
    • CBT is a thought stopping technique.
  • Allow only positive thoughts
    • If you reported any 'nonhappy' thoughts to the nurses (as you were instructed to do if you had them) you were viewed as still being problematic and your stay was extended
  • Use excessive meditation, singing, prayer, & chanting to block thoughts
    • There were excessive meditation and mindfulness related activities
    • Music Therapy was an everyday thing
  • Reject rational analysis, critical thinking, & doubt
    • Disagreeing with them meant you were still sick
    • You weren't allowed to decide of your own free will whether the risks vs. benefits are worth it for a medication.
Emotion Control
  • Instill irrational fears (phobias) of questioning or leaving the group
    • This technically isn't true of leaving the psychward, but it does apply to leaving therapy or going off your meds.
    • Warn you about how awful the withdrawl will be
    • Fill you with horror stories of how bad it has gotten for people who stopped therapy or gone off their meds
  • Label some emotions as evil, worldly, sinful, or wrong
    • If you don't act like everything is completely hunky-dorey you get punished
      • Your stay gets extended or your meds get upped.
    • Example: One patient told me how they had just got home from being there when they got mad about something and a roommate got them immediatly sent back
  • Teach emotion-stopping techniques to prevent anger, homesickness
    • Example
      • Smile to trick your brain into thinking you're happy
      • List all the things you like about your life
  • Promote feelings of guilt, shame, & unworthiness
    • We were taught to hide the fact that we had ever been there
    • I was told that who I am is not actually me, and that they were there to fix me
      • (They then diagnosed me with SzPD, which can't be 'fixed')
  • Shower you with praise and attention (“love bombing”)
    • The first hour of your stay is filled with nurses talking about how much they care and that they're certain they can help you 'heal'
  • Threaten your friends and family
    • (admittedly, no)
  • Shun you if you disobey or disbelieve
    • They don't shun you, but you are kept away from your normal life (including your friends and family) which could be considered to have the same effect
  • Teach that there is no happiness or peace outside the group
    • They fill you with horror stories about going off your meds or quitting therapy.
    • At one point I was literally told that being there was my only chance to ever be happy.
Last edited:


Enablars of abusive parents
Someone wrote in a discord:

I've had similar trauma to many of the users here regarding the fucked up nature of psychiatry

I have always sort of known that meds weren't going to work for me because my birth mother had tried all treatments for depression including ECT. She abandoned me shortly after birth because the medications made her to where she could not feel joy or love around me according to a letter she wrote me a couple years ago apologizing for giving me up

Ever since I was around 13 I was given all sorts of psychiatric drugs, when I was suffering from undiagnosed Autism and PTSD, doctors would keep saying I was just depressed and anxious, when I had serious developmental issues from autism that should have been caught early on and would have allowed me to have a better childhood if acknowledged. However, it was just SSRI after SSRI, multiple horrible "community counselors" too that I was mandated to see since elementary school when my alcoholic father essentially caused his own demise

My PTSD stemmed from abuse I faced at home as well as sexual abuse (some of which has been from medical doctors albeit not psychiatrists) the worst part is that I can hardly remember the original encounter with the doctor because I was a very young child, I just know that I felt extremely violated and feared doctors after that, the feeling was definitely similar to when I was molested at 14 and violently assaulted a couple of years ago, so I know something traumatizing happened to me. However psychiatrists completely ignore it when I mention that I have severe PTSD symptoms

I have several traumatizing experiences I've faced like being beaten, sexually assaulted, abused and blackmailed by my ex bf who groomed young girls like me, neglected as a child, lots of abuse. Yet these "professionals" kept throwing drugs at me that exemplified the horrific symptoms I experienced from remembering this trauma. I've been on all SSRIs, some SNRIs, Wellbutrin, Mirtazapine, Aderall, Hydroxyzine, Propranolol, pretty much everything but older antidepressants and APs. I believe these drugs have ruined my cognition and my development considering I took them on and off from age 13 till recently, and I'm almost 21

I attempted counseling again a few months ago and my last therapist called me degrading names when I told her I'd been sexually abused, said she didn't know much about autism, scolded me for making no eye contact, told me to quit acting so autistic because no one would take me seriously, etc. She ended up losing her job and her lisence. I feel very lost and at a crossroads now because everyone tosses me the same trite, "Just try another therapist, just try another pill" platitudes. I have suffered so much abuse that I have panic attacks even walking into a doctor's office, a Male doctor recently took advantage of me and touched me innapropriately and without my consent when I was shaking with fear, kept asking if I had a boyfriend and said my issues were probably just boyfriend stress, etc. I don't want to deal with anymore CORRUPT DOCTORS but sadly I have lost pretty much every relationship in my life because I don't want to bend a knee to psychiatry anymore. I fear my boyfriend will break up with me soon because he thinks I am "not trying to get help"

I can't really "get help" because no therapists or psychiatrists believe that other healthcare workers can be abusers. So they dont believe me. I've lost many friends because they don't believe my story. It's a very isolating existence.

Another individual wrote:

I was coerced on psychiatric medication after dropping out of college. My mom forced her way into a meeting and cried until my doctor said "look what you're doing to your mom by not taking meds". She said I looked too depressed around the house, but in reality she just wanted me to go back to school. I have since fallen down into a hole of drugging for 10+ years. And my life has been a joke since.

I am in pain 40% of the day and constantly think I'm dying when I'm not. I'm dependent on Valium now

Although there is hope, if I get more sleep and distract myself i might be able to fully come off drugs.


Antinatalist tortured by psychiatry
Instead of simply hitting her with a baby quota they decided to force brain-damaging anti-psychotics on her.

I agree with her mother, etc that she is insane but i doubt psychiatry will be helpful in "restoring sanity". It's not her mothers fault that she got unlucky with her genes but her mother should have respected here more than this.

u/s0angelic wrote:

I am being involuntary committed into psychiatry because of my views
I feel so stupid. I feel like this is my own fault but this is just too unreal. My mother got in contact with a "family therapist" at the beginning of the year and I did these sessions with this person at home to get my mother to shut up. I am strongly against all sorts of therapy btw because of past experiences.

Now one time my mother told this clown about how I keep blaming her for being on the planet and she kept bringing this shit up from that point on. Few days ago my mom tricked my into a conversation with that therapist and CPS. I'm turning 18 in few days too by the way. I at this point did not know this person was from CPS. They told me they wanted to help me with school. Fucking liars.

Then my mother brought this point up again, about how I kept blaming her about me being on this planet, suffering everyday because of her and of course everyone insisted that it wasn't her fault. I snapped at everyone and started argumenting with these people. Stupid me, I know. They revealed who they are and now basically declared me as crazy and I now am being locked away against my will.

Other things play into this too but I strongly feel this was the main reason because I sneaked into my moms room last night and read the report and this was the thing that was most written about in there. One of the goals they set literally says: "Restore patients sanity".

These clowns think they can change me. Hilarious. This is like as if a highly intelligent person would become idiotic overnight. I'm going to fucking end it in there.

somenewguy12345 wrote:

Trust me after months of AP depo injections you can become from intelligent to totally idiotic.
I suggest that you cooperate to get lowest possible dose of meds and taper off later. Say that you feel better after few weeks and that you reallize that you were angry for nothing and etc etc.

TooFatToMatt wrote:

Lie your ass off to anyone involved in the therapy/counseling fields. They will probably give you a lot of tests and screenings. Don't admit to having ever drank or tried drugs, had sex, had any suicidal thoughts, etc. Don't even tell them you feel sad sometimes. I don't know what your situation is like, but it might be a good idea to un-involve yourself with you family once you turn 18. They will try to convince you that you can't/won't make it on your own but you can.


Psychiatry can cost you everything
There is nothing you have that psychiatry cannot take away from you, this can be far worse than monetary loss

u/CapelaBranca wrote:

I lost all my friends and the woman I love thanks to medication
I had surgery to remove a tumour, after that for some reason I became depressed. So I got pills; Pills that completely changed my personality, made me mean and suicidal

Sertraline + Risperidone + Zolpidem + Bromazepam

I lost my life and everything I worked hard for :(


Life Destroyed by SSRIs
A single pill can destroy your life, be really careful and avoid these quacks like the pleage

Albin wrote
It started in December 2018. On 17th of December I took my first (and only pill) of lexapro 10 mg. I have never taken drugs (not even alcohol).

I desperetely took an AD because I was depressed and suffered from extreme anxiety attacks, due to malnutrion, being out of work and the loss of what I felt was the love of my life. I wanted talk therapy but the waiting list was so long and I got desperate.

1 pill made me suffer terrible insomnia and crazy mania. I was so afraid because I couldn't feel any emotions and I started sweating like crazy.

My doctor ignored my, and after a few days without sleep I ended up in the hospital where they drugged me with Olanzapine for my anxiety.

I wook up feeling even more terrible. This time I had vision problems, metallic taste in my mouth, angry violent impulses rushing in combination with being like a zombie. I was numb in the left side of my body, had poor co-ordination and couldn't move the fingers in my left hand.

I told doctors this, but they didn't listen. "You really need your meds" was the answer.After 4 days on olanzapine I quit CT. During this period my health anxiety and mania around it skyrocketed. I ordered a lot of supplements to heal my brain, went to the ER asking to get my brain was damaged from the stroke. The reason I believed it was a stroke was that when I googled my symptoms "intense headache like you never experienced before" , "numbness on one side of the body", so I thought my brain

One of the supplements I ordered was Mucuna Pruriens, an indian medicine with L-dopa. And with the effects of the other drugs still in my system I reacted really badly. I got this extreme euphoria from nowhere and then I totally crashed. I ended up in hospital, after trying LLLT-therapy. No doctors believed my theory that the drugs had done this, and that I got an dopamine-overdose, and now a broken reward system. At first I at least had some energy in January. But after the hospital, where they gave me a cicordinol injection along with benzos, I completely disconnected from my self.

There is no now anymore, and the damage/experience is so much worse than it was when it started with Lexapro (which was an enough traumatic experience). No one has listened and only now do my family believe me, when they got to witness live how i developed tardive dyskenisia from the injection at the hospital. My lean and healthy--looking face and body, is now pluffy/swollen. I have gained weight despite excellent dietary habits. I have never before been able to gain weight, no matter what I eat.

My hospital stay was in February-April. The injection was against my will, my family and doctors aswell. The doctor said I'm not psychotic. The doctors on the otherhand gave me "delusional disorder" and other labels for simply criticizing modern medicine and how telling them how sick I became because of the drugs. One of the sleeping meds made me totally loose my vision and I got muscle spasm, but the nurse's didn't bother. After the injection my neck starting twitching and I couldn't hold it straight. I could not talk. I was drooling and couldn't open my jaw. I stood drooling in front of the whole medical staff team, and they ignored me and told me to go back to my room. The doctor didn't give me any meds after that, stating, "Well you are obviously sensitive to drugs". Well, that should have been plain, given the reason I was there in the first place. During this time I also suggested to be treated with Zoloft. I think it was for 2-3 weeks, can't really remember anything from this time really. Only didn't to escape more antipsychotic poisoning and because I felt my life was already over anyways.

Been free of medicines since April.

1 pill Escitalopram (10mg) December.

4 pills olanzapine (10mg) December.

Sleeping meds: imovane (december-march/april).

Benzos: Mitrazepan 1-2 times.

Theralen, 2 times. (Really damaged me)

Cicodirnol injection (don't now the dose, but low dose). Reasoning for it was that I stopped showering at the hospital. Why? Well it was traumatic to see yourself naked and in front of a mirror, and not being able to feel the water on your body...

I live at home. With wellfare (thanks Sweden, but your healthcare is like the medieval ages).

Every day I'm slowly loosing touch with reality.I have friends and family. A yoga teacher supporting me to go to an Indian Ayruvedic hospital in June.

But my health is detoriating. I can barely move my neck (that problem I didn't have before when the worst of the injection was behind me). I have no feelings whatsoever. Anhedonia. Nothing gives me pleasure. I am against porn, but tried it to see if I react, I did react at the hospital (not a normal reaction, but something happened), no nothing. Porn was an easy test due to dopamine and how powerful it is on our brains. But nothing happens.

I have no higher concioussness. No feeling of the now or my-self. This was severely damaged by the drugs in the first place, but it is just getting worse. When it all started I had racing thoughts, flashbacks, anxiety etc. And even hope when I started to improve after quitting Olanzapine. But the Mucuna Pruriens sent me back to something that is not worthy a life at all.

So body has shut down. Memory. IQ. Everything declining. I have a hard time writing and coordinating everything I do.

I don't know if this post belongs here, but I most say it does. Everything started with Lexapro. Got worse with Olanzapine. And finally ended me with the dopamine overload and later on injection.

My background: 26 year old from Sweden. Musician, graphic designer, have master's degree in Media Production, worked as a teacher, have been a top-performer but also really anxious and low sense of self, I have not valued my self at all despite everything external going great for me. Loving, caring and really emotional.

Now I'm flat and liveless. My face has changed. Eyes are dead.No curiosity for life. Deaf in one ear after the meds. I can't read or listen to music, or watch films. That was possible in the beginning before my self medication.

It feels lonely. Lonely to have had such a strong reaction, not being taken seriously which made the situation much worse than it should have been.

I know some of you have been on theese drugs for years, I have not, but the damage has been imense.

What has happened? Can this be turned around? I am lonely in this?

I just want my life back. So I wanted to share this. I should have done that in December. Maybe then I could have been warned, tapering, avoiding interactions etc.

Update after 2 years:

No thoughts
No smell
Sensory input I react to
No identity ego
No time perception
No narrative


She was thinking they would help her, that didn't happen
This could have ended far worse, she is lucky she was able to recover from this. They guy above wasn't that lucky and he is still getting even worse despite getting off the horrible medication that was given to him.

u/-Zibbia- wrote:

Fool me once, shame on me; fool me 3 times, shame on whom?
I've been thinking today about my life about 2 years ago.

When I was younger I was told that mental health was important and that nurses and doctors where there to help you. I bought into the publicity campaign of how mental health professionals were the best of the best. I smiled upon myself thinking at least I'm not crazy at least I don't need mental health support. I still remember the day in assembly where we are told at least half of his classroom experience mental health issues.
In 2018 I found myself sectioned under the mental health act. I was experiencing trauma from an assault, 10 years earlier. Why was I the one locked up and tortured when the guy who assaulted me is living free. Why was I the one treated like scum and told I was wasting mental health resources? When just days earlier I was deemed incompetent of keeping myself safe?

I sat on a 1:1 disgusted about what I was hearing, nurses sitting there making fun of another patient. One nurse made fun of him and run up and down the hallway spitting.

I was denied medication and I was not given a reason why. Nurses looked at me like I was a violent offender, everytime I stood up there would be a nurse standing over me ready to tackle me back into my place. I have not committed a crime, my only crime was being mentally unwell.
If I dare to raise my voice I would have nurses grab me, and toss me onto the floor where I would have my clothing ripped off me. One of the male nurse there, made fun of me for my unshaven armpits.

I was mocked and bullied by nurses that were meant to support me.

I had committed no crime but yet I had my rights taken away from me and locked in a room for 3 days. Where is the care in that.
The doctor that saw me didn't believe me when I said that I was a victim. She talked down to me and told me "well there's no proof of that".
Every question I asked about my diagnosis was met with a psychologist shaking her head and ignoring my question and telling me I was lying. I still remember it to this day where she accused me of being promiscuous, at that time I hadn't even been in a relationship.

Pretty soon I was deemed to be mentally well, but yet no one believes the word I said. By their own system I was mentally well, but yet everything I said was the symptom of a mentally ill woman.

Two years later from that torture I still experience the symptoms, being sectioned has not helped me.It has let me to the deepest darkest depression I've experienced I'm scared of the people that I was told would help me.

I'm brandished as the crazy woman, but yet I'm to live my life sane with no help.

I remember calling for help only to have a woman tell me that I should drop out of uni.I was experiencing mild suicidal ideation and I was hoping for some help, instead I was told I was worthless and I would never achieve anything.

In recent months I've been able to get my life back together With no help from mental health teams.

Where is the help in mental health teams when they deem the mentally ill to be criminals of their own mind.