The following horror story was written by
bobayoga and illustrates how nobody is safe from these quacks
I Hate Psychiatry with a Passion. It Has Ruined my Life
When I was 18, I wasn't coping well with transition from high school to college. Pretty normal reaction. I was feeling down all the time so I tried weed. I never really liked it but it became the only thing I would do when I was home.
When I was 18, I wasn't coping well with transition from high school to college. Pretty normal reaction. I was feeling down all the time so I tried weed. I never really liked it but it became the only thing I would do when I was home.
At some point I completely freaked out, total mental breakdown. I am fairly certain it was because of the weed. I was smoking all day everyday at that point. I yelled at my parents behind my locked bedroom door like a maniac. My sister called the cops on me.
I was put in a mental institution. I was there for 1 month. They gave me all sorts of cocktails of pills. Effexor was the worst, but there were countless others. At some point I had to take 6 different pills a day.
This has screwed my brain beyond repair. I lost my imagination, meaning I can't picture images in 3D in my brain anymore. Can you imagine the nightmare? My mood is always either completely apathetic or suicidal.
When I was a teen, I was always the life of the party, funny, witty, I didn't even have to try, it all came naturally. But since I took those dreadful pills, I'm just always quiet, no words ever come to my mind when I'm trying to have a conversation, I'm not funny, I'm out of it.
It's been ten years and I still haven't recovered. In the mean time I've tried going to all sorts of different psychiatrists, psychologists. But they're all crooks. All of them.
They have this sheet with like 12 questions that they want to ask you. So generic. Questions like "do you sometimes feel super ecstatic like beyond control?" And if you answer yes to that, that's enough for them to label you as bipolar.
I was just a scared kid when I was 18, I needed direction, advice, guidance. Not fucking 6 different pills to take every single day. But psychiatrists never tell anyone that they're fine Never! Have you ever met someone who's been to a psychiatrist and came back like oh no he said I'm just going through a tough patch? No It never happens. They always find something to diagnose. Depression and bipolar are the easiest for them.
How is that fair? Since it's been ten years I have little faith that I'll ever go back to my joyful teenage self.
How can a medical professional be satisfied diagnosing someone after only asking 7-8 questions? And it's not just one of them, all of them I've been to, they're all the same.
How can the medical community legitimize a practice that has as much validity as homeopathy?
I hate psychiatry so much. I am convinced that in a few decades, we will look at psychiatry the same way we look at phrenology today.
Fuck psychiatrists, fuck psychiatry, fuck them all to hell. Ruined my life beyond repair. I can get better, but I can never get to my full potential.
Thanks for reading this rant if you made it this far. I appreciate any messages/replies.
Take care
At some point I completely freaked out, total mental breakdown. I am fairly certain it was because of the weed. I was smoking all day everyday at that point. I yelled at my parents behind my locked bedroom door like a maniac. My sister called the cops on me.
I was put in a mental institution. I was there for 1 month. They gave me all sorts of cocktails of pills. Effexor was the worst, but there were countless others. At some point I had to take 6 different pills a day.
This has screwed my brain beyond repair. I lost my imagination, meaning I can't picture images in 3D in my brain anymore. Can you imagine the nightmare? My mood is always either completely apathetic or suicidal.
When I was a teen, I was always the life of the party, funny, witty, I didn't even have to try, it all came naturally. But since I took those dreadful pills, I'm just always quiet, no words ever come to my mind when I'm trying to have a conversation, I'm not funny, I'm out of it.
It's been ten years and I still haven't recovered. In the mean time I've tried going to all sorts of different psychiatrists, psychologists. But they're all crooks. All of them.
They have this sheet with like 12 questions that they want to ask you. So generic. Questions like "do you sometimes feel super ecstatic like beyond control?" And if you answer yes to that, that's enough for them to label you as bipolar.
I was just a scared kid when I was 18, I needed direction, advice, guidance. Not fucking 6 different pills to take every single day. But psychiatrists never tell anyone that they're fine. Never! Have you ever met someone who's been to a psychiatrist and came back like oh no he said I'm just going through a tough patch? No It never happens. They always find something to diagnose. Depression and bipolar are the easiest for them.
How is that fair? Since it's been ten years I have little faith that I'll ever go back to my joyful teenage self.
How can a medical professional be satisfied diagnosing someone after only asking 7-8 questions? And it's not just one of them, all of them I've been to, they're all the same.
How can the medical community legitimize a practice that has as much validity as homeopathy?
I hate psychiatry so much. I am convinced that in a few decades, we will look at psychiatry the same way we look at phrenology today.
Fuck psychiatrists, fuck psychiatry, fuck them all to hell. Ruined my life beyond repair. I can get better, but I can never get to my full potential.
Thanks for reading this rant if you made it this far. I appreciate any messages/replies.
Take care
Virtual-Knight wrote:
I find this terrifying. A psychiatrist destroyed my life when I was only 7, too but with minimal involvement. I was never locked up like you were. He had my grandparents force me to take ritalin. That was all it took. It made important parts of me die. My only crime was asking to be transferred to my original school while my mother was still living there. Six years I was forced to take it. I BEGGED my grandparents to let me stop swallowing that poison. They didn't care how much pain the drug was putting me in. They were happier with the way it made me. So sick, I was almost paralyzed, so freightened of I never knew what, I couldn't think for myself, so painful to breathe, I was barely able to talk. After I was finally allowed to stop, I regained some of my physical energy over the course of the next few years, but not all of it. As for my personality, I never got back the parts of me that the ritalin killed. For the rest of my life, I have to live as a hollow husk. A living corpse. Just to punish me for asking to be allowed to go back home.
bobayoga replied:
I absolutely understand. And the worst part is, those quacks are gonna go along working their 100k+ jobs. Not giving one shit about the pain they've caused. They're gonna convince themselves that we were messed up to begin with, and the pills were only there to help. We're the only ones to blame
steph_5631 wrote:
I could have wrote this myself. I finally a year and a half ago escaped psychiatrists and got my meds down from 6 to 1 over the past few years. Despite doctors saying I need them. And im doing so much better. After one of my medications playing a role in a miscarriage because doctors failed to tell me I shouldn't get pregnant on it. These are washed out people who care about making a buck from there phara companies and really dont care about the person on the other end. Im so thankful im only 26 and even though 16 years old my life was controled to psychatrists hosptials and mental illness. Im started to free myself.