responding to r/subredditdrama


Ember16 wrote:

Yeah saw that also. I legit cant understand this screed. According to him trans people are mentally ill, but also men should become trans to get the benefits of women, but also people should be forced into being trans as a punishment for not being masculine enough, but also trans people are degenerate and deserve to be killed, but also they should be kept as sex toys for men. Like... what? Not even counting how fucked up this is, HOW ARE ALL THESE POSITIONS COMPATABLE AT ALL???

My Reply
Because these are not my positions, he/she didn't provide any quotes from the vintologi bible so i do not know where he got that from, most likely he just made that up. I do not think wanting to improve yourself by transitioning (or actually doing it) is something we should view as a pathology, it's good and healthy to take steps to improve your life. "gender dysphoria" also does not have to be a bad thing since it can push people to transition when doing so is beneficial.

Of course transitioning will not let you become like a cis female, being a trans female is different from being a cis female even if there is a big overlap in what experiences you will have. The differences can be both for the better and for the worse.

While being forced to transition can by itself be a punishment (when doing so isn't beneficial) forcing people to transition can also just be for their own good, that can be a part of a rehabilitation program for society problematic individuals.


The view presented in the vintologi bible is focus on what's good for society rather than making people suffer for doing something 'bad'.





Should 5% of the female population be reduced to property?
Due to "societal survival of the fittest" societies will be pushed to implement various policies currently viewed as inhumane such reducing some females to breeding slaves.

Many people got outraged by my suggestion to let 95% of the females remain free only using 5% as breeding slaves. I viewed that as preferable (if you are female) over subjecting a very big portion of the fertile female population to things like baby quotas (which would be much harder to implement and also very bothersome for all the females having to put up with that.

Aggressively breeding a small number of females is also better in terms of eugenics since then you can force the females with the for society most valuable genetics to reproduce the most.

The only way i see in which forced breeding can be avoided is to instead rely on artificial wombs which wouldn't be as fun for people wanting to have fun with a female reduced to breeding slave.


Someone did quote old positions i held a while back (from a blog post i later deleted since i moved away from libertarianism)
Vintologi isn't your garden variety nutter, he's even reviled by the main incel forum and has many entries related to him on their wiki. He's a Swede who had a blog with a proclamation about his own "political party" and these were some of the bullet points: legalize drugs, legalize organ trade, legalize weapons, legalize cp, lower taxes, offer euthanasia instead of welfare.
An example of how my positions has changed is now against letting people die even if they want to, yes i am in favor of forcing people to stay alive even if they suffer from painful cancer and just want to die. "assisted suicide" is not something i support.

I only suggested a partial legalization of child-porn (watchig it or possessing it) but i currently have doubts if we should allow people to possess large amount of CP. In any case you probably shouldn't be allowed to spread it to other people.


Well-known member
I would not answer to a redditor. 99% of their questions are attempts at scoring a "gotcha!" moment, they tend to combine collages of opinions and present them with reductions and absurd scenarios. I tend to simply ignore them, because the redditor repeats itself very often and I have seen them behaving that way many times.