[(S tier) puzzle] the development of an A.Eye for AGI GFs


Well-known member

*an alg to know if a pixel is an outline pixel based on the pixels around it.

 Public Shared Function isOutLine(ByVal xPos As Integer, ByVal Ypos As Integer, ByVal image As Bitmap, ByVal bias As Integer) As Boolean

        Dim result As Boolean = False
        Dim change As Byte = 0
        If xPos > 0 And xPos < image.Width - 1 And Ypos > 0 And Ypos < image.Height - 1 Then
            Dim color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6, color7, color8, color9 As Color
            color1 = image.GetPixel(xPos - 1, Ypos - 1)
            color2 = image.GetPixel(xPos, Ypos - 1)
            color3 = image.GetPixel(xPos + 1, Ypos - 1)
            color7 = image.GetPixel(xPos - 1, Ypos + 1)
            color8 = image.GetPixel(xPos, Ypos + 1)
            color9 = image.GetPixel(xPos + 1, Ypos + 1)
            color4 = image.GetPixel(xPos - 1, Ypos)
            color6 = image.GetPixel(xPos + 1, Ypos)
            color5 = image.GetPixel(xPos, Ypos)

            If (CType(color5.R, Integer) > CType(color4.R, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.R, Integer) < CType(color4.R, Integer) + bias) Then
                change += 1

            End If
            If (CType(color5.G, Integer) > CType(color4.G, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.G, Integer) < CType(color4.G, Integer) + bias) Then
                change += 1

            End If
            If (CType(color5.B, Integer) > CType(color4.B, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.B, Integer) < CType(color4.B, Integer) + bias) Then
                change += 1

            End If
            If (CType(color5.R, Integer) > CType(color8.R, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.R, Integer) < CType(color8.R, Integer) + bias) Then
                change += 1

            End If
            If (CType(color5.G, Integer) > CType(color8.G, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.G, Integer) < CType(color8.G, Integer) + bias) Then
                change += 1

            End If
            If (CType(color5.B, Integer) > CType(color8.B, Integer) - bias) And (CType(color5.B, Integer) < CType(color8.B, Integer) + bias) Then
                change += 1

            End If
        End If

        'Dim sumR, sumG, sumB As Integer

        'sumR = (CType(color1.R, Integer) + CType(color2.R, Integer) + CType(color3.R, Integer))
        'sumR -= (CType(color7.R, Integer) + CType(color8.R, Integer) + CType(color9.R, Integer))
        ''sumG = (CType(color7.R, Integer) + CType(color8.R, Integer) + CType(color9.R, Integer))
        ''sumG -= (CType(color1.G, Integer) + CType(color2.G, Integer) + CType(color3.G, Integer))
        ''sumB = (CType(color1.B, Integer) + CType(color2.B, Integer) + CType(color3.B, Integer))
        ''sumB -= (CType(color7.B, Integer) + CType(color8.B, Integer) + CType(color9.B, Integer))
        'sumR = Abs(sumR)
        ''sumG = Abs(sumG)
        ''sumB = Abs(sumB)
        ''Dim sumR2, sumG2, sumB2 As Integer
        ''sumR2 = (CType(color1.R, Integer) + CType(color4.R, Integer) + CType(color7.R, Integer))
        ''sumG2 = (CType(color1.G, Integer) + CType(color4.G, Integer) + CType(color7.G, Integer))
        ''sumB2 = (CType(color1.B, Integer) + CType(color4.B, Integer) + CType(color7.B, Integer))
        ''sumR2 -= (CType(color3.R, Integer) + CType(color6.R, Integer) + CType(color9.R, Integer))
        ''sumG2 -= (CType(color3.G, Integer) + CType(color6.G, Integer) + CType(color9.G, Integer))
        ''sumB2 -= (CType(color3.B, Integer) + CType(color6.B, Integer) + CType(color9.B, Integer))
        ''sumR2 = Abs(sumR2)
        ''sumG2 = Abs(sumG2)
        ''sumB2 = Abs(sumB2)

        ''sumR2 = color1.R + color4.R + color7.R
        ''sumG2 = color1.G + color4.G + color7.G
        ''sumB2 = color1.B + color4.B + color7.B
        ''sumR2 -= color3.R + color6.R + color9.R
        ''sumG2 -= color3.G + color6.G + color9.G
        ''sumB2 -= color3.B + color6.B + color9.B
        If change = 6 Then
            result = True
        End If
        Return result
    End Function
I'll delete the unused variables also.

this manages to detect outlines by checking per pixel and comparing to its surrounding, unfortunately it's very fucking expensive speed wize.
using parallal programming could speed it up by 4 but I should explore other directions


Well-known member
main :

Imports System.Math
Public Class Form1
    Dim eye1 As New Aeye()
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim bmp As New Bitmap("c:\testimage\x1.bmp")
        Dim bmp2 As Bitmap = bmp.Clone()
        PictureBox1.Image = bmp.Clone()

        For i = 1 To bmp.Height - 2
            For j = 1 To bmp.Width - 2
                If Not Aeye.isOutLine(j, i, bmp, 20) Then
                    bmp2 = Aeye.mark_dark_pixel(j, i, bmp2, 1)
                End If


        PictureBox2.Image = bmp2.Clone()

    End Sub