Some people were questioning whether you really fit into the ecosystem of these sites


Well-known member
Since Vintologi differs from plain vanilla incel doctrine.

Well, I have only have two criteria I go by, the JBpill and the rapepill. (1) Are you okay with, under some circumstances, men fucking JBs? (2) Are you okay with, under some circumstances, men holding femoids down and forcibly raping them?

The rest is just details. Maybe you say, only some men should get to do these things, or there are certain limitations, etc. Whatever, I don't really care, as long as you don't go around saying the JBpill and rapepill are categorically bad.

One might ask, "What about the pedopill?" I think it should be okay to lick a 3-year-old girl's cute, hairless snatch, too, but I think that pretty much logically goes along with the JBpill, since even pubescent girls still retain some childlike characteristics and tendencies. Even 25-year-old girls aren't really mature in the same way that men can mature. They don't have to struggle the way men do, so they never really have to grow up; they live in an eternal neverland. f3wigpjtu7vzmkyupnlpzycecrn5yanaiok6kazysa7o2auj57vu25ad.onion 5n6vpsigcftmaadj5rxvaswkr5npzebmsjm2zi64rv2xdt3blcixglqd.onion ec3uzlrksygqe3sdfmdhkvjyinvprwsfju7amx2eo4z6ysqwnawl3oid.onion jlv5nfrbbxhcop2az7sbmhc7rwsos7qxomvbszjdbkefg6khooysnsqd.onion beglshtugfmlj6hygq6y7qnkxwc6hqfkpyvkqmdj3q4xlt6llbjrtuad.onion ua5dqiqoouep26nhufonnesvoefhnqfkgsl4s3llcpghxkiffzsakmid.onion
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The rest is just details. Maybe you say, only some men should get to do these things, or there are certain limitations, etc. Whatever, I don't really care, as long as you don't go around saying the JBpill and rapepill are categorically bad.
I have established that AoC above 13 is dysgenic

I have not established that sex below any age would be bad it's just that if a child is really young like 5 he/she will not be mentally capable of making a proper decision but that doesn't mean all sexual activities are bad, obviously breastfeeding isn't bad and it can be viewed as sexual.

As for rape: it depends on what you view as rape but even with a very strict definition it's probably a good thing in some cases

I am very willing to discusss these topics from a vintologi framework, you simply need to consider how these policies will affect the gene pool and also whether or not you are ok with having oral sex at 7 when being born as a girl in a future life.
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I do not think the incel community/cult is in our side to be honest, our interests do not actually align. Most incels are just trying to play the sympathy/victimhood card thinking it will get them a government girlfriend, they are not interested in sexual freedom or the improvement of humanity.

Even if you are incel now you would probably benefit personally from converting to vintologi but it would probably not benefit incels as a group their current life.

When you have many girlfriends and kids it will come at the expense of other males dying childless and being alone, according to vintologi you will be rewarded for this in future life since you were able to spread your superior DNA.
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Incels are just a social group anyway; not really a movement or a bunch of terrorists. The guys like Anondump who were half-interested in going in that direction went away. Therefore they don't really have a lot of relevance to anything, other than some guys who are just trying to pass the time while they LDAR by hanging out with a handful of people they like.
There has been a few terrorists attacks but the total death toll is still far less than the amount Breivik killed alone.

In any case i do not think much can be gained from trying to use incels to archive political goals, at least not now. Most will just fold at almost nothing like anondump did.


Exactly. The average "incel" is actually just a MGTOW who, if he had enough balls to go out there and try to achieve his goals, would probably betabuxx his way into some pussy. If he won't do that, he's probably also not going to go ER or take any other risks.

Then there the youngcels who say, "I can't go ER because I have a life ahead of me." Aka, they haven't yet, but will eventually, betabuxx their way into some pussy. So they're only temporarily incel.

Anondump did rob a bank at one point, but that just goes to prove my point, that when he had enough balls to do something like that, it was for personal gain rather than for any greater good.
This is also why the second amendment is useless when it comes to preventing tyranny, the people willing to die for freedom or any other 'altruistic' reason) are few and far between.

Breivik was thinking "more people will follow after me" but that didn't really happen.

When someone actually sacficising his/her wellbeing for a political cause it's usally something stupid i do not find worthwhile at all, well if you are more rational you will probably be unwilling to sacrifice yourself in the first place.


What many people do not realize is that en easy afterlife experience would be boring, you need challenges in life to be happy.
It usually has to be religion or some other mass delusion. It's easier to blow yourself and the infidel up if from birth, everyone (including the people you look up to the most, such as your parents) has been telling you that you'll get 72 virgins for doing so.
You are not safe from it at any age, the difference is that once you are brainwashed into one belief system it will be harder for someone to brainwash you again unless it agrees with their existing beliefs.

So if someone already believes in equality that individual will be unlikely to convert to a belief system that doesn't also promote equality.

In order for you to accept vintologi you need to first purify your soul and often death is required for that.


Usually, though, especially in traditional cultures, people's family provides a lot of their moral, financial, and other support, so it makes sense that people would just go with whatever their family told them. In tough economic situations, family has to stick together or they die, so they've learned to maintain solidarity, and religion has helped them do that by settling tough philosophical questions and giving them a set of morals to go by.
If you in that situation begin to challenge your families religion you might end up dead because they ostracized you.

Being too smart can often backfire, people will be threatened by your intelligence if you do not hide it, it's like carrying a handgun in the open. There is a reason for why bringing up stuff such as your iq isn't socially acceptable, reminds other people about their mental inferiority.
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The reason why you need to prevent most males from raping females is obvious, if a female is raped by some guy and becomes pregnant you (or any other male you view as suitable mate) will be unable to also make her pregnant.

It's a competition against other males to impregnate females and you should be ruthless when it comes to this. If you invade a country almost all males there will need to be killed and they attractive females can be used for sex-slaves. It may be the case that most females are unsuitable for breeding and in that case they can be sold as slaves to other countries or simply killed outright.

I generally like with the choices female make when it comes to mating, might not be what i view as 100% ideal but for now it's working alright, thus the situation cannot be improved significantly by forcing females to mate with different males than their choices from my point of view.

I do however see significant improvement potential by forcing some females to have more kids and killing females that we view as unsuitable for breeding.