#tip .. eat meals.
#tip .. when up do snack && circulate blood to wake up.
#tip .. use energy drinks, (special-supplements) OR (powerful-salts). [[ IF EATTEN-MEAL ]]
"circulation using the YAYOG-Bible"
do (arms)
wait (12h)
do (legs)
// meal (3h_before) workout && (right_after) workout.
// when not when not YAYOG, eat greens.
1hnap = 2hup.
2hnap = 4hup.
3hnap = 6hup.
4hnap = 8hup.
5hnap = 10hup.
6hnap = 12hup.
// eating fruits before sleepy is not that bad.
"best way of coping"
int: take brakes etch two hours. (5 - 10m)
on brakes, get a snack, hot-drink, && circulate blood && memo "link:".
#here is a mental exercise that Im going to apply.
class forsight, before making an action use the five seconds to imagine all ways you gonna preform it:
- contributes to self awareness.
- keep it up when in Motional Action.
- it is a 3rd person outr body experience
class when listening to someone speak, simply repeat the spoken in your mind:
- contributes to self awareness.
- keeps you alart on detail of the spoken.
- also keep it up when listening to a video/song.
#brake proto
memo cyc = every 2 hours.
memo subject proi 1
memo subject proi 2
memo subject proi 3
memo on brakes of 5/(10) minuets.
that's why I need to priorities memos
and work them out every 2 hours when on a brake.
// don't forget anon, you are here only forever.