The redpill and the blackpill are both depressing
This was written by a member of our discord and reminded us about how lame modern society is with regard to dating.
i think i finally figured out the formula of evolution. i post in finance section.
Firstly there is Nikola Tesla gigablackpill energy. Normies dont experience this as much as incels. Firstly we describe what is an incel. Firstly Nikola Tesla had above average looks from other males. An incel is a male who has not had sex in 6 months. We define sex as non masturbation sex. The Nikola Tesla gigablackpill energy is when an incel sees a beautiful female, for instance even a rare glimpse of her lips, not neccesarily that she is smiling but is not even frowning, then gets a oneitus of her beauty. The incel feels a gigablackpill forcefield of energy, restricting the movement of the incel, the incel cannot move due to blackpill energy. The incel realizes that women on fetlife 99% or more do not top, women never approach or chase, women do not desire males. The incel recognizes and praises strong agile women that replace traditional male jobs. This does not make an incel a cuck, the incel is already cucked by strong blackpill energy, the realization that human males are not desired by females.
Part 2: so in order to find a female the incel reads redpill books and how to pick up chicks. Most of this kind of redpill content is depressing, I will explain why. First the redpill states a sort of blackpill, that by default women are not attracted to human males, and males must perform a set of steps to overcome this. Second part is redpill entails a loss of freedom, the male is no longer free to do anything other than mimic the specific set of attributes redpill says is required of the male. Usually this is some gobledegook about how women dont want a male that wants them, or some nonsense about how males should play hard to get and wait for women to chase them, or how males need to appear emotionally mysterious around women, or how males cannot talk around women or else they will get friendzoned. Furthermore, a male must conform and obey to the latest fashion trends of sex-haver normie males. Whether or not redpill advice is even true is debatable, and it well may be true, but what redpill offers is not freedom or mobility to males, but just a way for more male conformity. By following redpill a male implicitly accepts their status in the implicit social heirachy delegated to males.
Part 3: So if a male follows the redpill guidelines, they are really a beta male conforming to normies and sex-havers, but are supposed to appear alpha at the same time. But, even if every redpill guidline is followed, that is not the final test. Following the redpill was simply to get a date, and the date is the final test. On a date is like a job interview and thus, is dependent on economics. If a female detects the male is too financially poor that heavily reduces their odds of success on the date. Their are exceptions, many stories of males in poverty somehow getting laid with females, but generally speaking finances strongly affect the outcome. So, reproduction is heavily decided by the economics of a society. Even a hardworking male that works 5 days a week, may not even have enough finances to raise a family of 2 kids, maybe they can afford only 1. Such an amount is insignificant to evolution. Only very financially well off males could raise a large family such as 10 kids, but even 10 kids is insignificant to evolution, when the human population is around 10 billion, such an amount has hardly any effect on genetic evolution whatsoever, and in the future people will probably be cyborgs with customizable DNA anyway.
Part 4: In a functional and rational society, you would expect some secretive group to guide evolution by preserving unique and vital DNA samples. In my opinion no such group exists. Some claim that ufos grab people to create human alien hybrids, however such claims are not sufficiently proven, and even if the claims are true thats not exactly the same as storing various DNA samples in an array for future generations. For example, some people metaphorically believe they have poop that does not smell bad. But I litterally I have had poop that did not smell, I had to put the poop 1 inch away from my nose to smell it, and even then it just smelled a bit like rubber. Such a genetic trait would be highly valuable. I met someone who has immunity to the cold, you could put them in freezing cold, with no winter garments, and they would be fine for hours. There was also someone who could eat metal, rubber, someone who could eat vehicles, yet they were incel and did not reproduce. To my knowledge, no secretive group collected their DNA to preserve it for the greater good of society. Instead, all of evolution is funneled into capatalism and redpill, if someone obeys redpill, then they are funneled into finance, if and only if they have enough finances to raise a family do they reproduce, if not, they are a mere sex-haver that does not reproduce. A genetic feature like the ability to eat entire vehicles may take millions of years to form again, and may never form again. Yet it is tossed to the wayside, all is funneled into mere capatalism, genetic worth merely evaluated by how many things someone sells or buys. Humans sit passively, toss by the tides of fate, instead of taking fate into their own hands. Some would say its playing god. But the purpose of a god is to regulate a system, to maintain order in the system, would you run a railway a train with no conductor, no engineer on the train, no one in the control room? But society just passively allows this for all of genetic evolution, to be funneled and reduced into mere capatalism.
Part 5: What is evolution? So first we must define what evolution is. Because some say that evolution is simply whatever reproduces, thus is natural selection. So then there are R and K selected. Since males lack dating agency, a common male strategy is just find a female they don't really have much chemistry with, and go from there. I question if this is even evolution. For example, lets say a male is a hobbyist, and has 150 iq, and is horny and tired of being an incel. He goes to a pub and the women he wants aren't single, a few months later he settles for the first woman who doesn't reject him. He isn't particularlly attracted to this woman, their personalities have nothing in common, she has no interest in any of his hobbies at all, and she has an iq of 100. So their progeny, when they reproduce, will have an iq of 125, with a diminished interest in the hobbies. I question if this is evolution at all? Keep in mind this is an overly simplified example, just to illustrate a point, IRL iq and hobbies are probably not purely from genetics, but this example is just to help clarify things. So, one realizes that evolution can only be driven by love. Only until you find a female who loves you the way you want to be loved, with genetics as strong as your own genetics, then marry and reproduce. So one would seek out females with strong genes, in order to make improved evolution. But first I have not even defined what is evolution? More on that in the next chapter.
Part 6: So what is evolution? As I said earlier anyone can just say evolution is those who reproduce, and those who do not reproduce are not evolution. So I ask this... if a noble prize genius reproduces with a 75 iq human lifeform, is that evolution? No that does not make sense to define that as evolution. It doesn't make sense to say that evolution is about getting less powerful, more susceptible to ones environment. So, the moment you've all been waiting for... I now define what evolution is? Evolution is mastery of one's environment. So we can say if someone has physical muscles, that is evolution, muscles allow mobility of ones environment. If someone has brains that is evolution, since brains help one to master one's environment. If someone can run fast that is evolution, though not as much evolution as other things. Then there are evolutionary trades, for instance if someone is 200 iq but has physical difficulty moving around, then the reproduction causes an evolutionary trade. So for the example of a polar bear that "evolved" by happening to have the right color of camoflage for their environment, I do not consider this "real evolution". There was nothing really wrong with the other bears that just happened to have the wrong color for the environment. Being born with the right colors don't count as "real mastery of one's environment", there is no actual power over the environment, if on wednesday the environment suddenly changed they would not be able to do anything about it. Similar we can extract ways this can apply to also humans. Like if the environment suddenly changed only those who work as office cucks 60 hours a week reproduce the most, and must obey at all times, its not real mastery of environment since you are doing what your told and not having a good time of it either. So then there is the concept is of total evolution or total local evolution. Total evolution would be everyone having good quality of life, thriving, building, living as gods. Total local evolution would be just one lifeform, such as an AI or something, having total control of the planet. The total local evolution could result in more or less total evolution. If the AI is good it could increase the amount of total evolution, if it is bad then people might have less quality of life, less mastery of environment.
Part 7: So now that you've learned all that, you've learned what evolution is, what next? Well you may have noticed there are some downsides to evolution, for instance less ability to get lost. Evolution is mastery of ones environment, so when you first play a game you get lost, then the process is learning the game, evolving and mastering the game. Thus the process of evolution can be entertaining but if someone is fully evolved then there is stagnation, thus the downside of evolution. That may be why some say the journey is more important than the result. Then you may notice some conclusions with redpill. Havign to obey redpill is not evolution, reproducing with a woman you do not truly love is not evolution. By love in this context I mean wife material. There are different loves such as wife love, fuck buddy love, etc. Many short and petite women make fuck buddies, and a girl much shorter than oneself could be a wife also. But ideal marriage would be a partner of similar height. Ideally, with a woman about as tall as yourself.
To be clear, you could *maybe* argue that if you have sex with dozens of petite women, that is evolution, because this increases the volume of your genes, even though your genes almost certainly lose all the tallness and you are giving up height. Obviously, if a hot petite woman begs for sex then give her sex. I'm just saying you ideally want someone with genes somewhat similar to yourself. And if you analyzed redpill correctly then you know this, following redpill is not the path of true love. The path of true love is to be shemale, to look like a female but have a functional penis, dating a afab female who has similar height to your own height, who will love you as you want to be loved, an almost equal amount of love. It is clear that men chasing after women who do not want them is not love. It is also clear that many women are TERFs, and that by following redpill can lead to reproduction. So the path you choose is your own. By following redpill you may evolve in some ways but at the same time of less evolution, you are choosing to submit to the society. It is a tough ball to balance with no clear answers.
Part 8: So it is with seeking out stronger women and taller women than oneself, one results in a society of stronger and taller organisms. Fruits are determined by the seeds that are sown. If you have 100 locomotives, by adding 4 more locomotives you increase the energy of those locomotives. There is the longing for the masculine woman, the woman with a machine gun at her hips, but also the simulatenous feeling of intimidation, that by being born male, one is not worthy and that one will always remain as incel. If genes are not organized, catalogued, in rational ways, then dispersed accordingly, humans are but castles made of sand, blown by the winds or tides.