The Incel Wiki has a pic of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec on the main page


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The article notes, "He had a genetic disorder that made it so his legs stopped growing after they were broken."

Most incels probably don't look like that. In their posts, they don't talk about having that kind of condition; they just talk about their subhuman face, but of course they don't provide any evidence for that because they don't wanna doxx themselves. If they were complaining about their height or their dick size, at least they could provide objective measurements so we'd know they weren't full of shit if they're telling the truth about that. Face is more subjective because a guy can take a bad pic one day and a better pic the next; look at the various pics of Jeremy Meeks, for instance. He was just lucky enough that his mugshot turned out well.

They're probably mostly handsome but nerdy high school students who are going to grow to be six feet tall and then when they finally replace their glasses with contact lenses, all the girls will be like, "Wow, he's so hot!" and be giving him their phone numbers.

Maybe this is why has to ban so many people; if they allowed people to stay around for years, eventually these users would say, "Btw, I just ascended" and we would see how short-lived the inceldom of the average user is.

Even in the incel short film, the dude is not even all that subhuman; he's just betabuxx-tier. The girl in the library doesn't respond well to his advances because at that age, she's busy letting Chads fuck her, but 10-15 years down the line she'll be spreading her legs for that "incel" she rejected earlier, when she decides she doesn't feel like struggling to pay the bills via just her own salary.

And guess what, most guys who say, "I'd never accept a girl like that who didn't want me in her youth" will end up settling for/with a girl like that, rather than remaining volcel. The girl will find some way to get him to fall in love.

Then there's the large proportion of the incel population that consists of lazycels/brokecels, aka MGTOWs, aka divorced men who got tail years ago but are in a dry spell now because they have nothing to offer a chick, in terms of long-term relationship material. That's a legit problem, but it's not a Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec type of problem.

If they want a true picture of a typical "incel," it should be some socially awkward junior high school Chadlite who spoils his looks by wearing glasses, or an average-, maybe even above-average-, looking 40-year-old broke dude who lives in his mom's basement and probably has a neckbeard that's been growing for two months.
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Maybe what incel forums are doing is turning a temporary problem into a more chronic one (similar to how psychiatry operate), because they obsess over their problem they just make everything worse and thus they are less likely to recover.

Most incels probably view it as a temporary problem which is why they are unwilling to go the trans route, they dont actually think it's over for them.

Even in the incel short film, the dude is not even all that subhuman; he's just betabuxx-tier. The girl in the library doesn't respond well to his advances because at that age, she's busy letting Chads fuck her, but 10-15 years down the line she'll be spreading her legs for that "incel" she rejected earlier, when she decides she doesn't feel like struggling to pay the bills via just her own salary.
You put your self at a grave disadvantage by trying the daygame thing, most people are really busu with other things, why should a female waste time with you when she can just pick up tinder?

When you try to pick up a stranger that signals desperation and she will assume "it's something wrong with him". I have also noticed that females generally are unwilling to get to know you, just getting into the freindzone is actually rather difficult, maybe they are afraid of falling a love with a loser?


Well-known member
When you try to pick up a stranger that signals desperation and she will assume "it's something wrong with him". I have also noticed that females generally are unwilling to get to know you, just getting into the freindzone is actually rather difficult, maybe they are afraid of falling a love with a loser?
These daygame situations are where the theory of, "Only for Chad" might actually have validity, because his looks are probably all she has to go off of. Some say also, girls can sense your confidence, e.g. if you've already fucked 100 girls that look just like her, so that when you approach her, it doesn't seem like a big deal to you. I wouldn't know; I don't have that kind of notch count, and if I did, it would probably mean whatever approach I'm using, I'm probably pretty good at, and don't feel awkward using.


Well-known member
btw I agree somewhat and it's partially why I want to change the pic on the main page, even though I put it up, and am looking for suggestions from anyone anywhere
mostly want to change it because it looks too pretentious and try hard tho
Might as well go with ER. He meets the qualifications given by Hitler:

Thereby the folkish State has to start from the presumption that a man, though scientifically little educated but physically healthy, who has a sound, firm character, filled with joyful determination and will power, is of greater value to the national community than an ingenious weakling. A people of scholars, when they are physically degenerated, irresolute and cowardly pacifists, will not conquer heaven, nay it will not even be able to assure its existence on this globe. In the hard struggle of fate he who knows little succumbs most rarely, but always he who draws from his knowledge the weakest consequences and puts them into activity in the poorest manner. Finally, here also a certain harmony must exist. A rotten tody is not in the least made more aesthetic by a brilliant mind, nay, highest training of the mind could not at all be justified if its bearers were at the same time physically degenerated and crippled beings, irresolute and weak in character, hesitating and cowardly. What makes the Greek ideal of beauty immortal is the wonderful combination of the most glorious physical beauty with a brilliant mind and the noblest soul.
ER would've faded into obscurity if he had never shot up, knifed, and run over those people. But, because of his aesthetics and intellect COMBINED with his willingness to take action, now he is an immortal saint.

It's great to toss blackpills out there, but we need action too, and ER sets a good example of that.