The issues with self-ID-maxxing
First of people who merely change some government identity are not trans in any way so they cannot be transmaxxing. For this reason i suggest using the term selfIDmaxxing for people who abuse self-id laws for personal gain. Currently we use the term "transmaxxintg for people who pursue medical transition for personal gain while crossdressing for personal gain is referred to as "dragmaxxing".
Something i have heard several MRAs push is abusing self-id laws to get some personal benefits such as changing your legal sex to female in order to get cheaper car insurance. This is simply a case of a fraudulent and failed political movement trying to piggyback of a much more successful movement.
For self-ID-maxxing to actually work there has to be formal discrimination based on legal sex you can actually change easily.
But a lot of sex-discrimination is not based on legal sex and in these cases merely changing your legal sex isn't going to be helpful.
Then there is the issue of you potentially having trouble when using your ID card if it says female while you look like a male, this is something you need to look into before you try to save 5% out of your car insurance or whatever.
I have never found any situation where changing my legal sex (in Sweden) would actually be beneficial. The issues males face in Sweden can not be avoided by merely changing legal sex.
Also even in cases where you can easily get some benefit from 'abusing' self-ID laws you probably shouldn't promote it too much since that may result in said loophole being closed. This may actually lead to a worse situation in terms of mens rights by either requiring social/medical transition or basing the discrimination on sex assigned at birth or sex-characteristics that cannot be changed (such as chromosomes screwing over some intersex people as well).
By encouraging other males to abuse self-ID laws you endanger rights meant specifically for trans people. The TERF problem is already bad enough.
Selective service for example is based on sex-assigned at birth.
With female sports you need to suppress testosterone sufficiently for a long enough time to be allowed to compete in the female category or worse you cannot compete in the female category at all (depending on the sport and where you live).
When the Scotland changed their system for fully changing your legal sex they did not go for a self-ID system and interestingly i did not see any trans activist complain about this.
When punishing people who commit crimes there sin't any need for formal discrimination based on legal sex to discriminate against males, you can simply give males longer sentences by using sentencing flexibility, prosecute males more or simply acquit male suspect less often for charges.
Equal rights typically does not translate to fully equal rights in practice and sometimes the practical difference can be very large.
First of people who merely change some government identity are not trans in any way so they cannot be transmaxxing. For this reason i suggest using the term selfIDmaxxing for people who abuse self-id laws for personal gain.
Something i have heard several MRAs push is abusing self-id laws to get some personal benefits such as changing your legal sex to female in order to get cheaper car insurance. This is simply a case of a fraudulent and failed political movement trying to piggyback of a much more successful movement.
The scottish gender-recognition reform bill was still heavely attacked by TERFs even though it wasn't actually selfID.
Trans people aged 16 and older applying for a GRC will be required to make a legally binding declaration that they are already living in their acquired gender and intend to do so permanently.
This means that you do need to actually transition socially to legally change your sex. You need to do so for at least 3 months before you are supposed to legally change your sex
Applicants must make a statutory declaration that they have lived in the acquired gender for at least three months before applying (six months for 16 and 17 year olds).
The requirement of having lived as a women for months wasn't really needed in the first place and it will also make the initial social transition more difficult since you cannot change your legal sex right away. It's not ideal but still a great improvement over the system that was in place before.
Unfortunately the transphobic UK government isn't too happy about this so it will be up to courts to decide this, luckily the UK courts are much more supportive of trans people than the parliament.
When punishing people who commit crimes there sin't any need for formal discrimination based on legal sex to discriminate against males, you can simply give males longer sentences by using sentencing flexibility, prosecute males more or simply acquit male suspect less often for charges.
Equal rights typically does not translate to fully equal rights in practice and sometimes the practical difference can be very large.