The MRA and MGTOW fraud



False rape allegations almost never happens, people bringing that up are just retards trying to cope with the fact that all females rejected them, it's highly unlikely she will file a police report even if you legally rape her during sex.

Child support is only dysgenic when it's tied to who is the biological father. It is however the case that joint custody after divorce is becoming the norm in most western countries. It is also already the case that you will only lose 50% of the assets you earned after the marriage in a lot of countries and in that case it's really not much to complain about

The real issue is not false allegation but laws making good sex illegal such as when she is below the AoC or when you did something to her without asking for permission. Laws prohibiting prostitution is also an issue but some feminists are actually fighting against that.

You may still want to take a break from dating or relationships that only brings negative stuff, if you dont want more children you may want to focus on raising existing ones instead of dating.

Fertile females are biologically more important than males and thus they shall be given better societal protections than males. "women and children first" does make sense from an evolutionary perspective and this is why egalitarianism is biologically wrong.


Well-known member
Some MGTOW retards state you should just fuck females and not commit to them, this may work for a few people but that is not something that is even possible for most males and it may not actually bring you any happiness or allow you to have biological children

I agree, thats just a cope cause they want to use the preselection of fucking all these woman as a jumping board to get their oneitis
to fall for them, but I think they want to be loved at the end of the day, kisses hugs the full yandere exp.


Well-known member
Why is there no patriarchist movement? The MRA, MGTOW, and incel communities are all pretty lame. Actually, incels come the closest to having a truly misogynistic or patriarchist philosophy but they've have rejected the idea of being a movement (there were a bunch of posts on Blackpill, I think, about movement vs. community).

Curious Vintologist

Staff member
Why is there no patriarchist movement? The MRA, MGTOW, and incel communities are all pretty lame. Actually, incels come the closest to having a truly misogynistic or patriarchist philosophy but they've have rejected the idea of being a movement (there were a bunch of posts on Blackpill, I think, about movement vs. community).
But then again, MGTOW has the best reputation, sympathy, and appeal of the 3. We need to redpill more people and then transition them into the blackpill. And of course, our society is misandrist and hates men's right's movements.

Curious Vintologist

Staff member
Some MGTOW retards state you should just fuck females and not commit to them, this may work for a few people but that is not something that is even possible for most males and it may not actually bring you any happiness or allow you to have biological children

MGTOW only works for guys that just want the sex. But people like me want an actual relationship.


Well-known member
Men right online activists are mainstream right wingers, nothing more.

These people invaded male spaces with their insane pro-patriarchy stance.

I am against MRA and MGTOW, only because they are patriarcucked.

The concept of going your own way is legit, but right wingers ruined.



That was really cringe and embarrassing for the so called MRA:s the feminist destroyed them as expected.

What both groups however do not want to face is the fact that males are becoming largely obsolete in our modern society, a lot of 'male' abilities like physical strength and aggressiveness are really useful in primitive societies (killing males, raping females, etc) but it's not really wanted in a modern society.

Elite males may have a small advantage in intelligence but that is not something that apply to most males, it's very rare that a male is able to reach elite performance in anything.

Males can still be useful for giving females nice sexual experiences but given the increasing amount of incels most males are really not needed for that either. The situation for males would be far worse if it wasn't for the monogamy norm.


Well-known member
Males can still be useful for giving females nice sexual experiences
But the dildo market improved and many foids admit clearly that they only can have orgasms if they use a vibrating dildo.

Some foids have specific fetishes that require the presence of a male to be fulfilled. Other foids need emotional male support.

So I think men will be used as puppets by fetishist foids, because emotional support can be provided by urban families and female groups.

Conclusion = men are useless if they don’t have means to improve the life of foids.


Staff member
"Turd flinging monkey" is a moron
He is a deplatformed MGTOW cuck who promotes having sex with a doll instead of oursuing biological reproduction. He vastly overstates the risks you take by reproducing with a female and often gives outright terrible advice.

He still thinks Russia is winning in Ukraine while ukraine keeps taking back territory.

Ukraine is bulding an army of 1 million men and they keep getting significant military support from the west. Russia obviously cannot win that without resorting to extreme measures such as nukes and drafting a million russian soldiers.

He argued against censoring your political opponents claiming "one day the shoe will be on the other foot".

Not only will not censoring your opponents not prevent them from censoring you if they gain power; by not doing proper social control you make your society unstable allowing others (such as nazis) to gain power.


Well-known member
"Turd flinging monkey" is a moron
He is a deplatformed MGTOW cuck who promotes having sex with a doll instead of oursuing biological reproduction. He vastly overstates the risks you take by reproducing with a female and often gives outright terrible advice.

He still thinks Russia is winning in Ukraine while ukraine keeps taking back territory.

He argued againat censoring your political opponents claiming "one day the shoe will be on the other foot".

Not only will not censoring your opponents not prevent them from censoring you if they gain power; by not doing proper social control you make your society unstable allowing others (such as nazis) to gain power.
his main problem is that his doll is just ugly


An MRA admitted to being a fraud in the red pill movie
A feminist because sympathetic towards MRA cucks and decided to do a sympathetic documentary years ago.

In the movie one of the male MRA cucks said "if we actually looked out for men we would do x but we just want equality" where x was something regarding teen girls.

MRA cucks tend to be utterly silent regarding insane AoC laws except for a few radical libertarians calling themselves mens rights activists.

Of course it's generally a good thing if children can see both their parents but the bigger issue now is females not getting pregnant in the first place and here MRAs offer nothing to males. Sure an individual male can still beat the odds and reproduce a lot anyway but that will come at the expense of other males dying childless instead, in total it's just keep getting worse in terms of reproductive prospects for males as women are staying single, using contraceptives or have abortions.



"Mens rights activists" are grifters/fools
Let's say you are the sole arbiter of a divorce in your town where there is 2 000 000 $ in assets to be divided on the sole discretion of the judge. If that isn't any guy that is related to you or even a friend it makes perfect sense for you to screw him over as much as possible, other men are your competitors for mating so why should you defend their rights?

So why not just award everything to the woman and then force him to pay 4000$ per months in alimony/child-support? then when he cannot pay that send him to jail while you impregnate the female who he would have been able to get if it wasn't for you financially raping him.

Men not being financially raped after divorce in Norway actually contributes to 25% of the male population dying childless since males who are already fathers can more easily move on to make more females pregnant.

Of course screwing over males too badly will cause issues for the wider society. It's in the interest of society to give an important position to a male when the alternative is a less competent female.

For reasons that are unclear to me a lot of people do have some level of compassion for strangers of the same sex, this is of course mal-adaptive and maybe many MRAs are just examples of maladaptive humans who fail to pursue what's actually good in terms of survival and reproduction. Other prominant MRAs are just grifters looking to gain money/fame/power at least to some degree by taking a leadership role in some movement.

It makes sense to that males are expected to be the ones risking their lives to defend and expand the borders of a country. Men are tend to be physically stronger and females are the reproductive bottleneck.

MRAs tend to hyperfucus on a few issues (such as child-custody laws) rather than advocating for drastic changes to our society allowing people of both sexes to actually live good lives. This also makes sense since people are more likely to care about some issue that is affecting them personally (such as not getting custody over their child) than push for reform allowing some male stranger to live a better life.

What many MRAs don't want to understand is that merely having legal equality on paper between the sexes does not ensure that males are actually treated as well as females. Most interactions people have will with private actors who can treat them worse for being males.

It's also very much possible for various authority figures to treat males worse even if there isn't any formal legal differentiation. It can be a prosecutor deciding not to press charges against a female or a judge opting to go for the harshest possible punishment against a male, it can also be jury members voting "guilty" rather than "not guilty" because the suspect is male.

The difficulties males face today in dating is largely because modern women not really being interested in men in the first place. It's not because of chads having harems or polygamy. Monogamy is still very much the norm to the point where many females opt to stay single rather than settling for a male they do not like.

I do not think i could personally get any benefit from changing my legal sex to female here in Sweden. The laws in Sweden are very close to gender neutral but that doesn't mean men here aren't having issues. I deserve a special citizenship giving me special rights, i don't want to be treated like a female by the legal system, i want be sit in the highest court myself.


The manosphere is wrong about male disposability
Many people incorrectly believe that because males are more redundant when it comes to reproduction males would also be naturally less valuable. When we look at history however see a different picture.

In the past prior to the industrial revolution there was actually a preference for males, this was especially the case in the roman empire were females were dis-proportionally aborted or abandoned.

Since world war II males have largely not been needed for wars but this is actually temporary. European countries did the mistake of largely dismantling their militarizes to rely on NATO and while this was obviously a bad idea it did result in a lot of males in Europe not really having a place in society, not because they wasn't needed, it was because of bad political decision resulting in their capabilities being wasted.

Of course once there is only one state left there will be less/no need for males to engage in warfare but we are not actually there yet. Males are still very much useful as cannon fodder in wars to expand our borders.

But even in cases where traditional masculinity is very much needed it's typically not rewarded. Males are often expected to risk their lives in wars for little to nothing in return, they are expected to be slaves for society. Males are often outfight forced to participate in wars which is very much detrimental for them.

A big reason why there is a lot of resentment against trans women specifically among cuckservatives is that those despicable political cuckolds are upset about males not accepting the social role of a slave. They are upset about males rejecting facing all the patriarchal responsibilities while getting none of the authority.

Conservatives think that people born males should be mutilated and become slaves just for being born male, this unfortunately extends to intersex people as well. They want males to go to war and die in pointless wars (that doesn't result in any territorial gain) or to work hard for the economy while their resources are redistributed to old people, women, etc.

Conservatives want people born male to work as slave while being sexually deprived and not being allowed to in any ways escape that role.

Females are also redundant for reproduction
A single female can have over 20 children so while females are less redundant than males in that respect most females are still not really needed for reproduction, we can double the population size every generation even if just 15% of the female population reproduce.

The limiting factor isn't the physical abilities of females to reproduce, the limiting factor is females not wanting to have a lot of children for the most part. Yes females are currently bottlenecking reproduction (we have resources to support big population growth) but that's due to liberalism and feminism (females being given basic freedoms).

Many males are still not useful for society
A lot of males are still basically useless due to not being able to provide significantly for the economy or being particularly effective as soldiers.
Cannon fodder stategies are also becoming less and less useful for winning wars, sure it did help russia temporarily capture Bakhmut by using meat waves attacks (forcing males to run against machine fun fire to get mostly slaughtered) but they are still going to lose the war.

A big issue in the US is that a lot of males are on bad diet resulting in a lot of obesity, this makes them a lot less useful for the military:



Well-known member
we can make it work if we support more welfare for women.

Example: we want to fuck women pump and dump them.

how to do it? we do welfare for women. We support women with the state so when they have kids then we dont have to care about it too much... its going to be good for chads bad for incels for sure.

In any case it can work. We just have to give more welfare for women, but not enough to incentivize them to not pursue careers... I dont know the exact amount, welfare can also be given in form of child care services and resources such as baby milk formulas and whatever they need for kids... plus school, hospital, whatever it is going to be, dont ask me to be extra specific because I do not know since I am incel.

Chads will have sex, and women will have their fair protections.


The issues with self-ID-maxxing
First of people who merely change some government identity are not trans in any way so they cannot be transmaxxing. For this reason i suggest using the term selfIDmaxxing for people who abuse self-id laws for personal gain. Currently we use the term "transmaxxintg for people who pursue medical transition for personal gain while crossdressing for personal gain is referred to as "dragmaxxing".

Something i have heard several MRAs push is abusing self-id laws to get some personal benefits such as changing your legal sex to female in order to get cheaper car insurance. This is simply a case of a fraudulent and failed political movement trying to piggyback of a much more successful movement.

For self-ID-maxxing to actually work there has to be formal discrimination based on legal sex you can actually change easily.

But a lot of sex-discrimination is not based on legal sex and in these cases merely changing your legal sex isn't going to be helpful.

Then there is the issue of you potentially having trouble when using your ID card if it says female while you look like a male, this is something you need to look into before you try to save 5% out of your car insurance or whatever.

I have never found any situation where changing my legal sex (in Sweden) would actually be beneficial. The issues males face in Sweden can not be avoided by merely changing legal sex.

Also even in cases where you can easily get some benefit from 'abusing' self-ID laws you probably shouldn't promote it too much since that may result in said loophole being closed. This may actually lead to a worse situation in terms of mens rights by either requiring social/medical transition or basing the discrimination on sex assigned at birth or sex-characteristics that cannot be changed (such as chromosomes screwing over some intersex people as well).

By encouraging other males to abuse self-ID laws you endanger rights meant specifically for trans people. The TERF problem is already bad enough.

Selective service for example is based on sex-assigned at birth.

With female sports you need to suppress testosterone sufficiently for a long enough time to be allowed to compete in the female category or worse you cannot compete in the female category at all (depending on the sport and where you live).

When the Scotland changed their system for fully changing your legal sex they did not go for a self-ID system and interestingly i did not see any trans activist complain about this.

When punishing people who commit crimes there sin't any need for formal discrimination based on legal sex to discriminate against males, you can simply give males longer sentences by using sentencing flexibility, prosecute males more or simply acquit male suspect less often for charges.

Equal rights typically does not translate to fully equal rights in practice and sometimes the practical difference can be very large.

First of people who merely change some government identity are not trans in any way so they cannot be transmaxxing. For this reason i suggest using the term selfIDmaxxing for people who abuse self-id laws for personal gain.

Something i have heard several MRAs push is abusing self-id laws to get some personal benefits such as changing your legal sex to female in order to get cheaper car insurance. This is simply a case of a fraudulent and failed political movement trying to piggyback of a much more successful movement.

The scottish gender-recognition reform bill was still heavely attacked by TERFs even though it wasn't actually selfID.
Trans people aged 16 and older applying for a GRC will be required to make a legally binding declaration that they are already living in their acquired gender and intend to do so permanently.
This means that you do need to actually transition socially to legally change your sex. You need to do so for at least 3 months before you are supposed to legally change your sex
Applicants must make a statutory declaration that they have lived in the acquired gender for at least three months before applying (six months for 16 and 17 year olds).

The requirement of having lived as a women for months wasn't really needed in the first place and it will also make the initial social transition more difficult since you cannot change your legal sex right away. It's not ideal but still a great improvement over the system that was in place before.

Unfortunately the transphobic UK government isn't too happy about this so it will be up to courts to decide this, luckily the UK courts are much more supportive of trans people than the parliament.

When punishing people who commit crimes there sin't any need for formal discrimination based on legal sex to discriminate against males, you can simply give males longer sentences by using sentencing flexibility, prosecute males more or simply acquit male suspect less often for charges.

Equal rights typically does not translate to fully equal rights in practice and sometimes the practical difference can be very large.