Transmaxxing vs same effort to improve yourself as a male


One of the more convincing arguments against transmaxxing is "with that effort you can do better improving yourself as a male" but is that actually true?

How difficult a transition varies a lot between different people and their environments. Some areas are highly transphobic while others are rather accepting. Furthermore how easy it is to pass as a female depend on several factors with age and genetics being particularly important.

Early in life males can often pass just fine without even starting HRT. That however will not last, males become more masculine over time and this include changes to bones that are difficult to impossible to reverse.

For a while even after you cannot just pass with crossdressing and makeup it will still be possible to pass with HRT since that will feminize the face and body as a whole. HRT will also effectively stop further masculinization if the estrogen dosage is high enough.

But unfortunately for many people HRT will not be enough and then facial surgery comes into play. It's only at this point where the argument "transition is to hard to be worth it" holds much merit unless you are stuck in a place that is highly transphobic.

And of course there are plenty of people to fail to pass even after FFS but these people typically these people transition because they had very significant dysphoria/AGP driving them to pursue a transition where they had little to no chance of passing. Of course then you will have a rought time but i do understand why some people pursue that path, that however does not mean that transition will difficult like that for everyone.

Also i have noticed that if you look up typical FFS results there will not actually be any significant difference anyway, often the changes from FFS are less than the changes given just from hormone replacement therapy (to the point where HRT might do more good even during the recovery period after surgery).

One appeal i see with transmaxxing is that it's relatively straight forward unlike self improvement as a male that where a lot of people offering various 'solutions' are basically trying to scam you. The things that actually work for some males are typically unreliable, there is no escaping that rat-race without actually changing your sex.
just go to the gym
It's very common for gym to make it very hard to cancel the subscription for the membership often resulting in people getting milked for years while they don't even go to the gym in the first place.

If you actually want to improve your body what you should do instead is to find a diet that works well for you, something that tastes nice while also giving your body the nutrients it needs. If you want to build muscles it's better to simply train at home, you can buy weights yourself without paying too much money, no need to go to some gym.

That however is not an alternative to medical transition, it's something you should do regardless of whether or not you are pursuing a medical transition.
You can have plastic surgery to improve your looks as a male
Most people will not actually benefit from plastic surgery and many will end up looking worse afterwards.

I think one important part of being a male is figuring out for yourself what path you should take, you will not have much success trying to find some manual for it.

If there is something simple that works more and more males will start doing it to the point where it stops being simple like that, it might instead become something that's basically mandatory. Males improving themselves will allow females to raise their standards, it's unlikely to decrease the total number of incels. It's not really in your interest as a male to point male strangers towards eolutions that actually works.


Well-known member
I think sissies should try no fap before doing some drastic surgery.
a build up of jizz may turn them not gay. there are software for blocking porn from one self
that can help.

oddly enough the LGBT+ doesn't seem to address ABDLs.
another thing is hormone blockers stop the penis from growing. it's not a pause button it's a skip.