Trump's tariffs on foreign goods could potentially lead to hyperinflation due to material shortages and price inflations. Here's how:


Well-known member
Trump's tariffs on foreign goods will cause hyperinflation, because of material shortages, and price inflations.

America's main productions are limited to sweat(nig*ery sports and dances), slop contents (movies video games and silly tiktok videos), adult contents, toxic chemicals and plastics.

up until now, Americas economy relied on money printing, which was supported by
foreign countries forced to use dollar for business, thus paying for the inflation.


Something i wonder is why the democrats didn't push loads of ads telling people how everything would become more expensive with the Trump tariffs (if he is actually going to implement them).

It actually wrecks your own businesses too to a large extent since a lot of them have to import stuff from other countries and that will become more expensive. This is mainly an issue with non-finished goods such as tariffs on raw-materials (which is very stupid).

Regarding money printing: aren't most countries worse than the US in that regard?