Version 23 of the vintologi bible has been published


Decision making and consequences

Genetic preferences
Homo sapiens superior
Sexual selection
Returning to polygamy
serial monogamy
Why you should try to reproduce
How big families benefit children
How we should view children
Early sex and pair bonding
Rape and forced marriages
Restoring male authority
Government spending
Government funding
Pure elite rule
the vintologi legislature law
About government power
consequences of successfully limiting government power
The vintologi power law
cruel and unusual punishments
Punishing problematic people
Gladiator games
Soul purification
The value of human life
Abortions and infanticide
Polycentric law
The futility of limited government
The fear of death is a threat to liberty
About checks and balances to power
Mental fitness
Mass-voting doesn’t work
When democracy fail
Objective elite rule
Vintologi Churches
Building Vintologi Communities
Living as a minority
Gaining political power
You cannot just ignore bad genetics
You cannot just run from societal problems
Hate & love
War morality
Human races
Genetic engineering
Survival of the fittest
Medical quackery
About psychiatry
Medical Autonomy
About individual rights
Circumvention individual rights
Due process
About conscription
The right to vote
The right to keep and bear arms
Inclusion criteria for individual rights
free speech
About paranoia
Critical thinking
About being open minded
About the burden of proof
About the free market of ideas
Legitimate vs false authority
Ignorance and the lemming mentality
Science vs religion
Vintologi compared to nazism
About christianity
Improving your mental abilities
About self confidence
Sex work
Extracting resources from males
Some people need a male to take care of them
Pain and hardships
Living as male
Being an alpha male
Reproducing as a male
Living as a female
Reproducing as a woman
Reproduction via deception
Dealing with gender roles
About transsexualism
How medical transition affects mating options
How to transition
The experience of becoming female
Life outcomes of people that transition
Avoiding social difficulties while transitioning
Medical transition and reproduction
How society benefits from people transitioning
Forced feminization
Genetic clowns
Eugenics and diversity
The eugenics hierarchy
Free market eugenics
There is no master race
About national socialism
The holocaust
The Jews
Preserving and building wealth
Nice guys finish last
About political activism

Decentralized political activism
About political terrorism
How to actually make the world a better place
About immaterial property
About high technology
Nature & environment
Climate change
Madman theory
Military might and defense
Imperialism and globalism
Space colonization
Interplanetary reincarnation
Our universe
Mechanism for reincarnation
Classical theories of consciousness
Quantum theories of consciousness
Free will
the flow of time
Special relativity and reincarnation
The body switch effect
Reincarnating as a human
The infinite chain proof of reincarnation
About past life memories
A unified theory of physics is needed
Can any god exist?
About your personality
How to manipulate and control people
Dealing with bad parents
Parental rescue fantasy
A lot of mental issues are caused by environment
Ignorance is a bliss
About Nihilism
There is no absolute morality
the origin of morality
Societal survival of the fittest
About animal rights
About empathy and compassion
About degeneracy
About the left
About paternalism
Too which degree should parents have power over their children?
Why age of consent above 13 is dysgenic
Mental abilities and sexual consent
The teen sex experience
Teen pregnancies
Child/teen marriages
Fucking teens/children
The emotional reaction
You suffer if other people have dysfunctional brains
People view dysfunctional governments as the norm
About countries you dont live in
Our civilization will fall
Embracing vintologi
Simple rules to follow in your personal life
Healthy living
Non-reproductive sexual activities
About contraceptives
Refuting Arguments for AoC > 13

"How to transition" replaced part of the old "how medical transition affect your mating options".


The removal of the might is right section
The fact that it you lost does not mean you did the wrong thing in fighting for your case, it depend on how big of a chance you had of winning. And even if you are currently overpowered it doesn't mean you should just give up.

Evolution will over time enforce certain behaviour and this makes them correct in the sense that this is the way you eventually ought to act.

This can lead to a situation where 2 races ought to fight against each other until one of them have genocided the other, another possibliy is that integration and inbreeding is what makes sense from an evolutionary perspective (creating hybrid vigors).


Weaknesses in version 23
The most serious weakness is lack of proper Weaknesses in version 2 research regarding female sexual selection.

The topic of instrumental goals including "convergence of instrumental goals" (and it's implication) wasn't properly covered or even considered when writing a bible.

The topic of Artificial Intelligence wasn't properly covered either.

The master-slave dymanic isn't properly covered, there is something appealing with a system where you can become both powerless (being the property of someone else) or gain complete power over someone but i have not really gone into why and if we can get that without resorting to totalitarianism.


One topic i do touch in version 23 is having a hard patriarchy where all females (or close to all) are reduced to property, i have so far not yet been able to demonstrate if this is something unavoidable.

This is partly becuase the topic of "societal survival of the fittest" is really complex and thus it's difficult to predict which societies that will prevail and which will fall. Nazi germany seemed strong at first but it ended in ruin becuase of their incompetent leader.


The "Refuting Arguments for AoC > 13" section was originally written by holocaust21 and even after significant editing by us it is still lacking in quality. Obviously we cannot allow too young children to consent to sex similar to how we cannot allow young children to alone sign contracts. When you are child you do depend on adults making decisions for you and there isn't any way around that short of radical genetic engineering.


Free will and criminal 'justice'
People have the wrong idea about punishments, it's about social control, it's not about fairness.

If your child get killed via murder no punishment is going to bring your child back so you will never see real justice. Punishment can serve multiple purposes
  1. deter people from doing actions you dislike.
  2. rehabilitate people
  3. prevent criminals from continue doing things you view as bad.
  4. personal gain (such as having someone reduced to being your slave with no rights).
  5. mob satisfaction (such as people cheering as someone is publicly caned).
  6. societal good (such as forced medical experiments for science).
None of these require that you could have made another decision (such as not killing).
Let's say we have a pedophile that will rape children compulsively (he cannot control himself) does that mean we shouldn't sentence him? of course not.

Ideally a dangerous individual should be locked up before he is able to harm others. Requiring formal conviction of a crime does add some legal certainty but even then they can probably find some crime to pin on the individual.

People with mental illness are arrested and sent to prison in disproportionate numbers. The police often arrest these individuals for petty crimes such as jaywalking or wandering behavior as a preventive law and order measure.

Here is a case of law enforcement going out of their way to lock people up because they are viewed as mentally ill, people viewed as mentally ill can also be subjected to forced injections "Community Treatment Order" even if they were not convicted of any crime.

Personally i think people overestimate the ability to medically treat criminality, you can mostly impair the individual (castration, forced SRS, lobotomy, etc) to make him less dangerous. There are some promising result regarding chemical castration to treat pedophilia but that will cause severe health issues unless the missing testosterone is replaced with estrogen.

Does free will even matter?
Individual: probability of crime X.

A: 0.1%
B: 1%
C: 10%
D: 100%

In this case D couldn't have done anything other than the crime and this actually indicate he is a dangerous individual that needs to be locked up. A would be far less likely to re-offend.

ErwinFurwinPurrwin wrote:

Therapeutic incarceration has got much lower recidivism rates than the traditional punitive kind in Scandinavia. I forget specifically which country or countries at the moment, but regardless of the free will VS determinism debate, it's hard to argue with the results of treating people as if they were simply products of their nature and nurture rather than just judging them to be inherently "bad" people who just somehow arbitrarily, spontaneously (?) decided to be a burden on society. Long story short, put the debate on the back burner and focus on what gets the best results.

timbgray wrote:

Yes, moral responsibility is redundant. You are responsible for your actions regardless of whether you could have done otherwise in the sense that you open yourself to rehabilitation or even isolation if your actions harm or are likely to harm others. Now what constitutes appropriate consequences is another question entirely.