Version 27 of the vintologi bible has been published


Decision making and consequences
Genetic preferences
the origin of morality
Cultural survival of the fittest
Societal survival of the fittest
Immigration and inclusivity
Laws and culture
Eugenics and diversity
Sexual selection
Forced breeding
Rape and forced marriages
Restoring male authority
Returning to polygamy
serial monogamy
Why you should try to reproduce
How big families benefit children
How we should view children
Early sex and pair bonding
Teen pregnancies
Government spending
Government funding
Pure elite rule
Televised elimination games
stealth elite rule
the vintologi legislature law
About government power
consequences of successfully limiting government power
The vintologi power law
cruel and unusual punishments
Punishing problematic people
Gladiator games
Soul purification
The value of human life
Abortions and infanticide
Polycentric law
The futility of limited government
The fear of death is a threat to liberty
About checks and balances to power
Mental fitness
Mass-voting doesn’t work
When democracy fail
Objective elite rule
Vintologi Churches
Building Vintologi Communities
Living as a minority
Gaining political power
You cannot just ignore bad genetics
You cannot just run from societal problems
Hate & love
War morality
Human races?
Genetic engineering
Survival of the fittest
Medical quackery
About psychiatry
Medical Autonomy
About individual rights
Circumvention individual rights
Due process
About conscription
The right to vote
The right to keep and bear arms
Inclusion criteria for individual rights
free speech
About paranoia
Critical thinking
About being open-minded
About the burden of proof
About the free market of ideas
Legitimate vs false authority
Ignorance and the lemming mentality
Science vs religion
Vintologi compared to nazism
About christianity
Improving your mental abilities
About self confidence
Sex work
Extracting resources from males
Some people need a male to take care of them
pregnancy and childbirth
Pain and hardships
Living as male
Being an alpha male
Reproducing as a male
Living as a female
Reproducing as a woman
Reproduction via deception
Dealing with gender roles
About transsexualism
How medical transition affects mating options
How to transition
Life outcomes of people that transition
Avoiding social difficulties while transitioning
Who actually benefit from transitioning?
long term outcomes
Why do some people regret transitioning?
Medical transition and reproduction
How society benefits from people transitioning
Forced feminization
Genetic clowns
The eugenics hierarchy
Free market eugenics
There is no master race
About national socialism
The holocaust
The Jews
Preserving and building wealth
Nice guys finish last
About political activism
Decentralized political activism
About political terrorism
How to actually make the world a better place
About immaterial property
About high technology
Nature & environment
Climate change
Madman theory
Military might and defense
Imperialism and globalism
Space colonization
Interplanetary reincarnation
Our universe
Mechanism for reincarnation
Classical theories of consciousness
Quantum theories of consciousness
Free will
Free will and ciminal justice
Rational character vs rational decision
the flow of time
Special relativity and reincarnation
Reincarnating without death
Is your consciousness universal?
Reincarnating as a human
About past life memories
The infinite chain proof of reincarnation
A unified theory of physics is needed
Can any god exist?
About your personality
How to manipulate and control people

Dealing with bad parents
Parental rescue fantasy
A lot of mental issues are caused by environment
Ignorance is a bliss
About Nihilism
There is no absolute morality
About animal rights
About empathy and compassion
About degeneracy
About the left
About paternalism
Too which degree should parents have power over their children?
Why age of consent above 13 is dysgenic
Mental abilities and sexual consent
Child/teen marriages
Fucking teens/children
The emotional reaction
You suffer if other people have dysfunctional brains
People view dysfunctional governments as the norm
About countries you dont live in
Our civilization will fall
Embracing vintologi
Simple rules to follow in your personal life
Healthy living
Non-reproductive sexual activities
About contraceptives
Disease prevention
About capitalism
Central planning & Control
Artificial intelligence
Homo sapiens superior
Refuting Arguments for AoC > 13


Televised elimination games
Regular televised elimination games will be held for selecting a new member of the senate or some important position set up within the senate.

The contenders will be subjected to various hard tests to demonstrate they are capable enough for the position in question.
Elimination here refers to the elimination from the contest, it does not refer to them dying. Having contestants die would not be a good thing since these people are very valuable for society.

Of course people doing dangerous things could be rewarded with a leadership seat for their bravery but then it should actually be something that actually helped the country such as successful military operation.

The purpose of this is to sure up support for the leadership of the country, this is why the testing for these top positions shall be public.


If your soul is tied to a quantum system said system will eventually take a form that results in you becoming conscious again, in this picture the collapse of the wave function is the manifestation of free will and every quantum system is an independent soul.
Of course there isn't any evidence for the quantum-soul interpretation of quantum mechanics but there isn't any evidence against it either, its just one of several possibilities that has to be considered to make sure vintologi holds up if this is indeed the correct interpretation of quantum mechanics and the correct theory of consciousness.


The vintologi axioms
There is 4 axioms in vintologi of which 1 are a definition and the other 3 are statements about our universe/existence that are difficult to prove.

The fundamental laws of nature are universal.
As far as we know physics is the same everywhere. Universal refers to our current universe.
consciousness has no first beginning or final end.
While initially this was a mere assumption later it was motivated by the infinite chain proof and the fact that all mechanisms for consciousness examined naturally lead to a continuation of consciousness after your death.

There is only one universe.
It is assumed our current universe is the only universe currently in existence

The reason for that assumption is that i have not yet been able to make sense of the multiverse scenario. First we need a better understanding of physics so we get a better idea about what the multiverse is like if it turns out to be real.
free will ≡ quantum indeterminism (def).
Of course this is not what everyone mean with free will.

There are some people who want to define free will as something like intelligence or independent decision making but there is already artificial intelligence that display that including black-box decision making.


We can also conclude that our universe must be finite in size, recent observations point to our universe being closed but it's still vastly bigger than the observable universe 168 169
This hold true if the amount of matter is finite since then you would be infinite times more likely to be a boltzmann brain that emerged in the wast infinite empty space.

I did maybe assume that the beckenstein-bound would rule out the case of an infinite universe with infinite matter. It's also possible that i simply forgot to mention it was in the case of finite matter.
In an infinite universe the holographic bound fails when applied to a sufficiently large region.

An infinite universe with infinite matter that didn't violate the Bekenstein bound bould can be rules out since then the average matter density would go to zero as the radius of the volume R to to infinity meaning you would be infinite times more likely to be a Boltzmann brain.

An infinite universe would actually work just fine with vintologi, if your consciousness is bound to your future light-cone then the rest of the universe that will never become a part of your future light-cone wouldn't actually have any effect on you as long as the expansion of our universe keep accelerating (unclear what would happen in the case of a big rip).

There is however observational support for a closes universe



Clarification regarding quantum mechanics
There is a lot of misinformation regarding quantum mechanics. One common false claim is that a measurement will cause the wavefunction to collapse, this is true when the measurement is on a large scale (anything allowing humans to observe it) but it does not hold true for measurements at sufficiently small scale



Boltzmann brains
While a Boltzmann brain like a human brain is very unlikely there is still a nonzero probability of them emerging and there is actually more than one theoretical mechanism for that.

Via quantum fluctuation
By one calculation, a Boltzmann brain would appear as a quantum fluctuation in the vacuum after a time interval of 10^{10^{50}} years. This fluctuation can occur even in a true Minkowski vacuum (a flat spacetime vacuum lacking vacuum energy). Quantum mechanics heavily favors smaller fluctuations that "borrow" the least amount of energy from the vacuum. Typically, a quantum Boltzmann brain would suddenly appear from the vacuum (alongside an equivalent amount of virtual antimatter), remain only long enough to have a single coherent thought or observation, and then disappear into the vacuum as suddenly as it appeared. Such a brain is completely self-contained, and can never radiate energy out to infinity. W10

Via nucleation
Current evidence suggests that the vacuum permeating the observable Universe is not a Minkowski space, but rather a de Sitter space with a positive cosmological constant. W11 In a de Sitter vacuum (but not in a Minkowski vacuum), a Boltzmann brain can form via nucleation of non-virtual particles gradually assembled by chance from the Hawking radiation emitted from the de Sitter space's bounded cosmological horizon. One estimate for the average time required until nucleation is around 10^{10^{69}}} years. W10 A typical nucleated Boltzmann brain will, after it finishes its activity, cool off to absolute zero and eventually completely decay, as any isolated object would in the vacuum of space. Unlike the quantum fluctuation case, the Boltzmann brain will radiate energy out to infinity. In nucleation, the most common fluctuations are as close to thermal equilibrium overall as possible given whatever arbitrary criteria are provided for labeling a fluctuation a "Boltzmann brain". W4

Theoretically a Boltzmann brain can also form, albeit again with a tiny probability, at any time during the matter-dominated early universe. W12