it won't happen while women are allowed to vote.
Actually it might still be possible to reduce a minority of females to the property of males even if all women are allowed to vote.
We have not really seen any case of that happening as far as i know though, so far this is merely theoretical but we could maybe convince a majority of females to have privileged females be used for breeding slaves.
Also: most males are against these things as well currently.
also most age cucks are probably just fathers not willing to share, who have sex with their daughters.
They do not have sex with their dauthers, they masturbate alone at night because their wife has a headache or whatever.
another concern is that the wrong men would get access to breeding such as Hindus and nig**rs.
If females are reduced to the property of government than the government would distribute them.
But that will be difficult to administer when their are millions of females to control.
Most fathers would not be suited for deciding that.
legalizing heterosexual rape
One problem with rape is that a lot of males who are willing to do that are ill-suited to reproduce.
You run into problems if you put too many females in breeding farms. It's also not needed much once we have conquered the entire planet.
How would that even work?
there should also be racial separation.
so distribution is the primary concern. if it is based on money, than only the few elites get to fuck
if it is mandated you get couplings that are out of touch with merits.
so it should be a healthy mix of the above solutions, meaning
the first picks of a batch of females will be determined by financial contributions as
well as some degree of social score(being a convicted criminal(thief/murderer) should lower one's score)
With elite rule the elite males would get to pick first freely. You can have an official class system like the following
n: senator of rank
n: first successor to senator
mN+n: successor
m+1 to senator
C0: approved by the senate the highest levels of service but not yet selected to be A or B citizen.
C1: approved to be judge or high official.
C2: citizens allowed to carry heavy weapons
C3: citizen allowed to carry light weapons.
C4: full citizenship.
C5: permanent residence.
C6: temporary residence (can be extended by paying fee).
D0: very high-value child/teen under guardianship/custody of C0/higher. Will instead be given C2 citizenship at 16
D1: high-value child/teen under guardianship/custody of C1/higher. Will instead be given C3 citizenship at 16.
D2: high-value individual reduced to property of C0 or higher for an indefinite period of time.
D3: valuable individual reduced to property of C1 or higher for an indefinite period of time.
D4: individual (such as a child) where C4 or higher have custody. Will instead be given C4 citizenship at 16.
D5: slave/child you are not allowed to injure (minor punishments allowed).
D6: slave not allowed to be killed or seriously injure (loss of limb, brain-damage, sterilized, etc).
D7: slave you are not allowed to kill or give serious brain-damage.
D8: slave with no rights.
m: less/no rights, class
q: military target of value {F0 value}*10^(
N = the number of senators
0 ⩽ n < N[/QUOTE]