How to unlock the bootloader and root your LG V20 (nightmare)
LG does aide you in unlocking the bootloader for a few (2 i think) models of the V20 until the end of this year but since i got the korean F800L that didn't help me.
I ended up having to
downgrade the firmware and then rooting it via the
dirty santa method
I did follow their instructions which resulted in my phone getting a horrible "static" where you can hardly see anything (display hardly working at all, mostly grey/black/white noise) after doing step5. I was able to get rid of that static by covering the cameras with my hand but the second issue was that i was no longer able to boot into TWRP.
Instead i decided to stop after i had flashed TWRP and then install lineage OS recovery instead (which replaced TWRP making it pointless to have installed TWRP in the first place). Since there was no rom for my F800L i ended up flashing the vs995 recovery and the vs995 rom instead, later i was able to install lighthouse instead of lineage OS but it wasn't much better.
Dirtysanta guide (windows) which replaced and
TWRP (optional) in the original guide and also contains
ADB and
Terminal Emulator
Stock LS997 rom. for
Sprint users only. (Fix's numerous problems)
Install LG drivers for phones (such as 4.2.0)
Terminal Emulator installed onto the phone.
Enable "adb" and "oem unlock" in
developer options.
Having downgraded your phone firmware if you do not already have a phone with "security patch" no newer than 2016.
1) unzip and go inside that folder.
2) If you currently don't have
Terminal Emulator then go and download and install now.
3) Plug your device into the computer and verify ADB is working. Then;
Windows, double-click "RUNMEFIRST.bat, DO NOT CLOSE THE LOG WINDOW THAT OPENS, then double-click "Step1.bat"
In the "step1" window (cmd) wait for the script to finish so you get "elsa:" and then write (or copy):
run-as con
chmod 0777 /storage/emulated/0/*
4) Open Up Terminal Emulator (your phone)
If "Untrusted_app" is displayed, Continue:
Type into Terminal Emulator:
applypatch /system/bin/atd /storage/emulated/0/dirtysanta
wait for this to finish and then double-click on step2.bat
Once step 2 is completed, you'll be in bootloader, this will allow you to use the fastboot command to flash a new "recovery". From here you can follow the guide for lineage OS instead (you do not actually have to install liniage os in particular, you can download some other rom and install that instead (after installing the lineage os recovery).
F800L or VS995
Instead of following their guide for installing ADB you can just use adb and fastboot from the V20root folder. You can open "cmd" (windows) and then use the cd command to go to the V20root directory (paste the link to the directory after "cd").
Or you can double-click on step3 to install TWRP.
You should use "magisk" (not superSU). Use your new recovery mode that you have flashed. For me this only worked via the lineage OS recovery (not TWRP) after first installing lighthouse (lineage OS derivative).
You just download the
magisk apk file and rename it to .zip and then you reboot into recovery and install it ("install update" in lineage OS recovery).
You will now find out that having root access really isn't that beneficial in practise, you hardly need it for anything useful.
If you are going to use
superSU instead you need
SuperSU v2.78 SR5 or greater.