Who is interested in starting the Chinese tgirl revolution?

Help convert millions of Chinese males to ultra-feminine and submissive transwomen. Basically to replace most bio women. There's a lot of untapped transformative potential among incels, they just need a greater goal beyond the little petty social incentives.

There's 2 main missions:

- support Chinese (and Korean) males who are interested or not yet fully committed, to transition

- find a way to inundate China with estrogenic compound and androgen blockers to fulfill the above mission


Ideally we should find some ways to make actual working vaginas so they can give birth after transitioning. The eggs stored in their artificial ovaries will be enhanced with genetic engineering.

The issue with current tgirls is that they are mostly good for sex, not very useful islf you want children.

Instead of neovaginas created from penis tissue we will grow female reprodictive organs in the lab, penis tissue may still be used for something similar to zero deph vaginoplasty.
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