How it is with cult friends


Well-known member
When you join a cult, everyone you meet there is like, "OMFG, you are so awesome. You wouldn't believe what a hard time we've had finding anyone who would share our stupid beliefs and be willing to obey our retarded rules. Thank god you're here."

So you immediately get some new friends. But, when you leave, e.g. because you finally get smart and realize the beliefs are bullshit, the cult leader will tell the group, "Don't talk to that guy anymore. He's a worthless piece of shit. I get so tired of being disappointed by people who come here and seem promising and then it ends like this." They'll be forbidden to have any contact with you, other than conversations that are strictly oriented toward trying to get you to return to the fold and be a believer again; and after awhile, he may even cut them off with having those conversations with you, if he decides you're a lost cause and could infect them with bad ways of thinking. Definitely they're not gonna be allowed to extend you any courtesies, like having dinner with you or something.

So, you lose everything you invested in the cult. Doesn't matter how much money you gave them or how religiously you made it a practice to show up whenever they wanted you to and participate, it counts for nothing. It's kinda like splitting up with your wife or something; you're now hated as much as you were loved before, and at best they're just cold and indifferent and wanna get rid of you "amicably" because you don't fit into their plans anymore; they've made the decision that they don't want you in any capacity since you don't meet certain conditions.

Plus, while you were there, you probably forwent the opportunity to have friendships with people outside the cult, because they encouraged you not to associate too closely with unbelievers; not to mention, unbelievers probably were offended at your beliefs or at best thought those beliefs were stupid and that you were an idiot for letting yourself get played like that. They're still gonna kinda hold that opinion even after you leave, and hold it against you that you were distant from them that whole time that you were immersed in the cult.

It's pretty shitty, but society is being organized more and more along cult lines, where there's this massive death cult that is the mainstream cult, where they ask you to accept celibacy, or some unsatisfactory situation at best; and then you have the little cults that are basically the same way. E.g. if you go into the Alt-Right, they'll be like, "Okay, you need to practice NoFap and refrain from degeneracy, even though we have no plan by which you might be able to get any reward for all this, like actually getting some pussy at any point in the foreseeable future, or having a family. In fact, we'll encourage you to decline opportunities to bang chicks that we think sound degenerate."

Your reward for being associated with them is that you get to have your skull cracked by Antifa while the police stand there and do nothing, or you get blacklisted from employment, or at best you just have some anonymous online friends who won't really be able to help you much with IRL stuff because that would require letting you know their identity.


Staff member
Its not beneficial for you to join an alt right or neonazi cult, the social cost is too high and there are hardly any benefits with it.

Joining scientologi may prevent you from becoming a victim of psychiatry, unfortunatily its really expensive to advance there but maybe you could still benefit from it by playing your cards right.

In general you should should probably stay away from political cults, they are too likely to get targeted by governments or other actors.