low iq diet

quality of food matters most. not eating carbs is stupid. low quality food should be banned and the human population shouldnt be so high if it has to resort to mass producing garbage food instead of smaller quantities of higher quality food


From my experience i can handle the carbs in potatoes just fine but i have to limit how much fruit i eat.

So maybe you just have to limit your fructose intake.

From my experience i can handle the carbs in potatoes just fine but i have to limit how much fruit i eat.

So maybe you just have to limit your fructose intake.

fruit is very natural for humans they eat. fruit needs to be eaten in order to survive by dropping its seeds in the ground. where as vegetabes is the plants that want to stay alive so they emit antinutrients when animals try to eat it. potato is also very good and have many nutrient. vegetable is questionable. pesticide sprayed produce and grain fed animal products let alone injecting them with hormones and anti biotics, should all be avoided


fruit is very natural for humans they eat. fruit needs to be eaten in order to survive by dropping its seeds in the ground. where as vegetabes is the plants that want to stay alive so they emit antinutrients when animals try to eat it. potato is also very good and have many nutrient. vegetable is questionable. pesticide sprayed produce and grain fed animal products let alone injecting them with hormones and anti biotics, should all be avoided
One issue is that we have bred fruits to be more sweet. In addition the human body seem to be more adapter for eating meat

Someome stated in a youtube video that humans only can process a limited amount of fructose without issues and this is true from my experience.
One issue is that we have bred fruits to be more sweet. In addition the human body seem to be more adapter for eating meat

Someome stated in a youtube video that humans only can process a limited amount of fructose without issues and this is true from my experience.
GMO's r a big disaster but fructose is not bad at all. the human body prioritizes sugar for energy